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The deafness and domineering arrogance made Zhu Yong a trembling body, but the entire Xiaoxiao fairy tree was stolen in this way. How can he be willing?

Immediately, I saw the 1000 Royal League demon angrily said: “You hurt the bear first, and today you occupied the entire Tingxiao Fairy Tree. Is it because you want to offend me 1000 Royal League?”

Zhu Yong is also ruthlessly said: “Boy, you have Gods Vestige tokens in your body, and today you have devoured the night fairy tree alone. With such an appetite, you will sooner or later die!”

However, in the face of these shouts, Qin Yichen smiled unwaveringly: “Rest assured, my appetite has always been good, so I will not bother you.”

The size of his appetite is proportional to the Small Accomplishment of his fist. Now that his Qin Yichen has a big fist, his appetite will naturally grow!

What’s more, after this group of guys who wanted to blame themselves secretly and even abolished their Sea of ​​Consciousness, the reasoning of Murdering to Seize the Treasures is simply an insult to themselves!

Seeing that Qin Yichen had no intention of letting go, he looked at the fierce purple cloud again, and Zhu Yong 3 wavered.

You know, although they are both the powerhouse of the team, their strength is not inferior to that of Youlan.

But don’t forget, Youlan wasn’t quite equal in front of this kid, but he was almost killed. Fortunately, he ran fast, but Youju was not so lucky!

Their three forces can compete with Qin Yichen for Tingxiaoxianshu, but they are not really united, and they will not be spared.

After a few moments of stalemate, Qin Yichen simply smiled, but no action. Qin Yichen just smiled, tiptoeed, and jumped down the mountain. , Then enjoy the scenery here. “

While speaking, under the glares of many powerhouses, Qin Yichen was unhurried and walked away in a safe manner.

Zhu Yong looked in his eyes, and wanted to be angry, but saw that the other two forces had no intention of doing anything, and had to be angry and gnashing his teeth.

Especially when Qin Yichen was leaving, did they vomit blood and enjoy the scenery? Where is the scenery here?

The only thrilling thunderous gathering of natural phenomena was also lost by this boy.

Qin Yichen’s group of eighteen people came suddenly, and when they left, they were even more chic. After maintaining a certain distance, Ziyun laughed, regardless of Hurou screaming and horror, throwing it to the 8 Royal League.


Flowing light, soaring into the sky, until he was far away from the valley, he saw Qin Yichen’s body shake, and Junyi’s face appeared disordered.

“Boss, what happened?”

Ziyun was the first to discover that she couldn’t help but said anxiously that she was worried about what the hidden danger was when the boss fell down.

But Qin Yichen waved his hand: “No problem, this night fairy tree is not easy. Just now, in a hurry, I forcibly swallowed the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and I have to absorb refinement in the future.”

Butterfly Chongshan is also worried by the eyes. To tell the truth, it is beyond their knowledge to swallow the entire Tingxiaoxian tree alone, for fear that Qin Yichen may have lost something, after all, the trauma of Sea of ​​Consciousness is not a child’s play.

However, Qin Yichen raised a smile when he saw this: “Don’t worry, there is Honglian to help me suppress, first find a quiet place and wait for me to completely refine the night fairy tree.”

At the same time, between the valleys, Zhu Yong’s face was fierce: “Why not chase? Even the kid is terrible, but the bright butterfly beside him is a burden!”

1000 The imperial league demon glanced at Zhu Yong, taunting with words: “If you catch up, you can’t beat it. As for moving the group of bright butterflies … what do you forget?”

Zhu Yong figure trembled, seeming to have a lot of fear, but fortunately he did not pay for it, unwillingly said: “The kid just arrived, I’m afraid we would not want him, so dare to be so excessive!”

10000 Huagu powerhouse is also said to be coldy: “The boy has many treasures and cannot live out of the tombs of the gods. Once he encounters the powerhouse exploring the inner wall, he will let him know what regrets!”

1000 The imperial league demon is also gritting his teeth: “Okay, this time we count the bamboo basket to draw water, and then I will go and meet with Yuan Yuan, and I will let the kid hand over all the treasures he swallowed!”

At night, in a stone forest.

Qin Yichen sat cross-legged, looking inside the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and saw Red Lotus standing in the rushing Sea of ​​Consciousness. The jade palm waved, condensing a path of gold flow, and watering the night fairy tree.

Seeing the Spirit Power of Qin Yichen coming up, Honglian looked up, and she was pleased in her voice: “Boy, you can, didn’t expect you really got the whole night fairy tree!”

Although Honglian said that Tingxiaoxianshu had a great use, it was just trying to inspire Qin Yichen at that time, and it was good to get dozens of branches.

No one thought that when Qin Yichen pulled Ting Xiaoshu up, even Honglian was shocked.

Qin Yichen laughed: “Don’t you say that this tree is useful?”

Immediately, Qin Yichen looked towards this night fairy tree, this branch is comparable to the Supreme Treasure of Immortal Medicine, it is indeed not simple.

At this moment, the roots of Tingxiao Fairy Tree have been planted in his Sea of ​​Consciousness, and the gold flow transformed by Spirit Power is just like its nutrients.

However, those tree roots did not take root as obediently as he wished, but instead released a path of Tingwei, which made Qin Yichen’s already magnificent Sea of ​​Consciousness gold flow floating with Tingguang.

And these thundering lights are equivalent to being split directly into the Qin Yichen Sea of ​​Consciousness, making it a roar of heavenly spirits and a headache.

“Although you forcibly occupied the Thunder Night Fairy Tree, you still need to thoroughly refine it. When it takes root in your Sea of ​​Consciousness and uses your Spirit Power as a nourishment, you will be successful.”

Qin Yichen bowed his head, this is also no way. Just now, in a hurry, the three people of Hurou will not watch him occupy the fairy tree.

Moreover, this line can successfully complete the entire fairy tree, Ting Shen must have contributed.

Otherwise, Qin Yichen can’t really fix the Supreme Treasure in the front of one’s eyes of 3 players who are higher in God Realm.

According to Honglian, after that, Spirit Power needs to be urged, and Ting Shen decided to run. While suppressing the fairy tree, he must also slowly accept it so that it no longer competes and recognizes the environment.

Qin Yichen did the same, except that the thunderous power hidden in the fairy night fairy tree was indelible, and every time the thundering light suddenly appeared, the cross-legged Qin Yichen figure trembled.

In the meantime, in a Gods Vestige surrounded by the tombs of the gods, the divine might surge, of which the immortal power is extremely surging.

A 100 zhang high with a wolf like a cold steel wolf, flew from the Gods Vestige, 4 feet on the air, the speed is not stiff.

This ghost wolf, drenched with blood, is experiencing a thrilling battle, but it is still difficult to hide the ecstasy of his wolf pupil!

A few days later, that you wolf is in a desolate and ruined rift valley, swallowing a piece of fairy grass, and the pale face flashes with blood color.

This ghost wolf has been transformed into a human form, but he is an old man, but although his face is old, he is even more fierce and vicious, full of breath, and it is already the 9 Heavenly Layer of immortal dao Peak!

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