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After listening to all this, Ziyun had a complex complexion. When he faced Qin Yichen, he suddenly thought of something, expression of gratitude, and his voice even seemed to tremble: “Boss …”

Where can Ziyun still not understand at this moment, I am afraid that the boss did not guess wrong, the treasure of the split sky leopard is indeed the most out of the ordinary in Shen Wuji’s letter! Even Spirit Pearl may have been used by Shen Wuji.

Although Qin Yichen was only guessing at the time, he also gave him this most precious opportunity!

If not, can he have today’s Heaven and Earth turning upside down?

Butterfly Zhongshan and the others were silent for a while. Congratulations to Ziyun, while looking at the slender silhouette with awe, followed Qin Yichen from the 9-colored flowers. They witnessed firsthand how morality the True Dragon descendants were. reaching up to the clouds!

Based solely on this matter, Butterfly Chongshan secretly judged that following Qin Young Master, even if he could not reproduce the original glory, he would never fail his family of bright butterflies!

However, looking at Ziyun’s grateful look, Qin Yichen suddenly raised his palm: “Stop! I know what you want to say, so you don’t have to say …”

Ziyun gritted her teeth, and eventually did not speak, but felt that she owed too much to the boss.

This also caused Ziyun to be a little embarrassed because there was still something to trouble the boss, but it was so troublesome that he couldn’t help it.

But this matter could not be delayed, so after Zi Yun hesitated for a while, he gritted his teeth and said, “Boss, there is one more thing …”

Qin Yichen raised an eyebrow: “What’s wrong? Covering up is not your character.”

Ziyun is usually refreshing, but at this moment, he feels that the weight of Spirit Pearl is heavy, which makes him somewhat indifferent: “Yes, in order to get Spirit Pearl, the elixir you gave me has run out, and Chunyangbao Fuck … “

Ziyun didn’t know how to express it. After all, she hadn’t touched the divine object before, she simply raised her palm, and saw that Chunyang Bao was floating in the grass, but Qin Yichen and Hong Lian saw the corner of mouth twitching.

“The loss is so serious ?! This is almost choking?”

Qin Yichen murmured secretly. Although he only got one and a half leaves when he got the Chunyangbao Zhaocao grass, now he is almost experiencing a severe cold and dying.

“Then don’t hurry up yet!”

Honglian just wanted to speak, but was coughed by the shocking words of Qin Yichen. Can the dignified divine object be solved by watering it?

When Qin Yichen saw this, he was astonished: “Why just apply some fertilizer?”

As soon as this word came out, Ziyun also closed herself, secretly thought, boss, aren’t you playing me?

Honglian couldn’t listen anymore, and patted his palm on Qin Yichen’s head: “I think you should put some fat on your head, and your Immortal Medicine, hurry up to this stupid ah!”

It is natural that Honglian starts to play because she can see that Qin Yichen deliberately pretends to be stupid and does not want to let Ziyun be attentive.

And Qin Yichen stared at Red Lotus with a disgusted look: “I usually use Immortal Medicine a lot, and still talk?”

Noisy, Qin Yichen is naturally impossible to let a divine object wither, and toss in the space equipment, and finally shoved it to Ziyun: “Elixir and Immortal Medicine are both inside, you quickly let Chunyang Baozhao Refining. “

Ziyun took it down, but it was not there. Qin Yichen looked at the pump light of the former, becoming dignified, and even a little fortunate and complicated.

He had given Ziyun many elixir before, and he naturally knew it, and in order to get this Spirit Pearl, he almost withered along with Chunyang Baozhaocao, but how dangerous it is!

Honglian was also speechless, no longer ridiculing, and she also understood that Ziyun seemed to be domineering to fight the battle behind Yin Xiao’s scenery, what kind of price and pain had been paid.

“It’s stupid, it’s Jackie Chan …”

After emotion, Ziyun was about to leave, but was dragged by Qin Yichen.

“What’s wrong, boss?” Ziyun raised an eyebrow, but looked at Qin Yichen’s faint smile, and suddenly thought of something, and patted his chest: “Boss, don’t worry, these Immortal Medicine, I will double back to you . “

Ziyun always remembers that after Dragon Transformation, he said that in the future, the resource opportunities should be earned by himself.

However, Qin Yichen dragged his shoulders and smiled: “Who cares about these Immortal Medicines with you, I want to ask you, is the knife still easy to use?”

Ziyun heard this, and quickly took out the bones and teeth and handed it to Qin Yichen: “I almost forgot to return it to you …”

However, Qin Yichen didn’t pick it up, but just stood there and smiled: “Since it’s easy to use, then you should keep it.”

As soon as this remark came out, let alone Ziyun, that is, Butterfly Chongshan all choked!

“Boss, are you kidding me !? I can’t even kill this!”

Ziyun was horrified and was able to get Spirit Pearl. It was already the boss who made him pick up a bargain. Now he also gave him this quaint toothblade, wouldn’t it be their harvest of the Treasure of the Leopard Tribe? One person occupied?

Butterfly Zhongshan has the same idea. Secretly thought Qin Young Master is too generous? !! Changing to others, I ’m afraid it ’s not so generous to be a pro-brother!

However, Qin Yichen held on to Ziyun’s hand, and laughed, “What are you in a hurry? After hearing me, I have 2 hands in total, and you have seen my sword …”

Although this reason is good, but before it is finished, it is interrupted by Ziyun: “It will not give me this divide object, too, that dragon’s blood fight …”

Speaking of half, Zi Yun’s voice came to an abrupt end, a little embarrassing, but more is looking at Qin Yichen with gratitude.

The reason why he didn’t say anything was from Ziyun’s point of view, because of his current pair of dragon claws, even if he had a dragon’s blood war gun, he was afraid it would not be necessary.

And Qin Yichen is also used as a reason. I ca n’t give it to the brother, but the result is that the brother has not improved at all.

But because of this, Ziyun’s expression is complicated. Although he is straightforward, why can’t he see that this is an excuse that the boss wants to let him feel at ease?

He didn’t need the dragon’s blood rifle, so he gave him the divide object. It seemed like the truth was simple, but how precious was the meaning?

“Boss, this matter has not been discussed …”

Ziyun’s ability to obtain the mighty power after Spirit Pearl surprised the Qin Yichen, but he also surged in immortal strength, secretly thought that your boy wanted to be rebellious?

“Hear me out!”

Qin Yichen gave a low drink, although it was not overbearing, but also with unquestionable majesty: “Ziyun, listen to me, it is called brother as brothers and feet, so whoever holds this divide object is the same, the most important thing Yes, it will make us stronger. “

Ziyun is silent. The truth is indeed this truth, but how can he accept another Divine object just after he got Spirit Pearl?

However, Qin Yichen said, “What’s more, I still have a skeletal chakra. Divine object is more difficult to exert the strongest power. You and I are alone and that’s it.”

Speaking of which, Qin Yichen and his party are undoubtedly the biggest winners of the Tianbao Group’s treasures. They have 5 treasures, making up 3 of them!

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