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When I heard that it can bring good luck to clansman, Qin Yichen was immediately fighting spirit, but Honglian poured a basin of cold water: “It can still lie to you, but you want to work for clansman is good, but for the time being That’s enough. “

“How violent is the thunderous power hidden in the night fairy tree, even if it is made into the Holy Land of the refining god, how many people can withstand the current Alchemy Dao level of your clan?”

“Furthermore, don’t you have a good relationship with Immortal Sect in the two domains? Let your clansman go to each party’s Immortal Sect.”

Qin Yichen twitched slightly, and just wanted to refute, but saw Hong Lian explain: “boy, don’t get me wrong, this Senior is not to let you ignore clansman.”

“It’s just that I encountered the Thunder Night Fairy Tree, and Ben Senior remembered that there is an Immortal Technique of refining gods, which will be of great benefit to you.”

Qin Yichen’s eyes flickered, and he knew that Honglian couldn’t justify him without thinking about the family first: “Immortal Technique? Is it great?”

I saw that in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, Honglian had her hands around her chest and smiled mysteriously, her voice full of pride: “Master Hao Chengzi once practiced this Immortal Technique, do you say it is amazing?”

Qin Yichen was suddenly shocked. What kind of spirit cultivation powerhouse is Hao Chengzi Senior? Alchemy Dao Golden Immortal! That is the world as the tripod, the stars as fire, the existence of 10000 demons!

Even he practiced, and it can be seen that Honglian did not lie to herself, but she was quite reliable.

At this moment, I heard Hong Lian whisper again: “Once the Senior was not fused with the lotus seeds, but when I woke up, I found out that the two masters had left many Magical Powers opportunities in the lotus seeds. I wanted to help you with this. “

Speaking of this, Honglian was slightly proud of Snorted: “Fortunately, your kid is lucky, this Immortal Technique is quite related to Ting Shen, and it can even be said that Ting Shen decides a higher method.”

Qin Yichen’s eyes brightened, although he has not used Tingwei for a long time, but Tingwei’s domineering, he has never forgotten that in the same world, no one can stop it!

However, before Qin Yichen spoke, Honglian’s words made her heart cold: “But since it is Immortal Technique, naturally only spiritual cultivation can be cultivation, that is, the Primordial Spirit, you Now … it’s just Heaven Realm. “

Qin Yichen has black lines on his face, secretly thought you can’t play with me?

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, Honglian seemed to feel the youth’s depression, and laughed for a while: “OK, don’t tease you, although this Immortal Technique has to wait for you to reach the immortal realm before it can be taught to you.”

“But now, don’t delay you to lay the foundation and make preparations. This night fairy tree is a great opportunity. If it can really succeed, then Senior promises that when you practice this Immortal Technique, you will be more effective and powerful. And more horizontally. “

Honglian said: “When you Transcending Tribulation Pill Master, the Senior was not awakened, causing the foundation of your Ting Shen decision to be wrong. Fortunately, Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect is enough to make you come back, but that’s all It’s not enough. “

Qin Yichen knew it, and looked at the Tingxiaoxian tree, and his eyes blinked: “That is to say, it is better to get the whole Tingxiaoxian tree?”

“Yes, at least, you need to collect more Tingxiao branches. As for how much you can harvest, it depends on your kid’s ability.”

After the explanation, Honglian finally added: “Oh yes boy, this night fairy tree has spiritual wisdom, which is called top grade fairy treasure. You can see how difficult it is to pick those guys.”

“But you have Ting Shen’s decision, and Ting Shen’s decision has led Ting to refine the God. This time, you have a lot of advantages.”

After all, Honglian stretched her waist, and she had indicated that as for what to do, it was up to Qin Yichen.

“Refining God Immortal Technique, I really look forward to it … but before that, as Honglian Senior said, you need to make preparations first and build the foundation as strong as possible.”

Qin Yichen’s eyes flickered. This night fairy tree, he must fight for it!

However, before competing, first of all, we must be qualified to set foot on this mountain.

Experienced Qin Yichen is very clear that in front of opportunity treasure, it is one thing for others to get it, but the other party is not willing to let you get involved, but it is another matter.

As a result, Qin Yichen looked towards the forces at the foot of the mountain.

“These forces should be companions protecting these climbers.”

You should know that the silhouettes of the mountain climbing peaks are the spirit cultivation spirits. Although speaking of which, it can be barely counted as the Dual Cultivation of Divine Martial Arts.

However, for most of the forces, if clansman can open up the Sea of ​​Consciousness and get the opportunity to cultivate Spirit Power, then all races or forces will inevitably persuade them to give up Martial Dao and focus on cultivating Spirit Power.

After all, Martial Dao powerhouse, without one, can cultivate other people, but there are few opportunities for spirit cultivation.

And people who usually get the chance are also happy to do so. After all, this unique advantage is enough to make them the status of their own race and the forces they are in as the tide rises, the boat floats.

However, in the tombs of the gods, there are many dangers. These spirit cultivaters cannot come here alone, and they must have Martial Dao’s arrogant companions to protect them.

And these forces waiting under the mountain are naturally the companions of the silhouettes.

The fellowship with Honglian was just a few breaths away. After Qin Yichen came back to his senses, he saw Die Zhongshan staring at him: “Young Master.”

Qin Yichen slightly nodded, sound transmission said: “What are these forces?”

Butterfly Zhongshan heart shivered with cold seems to know that this Qin Young Master has to think again, but if you remember correctly, Qin Young Master ’s spirit cultivation strength is also quite out of the ordinary.

Immediately, Butterfly Chongshan sound transmission explained: “Young Master, look, that team is another team of 1000 Royal League.”

Qin Yichen bowed his head, looking to the many powerhouses, the leader, also 8 Heavenly Layer Perfection, His Majesty’s powerhouse, compared to the bear storm, there are many more.

Immediately afterwards, Butterfly Chongshan said, “That power is 10000 Flower Valley.”

“10000 Flower Valley?”

Qin Yichen’s sword eyebrows are slightly stubborn, and Butterfly Chongshan explained: “10000 Flower Valley, as the name suggests, if the former Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance was a strange animal and bird from all parties, and the big demon herds gathered, then 10000 Flower Valley is All parties are well-formed, and the forces formed by one side are very good. “

Butterflies again said: “Young Master would have to be a small 10000 flower valley. If you want to know some grass and wood fairies, you have a natural edge to be close to you, and you won’t lose the fairy and beast.”

“Furthermore, the 10000 Huagu can be regarded as a more united force. In addition, there are numerous plants and trees spreading out. There are countless strange and strange influences, and its influence is enough to rival the 1000 Royal League.”

Qin Yichen slightly nodded, secretly thought, this world of Heaven and Earth is really vast and boundless, even the plants and monsters have influence, and they are quite influential.

Later, Butterfly Chongshan looked to another place, and Yin Mei slightly stunned: “That force should be the swallowing spider family. Strangely, the swallowing spider family can also have spirit cultivation? What should be the chance?”

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