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When I think of being able to meet such a pill and martial both cultivation character, the key is that Qin Young Master, whether it is the accomplishment of spirit cultivation or the strength of Martial Dao, it is the arrogance of all parties!

Being able to upside down the night fairy tree, in this way, it can be seen that its Alchemy Dao accomplishment is not only the best of this Dan medicine recipe!

“If you can still interact with Qin Young Master in the future …”

When thinking of this, Mei Wuyan speeded up her heartbeat, and her pretty face couldn’t help turning rosy, but she wasn’t ashamed of red, she was just excited.

Just this scene, but let 100 Fang get into the eyes, smiled over his lips: “Why, the falling flowers are yearning for love, but the heartless brook ripples on, sad?”

“Tell the elder sister that if Wuyan younger sister is really intentional, she will press Qin Young Master today, and she will have to do the family affairs!”

For the companion’s ridicule, where does Mei Wuyan think about it? At the same time secretly biting the teeth, when the day really comes to the day when you can announce it, you will know how childish and so narrow-minded you are!

It is not the rest of the 10000 Flower Valley powerhouse viewing the sky from the bottom of a well, but it is impossible for anyone to think of. In the tombs of the gods, it is possible to talk about a major event that has a profound impact on 10000 Flower Valley …

After a while, the thorny demon came back, took out a space ring, and handed it to Qin Yichen: “Qin Young Master, this is what you want.”

The movement of the hands was respectful, and even the thorny demon greeted the pump light of the star eyes with a different kind of excitement.

Qin Yichen took a check and confirmed that it was correct, and immediately rose up and said, “Brother Qin, may I be cultivation in my 10000 Flower Valley these days?”

Qin Yichen naturally knew that the cultivation he was referring to was actually pill concocting, but he refused. Although in this great hall, all 10000 Huagu’s confidants were sharp, but who can guarantee that everyone in 10000 Huagu has a tight mouth?

Although it is now 10000 to spend money on Flower Valley, Qin Yichen knows very well what will happen if things are exposed and spread!

In today’s world, pill and martial both cultivation and medicine recipe are enough to attract a lot of powerhouses and even looting!

And he still has too many secrets and can’t stand too many entanglements in the powerhouse.

So Qin Yichen arched, “I still don’t disturb you.”

Mei Wuliang is not owned, but the thorny demon is obsessed with thinking: “In this case, old man remembers that in the east corner of the city, there are still many pavilions and unoccupied buildings. Also quiet. “

Remoteness doesn’t matter. Instead, Qin Yichen was so happy that he was too lazy to vie with the major forces for the outbreak of conflict.

“That being the case, then this Qin is going to find a corner, disturbing for so long, it is time to leave …”

After all, Qin Yichen arched fists at Mei Wulei, and Mei Wulei also laughed: “With Ziyun Young Master protecting the law, no one can disturb Brother Qin’s cultivation if he wants to come.”

Ziyun curl one’s lip, secretly thought this mother-in-law can do it, want to win over the boss, even he did not forget to compliment.

While speaking, Qin Yichen stepped out of the hall and Mei Wuli sent him in person: “So, I look forward to meeting Brother Qin again next time.”

“No rash brother stays.”

After watching 3 silhouettes away, Mei Wumei hummed back to the great hall with a humorous look. With a look of joy, several companions saw no one outside, and could not help anymore: “I said mother-in-law, don’t hum, talk. What the hell is going on, isn’t it so happy to marry a younger sister? “

Mei Wu glanced sternly: “Just look forward to my younger sister getting married soon, isn’t it best to marry you?”

The man seemed to have a good relationship with him, and looked towards Mei Wuyan’s eyes with a different look: “If the arrogant brother is willing to dominate, then Wuyan will entrust to …”

“go away!”

He kicked in this guy who did not conceal his younger sister’s love, and Chuckled said: “I tell you, I just had a major event with Qin Young Master, great!”

The captive rubbed his buttocks: “Wu Yan won’t really want that kid …”

“Shut up! Otherwise, I won’t let Wu Yan talk to you in my life!”

Fiercely whispered, and at the same time a little depressed, how did this girl gossip with Brother Qin?

But now, Mei Wuwu thinks that this scandal seems nothing.

After 2 coughs, Mei Wuliu looked mysteriously, “You also heard Wu Yan and Jing Lao said that in Shen Wanji’s Gods Vestige, Brother Qin had given elixir to keep our brother sisters from losing money. It’s heavy … “

Regarding this matter, Mei Wuwei knew that several 9 Heavenly Layer Peak powerhouse naturally heard about it.

“That happened, what happened?”

Mei Wu smiled arrogantly: “What’s wrong? I just talked to Brother Qin again. Brother Qin is generous, and he would sell 50 more elixir to us!”

As soon as this word came out, everyone was shocked, and secretly thought that Qin Young Master was so generous!

At the same time, everyone understands that it is no wonder that proud of one’s success is hidden behind them, which seems to be a good thing!

Someone stated: “No wonder you were willing to protect Qin Yichen so well. It turned out that you had a plan and you are smart!”

Another person said: “50 pieces, that’s enough for three of us. With these elixir, it’s a lot of help.”

“There are a lot of 50 elixir. Qin Young Master is willing to take it out. It seems that he has seen the powerhouse as clouds in the city of heroes. Wuyixiong cleared up the interests. He wanted to take this to further the relationship with us. what.”

Everyone has 7 mouths and 8 tongues. They have different ideas, but they are quite happy without exception.

However, Mei Wuwu is sneer at all, just 100 emotions in her heart. When someone asked about the price, the former smiled and waved: “Not much, it’s the kindness of Brother Qin to me, it’s my invitation.”

“I will send the elixir to every brother sister before I leave.”

2 1000 Fairy crystals are not too seductive, and they simply make everyone feel good.

Just to say that he is far-sighted? Mei Wu couldn’t help but feel ashamed. He had thought about pulling in, but he only valued Qin Yichen’s sturdy battle strength. Whoever wanted unintentional positive outcomes had such a great harvest!

This may be the subjective idea of ​​Mei Wuwei, because if it wasn’t for Qin Yichen to find a party to pave the way, and 10000 Huagu happened to have friendships and was more reliable, no matter how to draw the matter together.

But again, if it wasn’t for the time’s Li Bao, Qin Yichen might still hesitate to say that there was a coincidence in this matter, but it was artificial.

And I heard someone say that it was the elixir that Qin Yichen wanted to take the opportunity to further the relationship with 10000 Huagu? Mei Wu smiled bitterly in the bottom of her heart, and just hoped that these words didn’t get into Qin Yichen’s ears.

Where is this guy tying a 10000 flower valley, just now it is clear that it is a bite of Brother Qin, and then it will be a good relationship with him?

However, the matter has not been finalized, and Gu Nai ’s power to really take the lead without agreeing to let go. Mei Wu will not spread the word naturally, but can only follow the words of a few people and take the opportunity to say: “No matter what, Brother Qin’s mind It ’s light. In the next six months, we need to take care of it, not to mention that with Brother ’s battle strength, we wo n’t lose it. ”

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