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Feeling the vitality that quickly flows within the body, the wickedness in Chang Li ’s pair of snake pupils has long been replaced by fear. He could n’t think of it. This time … he really met a cruel man!

Who would have thought that a Heaven Immortal would be able to defeat one enemy 3 and kill them completely!

And the young man’s mouth slightly hooked, and a soft murmur slumped in his ear made Chang Li feel cold and trembling.

“Actually, you can forgive me treasure, but why are you so disrespectful to the remains of those heroes?”

The coldness between the words made Chang Li snake pupil swollen and swollen, and she couldn’t believe the words of the other party!

“You, you are…”

This kid, is it the race of those who are under the guise of the evil! ?

However, Qin Yichen coldly smiled, just the curvature of the corner of his mouth, made Chang Li like a grotto, full of trembling.

“I’ll tell you the last secret. Actually, your kinsmen were killed by me, understand?”

Often trembling in shape, the dark azure in his mouth continued with venomous blood flow, and he suddenly remembered that one of his clansman had died … the inheritance of the sudden Self-destruction!

And the young man in front said it, that is, it was not a coincidence, but the former deliberately did it!

Chang Li pump light was terrified. It is not difficult for him to imagine what kind of identity can he mobilize those who belong to the True-Dragon Race for 10000 years …

Chang Li wants roar and regrets, but it ’s a pity that with the glow of the White Tiger blade cold glow running through his heart, it turns into a stream of light and falls into the palm of Qin Yichen. , Buried here forever …

This battle was regarded as Qin Yichen’s test of his own. After all, although the first battle with Demon God Roga, the victory and defeat of that battle did not rely on realm and ordinary means.

Of course, if these words are passed on to all races, I am afraid that many geniuses will startled to fall the chin. If you have a Heaven Immortal small test knife, you will kill a few Golden Immortal. These are our 4 Is there any misunderstanding of the word! ?

However, Qin Yichen and Honglian are very calm, the latter even said that if they could not cross the border to kill the Golden Immortal of the 3 races, then you can completely disperse the dragon’s blood by yourself …

And this, for Qin Yichen, is just the beginning, or maybe the tip of the iceberg that’s all of True Dragon’s anger.

Apart from this, what Qin Yichen cares about the most … this guy named Chang Li, the net worth is quite rich!

After harvesting the often three people’s spoils of war, Qin Yichen did not stay, and went in the opposite direction. In this Star Domain, he randomly found a wasteland and started cultivation.

After seeing the vastness of the 10000 family, Qin Yichen once again realized the importance of strength, especially for him, Golden Immortal, is more than his goal.

It’s far from the qualification to make True Dragon come back to life.

In addition to Qin Yichen himself, Ziyun was released. The latter had long been looking forward to fighting with his master again. However, the enemies facing him now made him feel great pressure.

These pressures, under the cultivation of Qin Yichen’s unreserved blood essence and fairy crystals, will soon become a driving force, and will also be used to make Ziyun’s rapid progress chip.

During the period of Qin Yichen’s retreat cultivation, this piece of the world was not calm. Even when there was only one unsearched message of the 9-color flower spread, the intensity of the search and the dispatch of all ethnic groups powerhouse, even more crazy!

Apart from this is an episode, that is, after a few days, the dark azure snake family in this Star Domain branch, still can’t wait for a few people to return!

After using a lot of communication methods, and even searching along the direction of the ruins of several people in Changli, the dark azure snake family realized that the five Golden Immortal of their own family, all … dead!

Such news, for the branch here, can’t be considered trivial, and even enough to pass through the Hui!

The Controller branched here, which is the dark azure snake and patriarch’s old common world, can be described as annoying!

Especially after inquiring about the races that have a good relationship with their dark azure snake family, Changjie knows it. Changli 5 people, except for one who died from the accident, and everyone else was killed!

This is simply a provocation to his dark azure snake family!

Although, among the 10000 clan, he dared to challenge his dark azure snake clan, but what really annoys the common people is that everyone is dead, but there is no trace of the murderer!

At first, Changjie thought that it was what a good friend of his own family knew, but he felt that he could n’t afford to offend, but he did n’t want to say it clearly, but after 3 more questions, Changjie realized that … it ’s not the other party ’s I would like to say, is it true that I don’t know!

“Five Golden Immortal, were killed like this, without even saying a bit, which party did the enemy !?”

After the anger of Changjie, I still feel very depressed. I wonder if a few idiots are idiots, even if they are conspired by sneak attack, but at least they have time to call before they die?

After all, the enemies and hostile races of the dark azure snake family are basically three-class races, otherwise, they are not called enemies, but unilaterally.

“This time, my family got a 9-color flower. As long as we follow the footsteps of adults this time, we will definitely gain something. As long as there is an opportunity, wait for this Elder to find the killer who kills often. Must make him die! “

In the great hall of the branch of the dark azure snake, the voices of the common world are gloomy, and the pair of green snake pupils are even more cruel.

Over time, the rush to find 9-color flowers has no meaning to cool down, but has intensified. After all, every time you find a continent empty-handed, it means that there is a higher probability that 9-color flowers may be hidden in the rest.

Especially as this Star Domain was swept by the perception of powerhouses of various ethnic groups, almost turning Heaven and Earth over, however, until recently, the powerhouses of various ethnic groups still found nothing.

This caused all races, even Demon Race, to fall into silence for a while. It can be said that the 9-color flower has been tossing for so long, and this Star Domain has been searched for.

I really want to turn every inch of the entire Star Domain and search it thoroughly. This is not realistic. Even if the chance of God Realm powerhouse is enough, it will take a long time.

As a result, the eyes of all ethnic groups all fell in that place that had not been searched!

This Star Domain was once the main battlefield!

That is, the torn 1000 sore and 100 holes, and the frozen world!

There, it has not been searched. Similarly, all races, including Demon Race, are very clear, where, the probability of the last 9-color flower is buried … not small!

Moreover, the most exciting and unspoken feelings of all ethnic groups are that in the battlefield ruins, not only may there be 9-color flowers buried, there are many opportunities that have been buried for many years waiting for them!

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