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At that moment, Qin Yichen’s vigilance and keen perception between countless drills gave him a sense of crisis to stay away from the sharp, not to slam the cheetah!

This feeling, like a fierce beast pounced on the heart and soul, caused Qin Yichen to hesitate for a moment, and the palm of his hand reaching out to the ancient tooth blade also trembled for a moment.

But after this moment of hesitation, it was blood light splashing!

The intense pain caused Qin Yichen to suddenly return to his mind, and the cheetah illusory shadow had been bitten on the palm of his palm that wanted to grasp the simple teeth, and blood light splashed from time to time.

Qin Yichen was shocked. He immediately stepped back and backed up dozens of steps, but saw that the illusory shadow of the cheetah was entangled within 30 feet of the quaint toothblade. The leopard pupil was fierce and indifferent, and he seemed to suppress and kill all those who dare to touch his fingers!

“my hand……”

Qin Yichen looked at the palm of his hand, it was already blurred, a path of bloodstains, like cheetahs biting, but also chopped by swords, ten fingers connected to the heart, the pain of tingling made his resolute body tremble, but for more reasons, It was shock from the bottom of my heart!

You know, Qin Yichen is not a fledgling little white. It was not reckless to reach out to hold a knife before, but in a spurt of energy. When he reached out, he had already gathered the rather immortal strength.

However, at once, the immortal strength wrapped around the palm was crushed, and even the palms of his palms were chopped out of the bloodstains of the road, and the bones were visible in the depths!

“Awesome divide object …”

Qin Yichen sucked in a breath of cold air, but at the moment I saw Honglian floating over, looking at the finger dripping with blood, not distressed and concerned, but full of smiles said: “This time I saw the power of this divine object Is that right? “

“This knife is still without a master, but the remaining divinity is sharp and unmatched. How strong is your kid’s fleshhy body and immortal strength, but it also ends up like this, if other people are in trouble, tsk tsk …”

Red lotus curl one’s lip, Qin Yichen is even more shocked, because Qin Yichen has always been very confident about his strong fleshhy body and immortal strength!

Just as Honglian said, he wants to dye his fingers with this divine object, and the palms of his hands are blurred, and if he is someone else, even if it is the powerhouse of 9 Heavenly Layer, I am afraid that it is not only the blood that is blurred, but his fingers are broken!

Qin Yichen’s face was dignified, he stood for a long time, and he looked deeply at the eye that stood in place, like the simple teeth of Tearing the Heavens and Splitting the Earth.

Dan medicine efficacy is extraordinary, soon see the blood flow stopped, the fingers of the original torn skin and gaping flesh, but also gradually healed.

However, the wound of the palm healed, but the shock in my heart was difficult to dissipate, Qin Yichen murmured: “It is just the divine relics and the backlash that are so common. It is so powerful, you can see the sharpness of this divide object!”

But after being frustrated, Qin Yichen not only didn’t have the slightest fear of shrinking, but was more aggressive, even more excited in those twin eyes!

He encountered such a backlash without touching it, so if this knife is in hand and chopped other opponents, wouldn’t he chop the Golden Immortal powerhouse, just like chopping vegetables with no difficulty?

Looking at the change of Qin Yichen’s face, Honglian had to say that this kid’s mentality is really optimistic. This is also one of the unique signs of powerhouse. Each time he frustrates, he just gets stronger!

After another moment, after the injury was completely recovered, Qin Yichen moved his palms, immortal strength turned, shattered the blood, and renewed his fighting spirit: “Come again!”

Qin Yichen didn’t expect to be able to pull out this quaint toothbrush once. Immediately, dragon walk, tiger steps. Although I just stepped back a few dozen steps, I can walk faster now …

When approaching the ancient teeth again, Qin Yichen still has other joys in his heart. If the treasure is ranked according to the power status of 5 powerhouses such as Shen Wuji, then he is a divine object on his own side, and Ziyun ’s side Treasure, perhaps even more out of the ordinary!

Even if it is a treasure, the Ziyun obtained is a divine object that is comparable to this ancient toothblade!

“I don’t know how Ziyun is going. With his fierce strength, he certainly won’t shrink back …”

At the same time, in another space.

“roar! !!”

1000 100 cheetah illusory shadows rushed and slaughtered. Looking at it, the number is far more brutal than the backlash that Qin Yichen was subjected to!

With a roar of a cheetah, the entire space was filled with violent ferocity, as if it would collapse at any time.

In contrast, the silhouette of the purple hair, in this space, seems to be weak and pathetic, like a trivial ant who will be hunted at any time.

This purple hair silhouette is the purple cloud.

At this moment, Ziyun, bathed in blood, blood stains on a pair of dragon claws. Although the cheetah is fierce, it is an illusory shadow. These blood stains are naturally his!

Since Dragon Transformation, Ziyun’s dragon claw has been stained with a lot of blood, but his blood is still so embarrassing for the first time!

Looking at it, above the dragon claw, the dragon scales have fallen off and chipped, with bites and claw marks spreading.

Dragon claw is still like this, Ziyun’s body is even more conceivable.

A path of culling makes Ziyun’s body unceasing, blood pools under his feet, and a blood path behind him!

The dragon claw hanged, tearing an illusory shadow of a cheetah into glorious shards, but those who greeted the purple cloud attacked more cheetahs!

He filled a mouthful of elixir and Ziyun praised him fortunately. Fortunately, the elixir from the boss gave him strength, otherwise his situation would only get worse!

The effervescent effect penetrated the whole body, making Ziyun’s red dragon eye, which was blood dyed, fierce, and looked up to the middle of the space.

The dragon eye fills the eyes with countless cheetah illusory shadow, but it is a ball of light!

The light ball is just the size of a fist, but it is like the master of this space, and it can shake the world, countless cheetahs illusory shadow, all respect it!

The light ball glowed with earthy yellow light, and just the light radiated, which made the immortal dao powerhouse kneel down and worship. This is already a transcendence of fear and fear, but a real override!

Even the true God in front of him will feel that this ball of light is extremely heavy and dazzling!

The light shone so much that Ziyun felt only in this space, and his breathing became extremely difficult, making his knees tremble, and the culling of a path of Cheetah illusory shadow made his wounds even more scarred.

Not only that, a blood path killed by Ziyun is nothing in this space. It is still far from the light ball!

However, Ziyun did not give up. The dragon eyes were bloodied, but it was even more ferocious. The dragon claw hanged himself, and he looked like a dragon and never lowered his eyebrows!

It is not only this tyrannical dragon body that supports Ziyun to kill a blood path, but not only the fierce dragon claw, but also the heaviness when the boss gave him Shen Wuji’s token.

“The boss made it clear that he would give the most precious treasure to me. If I return without success, then I’ll just kill myself!”

Ziyun drank, not only that, he even knew that although the boss didn’t say it, he also knew how Qin Yichen was out of the ordinary.

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