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Immortal Crane woman frowned slightly: “What do you mean?”

Yin Xiao seemed quite proud of her thoughts, said with a sneer: “Don’t forget, the purple hair little bastard has a pair of sharp claws. I suspect that his deity is the Flood Dragon!”

As soon as this word came out, the two were shocked. The word 蛟 was not the point that surprised them. The last dragon word was!

Regarding Yin Xiao’s guess, the two also gradually got their minds.

Although now changing the heaven and switching the earth, all forces with a little insider know that this piece of heaven and earth was once honored by the true dragon.

While True Dragon dominates for a long time, Bloodline will naturally be scattered.

Of course, using a strong affirmation will not work, for fear of being killed by the elders of the True-Dragon Race!

However, True Dragon dominates Heaven and Earth, there will always be clansman going out, and during the period, there will be emotions. Under the union, it will be normal to rise the product with True Dragon Bloodline.

Since the endless years, True-Dragon Race has strict family rules, but where can many clansman manage it?

This is why there are so many creatures in the world that have some thin dragon’s blood …

Moreover, Ziyun’s former deity, Ziyin’s soul, is one of them.

Moreover, when I had True Dragon Bloodline and dared to make a public appearance in the world, it seemed to be recognized by True-Dragon Race, at least it turned a blind eye.

After all, although True-Dragon Race once dominating the world, it didn’t addicted to killing alien races and descendants of their own race 2. Will you kill someone to the last one?

Even True-Dragon Race is not pedantic, as long as it is a true wishful thinking, not a means to seduce the next set, Bloodline on the other side has not refrained from being in a difficult situation, and will basically allow it.

Of course, the creatures with a dragon’s blood under this kind of connection are naturally inferior to those of the True Dragon, but when the True Dragon dominated, the dragon’s blood was enough to be proud of between Heaven and Earth.

Although there is more than one way to dye dragon’s blood, the lowest risk and the easiest way to get the acquiescence of True-Dragon Race is to capture the love of a True-Dragon Race.

However, everything changed after Heaven and Earth changed hands.

Needless to say, True-Dragon Race is almost killed to the last one, and those creatures with thin dragon’s blood naturally do not dare to be as proud as before, but have the meaning of hiding between their tails.

Of course, Demon Race will not be kind to these creatures that intersect with True Dragon, but for some reason, at least Yin Xiao has no contact.

However, according to 1000 Royal League Senior, a kind of creatures who may have dragon’s blood are scattered in the vast world, and then they are hiding there intentionally. Even if Demon Race becomes the winner of this universe, they want to kill them all. Absolutely, the energy expended can be imagined …

Besides, those creatures have made a clear relationship with True Dragon. At least in front of the magic cloud, who dares to stand up and say that he is a descendant of Dragon Race? Those who stood out with affection basically died early.

For various reasons, Demon Race simply turned a blind eye, not to mention that those creatures with dragon’s blood are like scattered sand, let alone low-key behavior, how can they shake their supremacy?

After all, even True Dragon has fallen, and are you worried about the thin Bloodline fish?

Of course, Demon Race is not a fool. They don’t kill everything, but once they have such news, they don’t mind raising the butcher knife.

In addition, Demon Race does not need to make any effort to clear it by hand. Other races, especially their eagles, are enough to get things done.

After all, except to please the Demon Race, the key is that even if the dragon’s blood is thin, it is also the dragon’s blood, for nothing else, it is enough for all the forces to raise the knife.

Of course, those creatures are not to be trifled with, after all, with dragon’s blood, the strength is not slaughter, and even if Heaven and Earth change hands, they must have a way of life? It is inevitable to rise up and resist.

In this way, the slaughter continued, blood flowing into a river. Until now, the general situation is that Demon Race disregards those creatures deliberately, and those who have thin dragon’s blood.

Of course, now that there is news of a creature with a dragon’s blood, the forces of all parties will also be tempted. As to whether it will act, it is necessary to weigh the strength of the two sides.

In short, although True-Dragon Race no longer exists, dragon’s blood cannot be completely cleaned out, but those creatures are no longer daring to swagger, and after generations, dragon’s blood is becoming thinner and even awakening.

It’s just embarrassing that when the Dragon Megatron 8 party, those creatures were proud to have dragon’s blood, but when Heaven and Earth changed hands, and how many years have dared to speak for True Dragon?

However, this does not hinder Yin Xiao’s plan: “The purple hair little bastard is arrogant, but if it passed to the ears of the adults of Divine Race, would it be ugly if they died?”

At this point, 2 people were light flashed, secretly thought that the Stinking Insect plan is feasible.

Although the two guys did not provoke the adults of Divine Race, they did not dare to provoke them. In the eyes of the adults of Divine Race, a little Flood Dragon was like a loach, disdainful.

However, adults Divine Race didn’t know their existence was okay to say, but now such a big noise is bound to understood.

Since understood, even if there is no revenge, for the majesty of Divine Race, it is impossible to not show.

Although it is only a possibility, Yin Xiao feels that this is feasible. If Divine Race can be shot, the two little bastards will definitely die!

The aquiline nose man was pondered then said: “If it attracts the attention of Lord Divine Race, it will be with no difficulty to resolve the two boys, but since then, the treasure on them will be swept away by Lord Divine Race. … “

But where does Yin Xiao care? Anyway, treasure doesn’t have his share now, as long as the two little bastards can die, it doesn’t matter who kills them.

Moreover, it is because the two little bastards have many treasures that they are more likely to get the attention of the adult Divine Race and even raise the killing intent!

When the time comes, the purple-clawed claws are the cause of the calamity!

Yin Xiao’s plan is pretty good, but they underestimated Ziyun. It wasn’t a claw, but a True Dragon claw!

However, the Qin Yichen brother 2 people, one has a dragon body but the dragon’s blood is impure, and one dragon’s blood has been boned, but it has not been turned into a True Dragon.

But there is a saying called Black under the lamp, Yin Xiao wouldn’t have thought that what made him so embarrassed are two True Dragon descendants!

The more I thought about this plan, the more proud I was. Yin Xiao couldn’t help but said with a malicious smile: “Yes, it must be a gangster of dragon’s blood and the bright butterfly colluding together, otherwise they dare to set foot on the tombs of the gods?”

Seeing Yin Xiao’s desire for revenge, the Immortal Crane woman said, “This plan is really good, but we can just watch it change, Stinking Insect, you don’t have to take the initiative to find the adults of Divine Race.”

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