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“Bear storm guy, appetite is not small …”

You absolutely complained, but You Lan was a joke: “We don’t need to give it anyway.”

Suddenly, You Lan is preparing to charge the bear storm’s shooting fee together with the ransom for extorting Qin Yichen.

Immediately, You Lan slowly walked towards Butterfly Chonghai, looking at the latter who was suffocated and bloody, and the wolf pupil cruelly said: “Don’t contact your companion yet? Are you challenging the patience of your deity?”

“Give you one last chance.”

In the coldly shouted, You Lan raised Dewclaws, but this time, it is not in the sea of ​​butterflies, but the sharp and powerful Dewclaws, aimed at the clansman around!

Coincidentally, clansman is still Butterfly 1000!

This scene made the butterfly heavy sea shivered and suddenly looked up. In the messy long hair, the eyes were red, and behind it, there was a pair of butterfly wings suddenly waving!

And at the same time, the mountain stream.

“Chongfeng … not him.”

“Chongjiang, neither!”

I saw Butterfly Chongshan become more anxious for each person who failed in the communication. Finally, when the butterfly was circulated, the butterfly-shaped jade flickered.


In the dungeon, Butterfly Chonghai just wanted to roar, but the butterfly jade on her waist was a radiant light.

Suddenly, within the dungeon, whether it was Youlan or the Butterfly 1000 and the others, it was all figure trembled.


The light gradually turned into an illusory shadow, and Butterfly Zhonghai looked at the familiar silhouette floating in the butterfly jade pendant. The original red within both eyes burst into ecstasy!

“Brother Chongfeng!”

Although Butterfly Chongshan is already easy to look at, how can they, who are the same as patriarch, not know this familiar breath and the seal of communication?

The reason why Die Zhonghai exclaimed so much is to remind Die Zhongshan to pay attention to hiding her identity!

Beside, Butterfly 1000 practiced the crowd, and it was also ecstatic, if not abducted, I am afraid to cheer on the spot.

Princess and Chongshan Elder are still alive, and these days I heard the Youlang clan mentioned that the clansman who went to find 9-color flowers is still alive!

Such news, in the eyes of Die 1000 people, it is not too much to say that it is a miracle! Even they couldn’t imagine why the Butterfly 1000 was able to survive all the ruins that even the Demon Race powerhouse had fallen.

However, at this moment, the two meet again, and for the time being, they can’t take care of them. Although Butterfly Chongshan is excited, he does not lose his mind. He understands: “It’s me! Old Brother Hai, how are you?”

However, before waiting for Die Zhonghai to answer, Yu Lan grabbed the butterfly jade pendant, who looked at the butterfly 1000 and practiced it. I wonder why these guys are so happy?

I just contacted my companion. I do n’t know, I thought I ran away from myself.

However, You Lan didn’t care. After all, this group of bright butterflies kidnapped by themselves was trembling with fear these days, feel ill at ease.

Seeing the illusory shadow shaking and turning into Youlan, Butterfly Zhongshan couldn’t help but complexion sank, but the former was a joke, disdain nonsense: “Let that kid speak.”

Die Zhongshan knows that the boy in the other’s mouth refers to Qin Yichen.

Later, Qin Yichen took the butterfly jade pendant, and the butterfly 1000 next to him opened his mouth to speak, but saw the former raise his palm slightly, giving him a reassuring look.

Looking at the silhouette of Junyi with a look of indifference, yet making Lan Lan anxious to chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades. The latter was sneaked, only to feel very proud at this moment.

“Boy, I thought you don’t care if these guys live or die.”

Qin Yichen’s expression was indifferent, and his voice was also cold: “How is my friend now?”

You Lan glanced at the butterfly-strapped sea, whose eyes were covered with bruises, and smiled: “Relax, you can’t die for a while …”

As the conversation turned, You Lan’s mouth raised: “However, if they can live, it depends on whether you know it or not.”

Qin Yichen’s tone remained cold: “One of the tokens of the Split Sky Leopard is indeed mine, you want it, it is for you, but don’t hurt my friends.”

Youlan curl one’s lip, eccentric said: “Boy, you are very kind.”

Immediately, You Lan made a clear and straightforward remark: “Okay, the deity will not talk to you nonsense. Within ten days, bring Gods Vestige to the city.”

Anyway, what you thought of Lan Lan, the joke showed again: “I almost forgot, in addition to Gods Vestige, there are 50000 immortals, 30 Immortal Medicine. If there are fewer, I can’t guarantee whether your friends will be less. thing.”

As soon as the words came out, the Butterfly 1000 was in a crowd.

50000 fairy crystals, 30 strains of Immortal Medicine! This is clearly Lion’s Big Mouth!

However, You Lan’s playful smile told Die 1000 very clearly that he was in lion’s big mouth!

The hostage is in his hands, but he doesn’t have to ask for any price?

The bear storm only needs 30000 fairy crystals, and the extra 30000 is temporarily added by Youlan.

However, Qin Yichen did not hesitate at all, and said lightly: “Yes.”

You Lan is in the crowd. Although he expected that this kid would not care about the life and death of Die Zhonghai, but did n’t expect such a sense of morality, he was asking for a price, and the other party did n’t even bargain.

The cunning nature of Lan Lan’s pupils turned slightly, and the playfulness continued: “Boy, I warn you, don’t try any tricks, otherwise the deity will be careful not to shoot a Golden Immortal with one palm.”

Qin Yichen was unmoved, Coldly said: “I hope you keep your promises, otherwise you will die even worse.”

Youlan complexion sank, seems to be angry, coldly shouted: “boy, I haven’t finished it yet, when the transaction, you can only be trapped in the city!”

As soon as this word came out, the ugly Butterfly 1000 was out of nowhere, and suddenly took a breath.

When you enter the city alone, it is not a redemption, but a Great Sect Banquet!

The Ziyun beside him was even more stern. If it were not for the hostage, he was afraid he would not scream.


Qin Yichen waved his hand and interrupted Ziyun’s scolding, but he didn’t want to agree to such conditions.

For nothing else, with You Lan’s cunningness, Qin Yichen doesn’t believe that the other party can keep his promise while going alone into enemy lines.

Thinking of this, Qin Yichen’s tone was even colder: “You don’t have to get too far.”

You Lan hearing this, also with a fierce look: “Boy, pay attention to your attitude to speaking! Don’t you understand yet, who has the last say?”

Such a threat, for an ordinary person, I am afraid that I have already messed up, but Qin Yichen is a star and cold and severe: “You believe or not, I take this token as a reward, and some people are willing to take your first level.”

At this point, You Lan corner of mouth twitching, feel surprised and angry, at this time, the boy even dared to threaten himself in turn! ?

“Boy, I think you think your companion has been very good!”

Coldly shouted, You Lan raised Dewclaws and blasted away. This scene made the heart of Butterfly 1000 tremble and trembled, and she stepped forward to grab the jade pendant from Qin Yichen’s hand and stopped it.

However, leaving Youlan to be embarrassed, in Qin Yichen’s eyes, in addition to cold and severe, calm and composed ……

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