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At this moment, a few people in Yin Xiao fled and fled, and a moment ago they were very proud, like the 1000 Royal League of this space overlord, suddenly when the tree falls, the monkeys scatter, and Yuan Che’s three people, Golden Immortal, even more After scrambling, try your best to flee and escape. If you are left at this time, don’t ever want to go out!

Looking at the silhouette with a path of horror, Ziyun was anxious, but for a time he couldn’t help this cracking bone wheel. Although this battle was won, how can he watch the enemy escape alive?

At this moment, Qin Yichen’s eyes are cold and severe. After a long battle, his immortal strength is almost exhausted almost at all times, and this space is not large. For the powerhouse of Golden Immortal 9 Heavenly Layer, it may only be necessary to fly away. Just a few breaths!

After just a few breaths, he wasn’t even sure that he could raise his finger in time in his current state!

But how willing he is to let him run away all the way to want to put him to death? ?


With a bang, I saw Qin Yichen’s fingers retracted, and he twisted suddenly, his fingertips clenched, but it was a golden and red staggered, like a war gun!

“Exterminating Dragon Gun!”


The tip of the gun pierced the space, bursting into the air like a dragon, spear glow came out of the hand, and the volley was stabbed, and the speed was extreme!

And when Yuan Che’s heart was smashed, the dragon’s blood war gun turned into a golden red tour dragon, and the dragon scales were spread all over the eyes!

“Not good !”

In front of this fierce and spear glow, Xiong Lie and the two of them still dare to talk about what kind of righteousness.

Even Yin Xiao was hesitant. If he stopped the shot, even if he didn’t die, it would be delayed. At that time, the hunting for the terrible brother of the battle strength would not be said. Girl guns may not have no idea!

It was just this moment of hesitation, and when Yuan Che looked back, in that horrified eyes, a dragon spear glow quickly zoomed in, until it stabbed in his heart!


spear glow penetrated from the back of his heart, and directly penetrated Yuan Che’s chest!

The dragon’s blood warrior’s impetuous impact directly hit Yuan Chefei and came out of the light curtain!

Outside the light curtain is the ruins of Shen Wuji’s Gods Vestige.

The silhouettes of those hidden in the dark are still astonished by the previous wave that made the space shake …

“Really strong and powerful, I’m afraid you have to pierce Heaven and Earth in the space?”

“When will Yin Xiao get this hand? Hidden enough!”

“But there’s such a big noise, the kid who incurred 1000 Royal League, I’m afraid I can’t die anymore …”

During the debate, I saw the light curtain suddenly appear. Those silhouettes were light flashed, secretly thought, surprised, how could this escape?

“Is this not dead?”

However, after being surprised, I saw a few silhouettes with fierce eyes. No one responded and could not enter the space. They were staying here. At this time, how can they let the opportunity of guarding the rabbits stand?

However, just when the silhouettes just rose from the killing intent, the immortal strength operation room saw a few silhouettes flying out of the light curtain.

When they saw the appearance of the silhouette, the immortal strength that had just been condensed was a shudder, and expressions rang out suddenly!

“It turned out to be 1000 Imperial Leagues !?”

They thought that when the light curtain was opened, it was the kid Cangjie who had provoked the 1000 Emperor League to escape. Whoever wanted to come out first was Yin Xiao!

And from Yin Xiao ’s appearance, where can’t you see a few silhouettes, this is not a triumph after Yang Wei, but rather a fleeing life!

“what’s going on!?”

If Yin Xiao’s wolf howls still can’t explain the problem, then Yuan Che, who was dragged by dragon’s blood war gun, flew backwards, which made the fear in those silhouette eyes a horror!

1000 Royal League … This is escape! ?

1000 Royal League is defeated! ?

This is Yin Xiao’s own shot! To be honest, the long time I can play inside has made those silhouettes guess whether the kid really entered the 10000 Flower Valley, so Mei Wuru is playing against the 1000 Royal League?

But even if she is not alone, she may not be the opponent of the 1000 Royal League!

Several silhouettes were terrified in their hearts. They had never witnessed the horrific killings in the space, and they had many pictures in their minds, but no matter what kind of speculation, they were enough to shock them!

At the moment, Yin Xiao felt the silhouettes, and her gloomy complexion was even more ugly. When he rushed out of the space, he was slightly hesitant. After all, I still thought of Yuan Men’s sect master’s friendship, and wanted to finally pull Yuan Che .

Speaking of Yuan Che, it is indeed worthy of the powerhouse of 9 Heavenly Layer Great Accomplishment, coupled with the powerful fleshhy body. Although this gun runs through the heart, the power on spear glow is the corpse that hanged within the body. .

But in a short period of time, Yuan Che’s breath was still there. Perhaps after taking Immortal Medicine, he could recover a life, which is why Yin Xiao was soft-hearted.

However, Yin Xiao just wanted to reach out and drag Yuan Che, but saw Yuan Che twitched, his expression was painful, and his body was full of pores.

This thundering light made Yin Xiao tremble all over, and the palm of her outstretched was stiff in the air. Eventually, she closed it back …

“Yin Young Master, save, save me …”

Yuan Che only felt that his soul was torn, and within the body, he uttered his words hoarsely with all his might.

However, just after the sound fell, Yuan Che’s rapidly dim eyes suddenly burst out, and the thunder of the body actually broke his eyes!

The splash of blood stains sprayed on Yin Xiao’s face, but it also made him wake up instantly.

Yuan Che … was not saved.

Suddenly, Yuan Che’s body grew rapidly, and his hair grew at the same time, but Yin Xiao was very clear that this was not a return to the light, but a complete death, and turned into a respect …


Yin Xiao fiercely gritted his teeth, and Tewei got into the body. Divine Immortal couldn’t help it!

Xiong Lie hesitated slightly: “The cracking bone wheel is still …”

That’s a divide object!

However, at this moment, Yin Xiao still cares about the divine object. When she saw a silhouette flashing out of the light curtain, she immediately shouted: “If you want to die, you can get it!”

When the words came to an end, Yin Xiao rose into the sky, and before those guys hiding in the dark did not understand the situation, quickly left here.

As for the 3 Royal Leagues of Yuan Che who are under the leadership of three people, many Golden Immortal? Where does Yin Xiao care about their lives?

Even Yin Xiao couldn’t wait for the Qin Yichen 2 people to point their finger at the sire, so it could delay for a moment …

“Sou sou!”

Two fierce silhouettes rushed out, it was Qin Yichen and Ziyun!

Looking at the silver stream that flees to the distant sky, can Ziyun give up, immortal strength surging, the simple tooth blade flew out, and turned into a Ling Ling sword!


I saw a flash of silver on the sky, and there seemed to be blood falling again. Qin Yichen thought of it, the simple tooth flew back, tearing the wound aggravating.

“Abominable! If it wasn’t for the wipes, this blade would have killed him!”

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