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“I don’t know if the little bastard went into hiding, or secretly tried to touch the ancestor’s Gods Vestige …”

Yin Xiao gritted her teeth, and she was still anxious about the frustration, and the Immortal Crane woman saw this, but she said in a deep voice: “Leave them alone, Gods Vestige of the ancestors are about to come out, ready to go!”

Yin Xiao stopped doing this, but it can be seen from the flash of hatred within those eyes. If Qin Yichen hid, then after they explored Gods Vestige, even if they turned the tombs of the gods, they would smash the corpses. 10000 segments!

And if that little bastard is brave enough to dare to touch the Gods Vestige of the Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance, it is actually best, but as long as he is encountered, he will be killed on the spot!

“sou sou ……”

In the city, more and more streamers are rising into the sky. It seems that Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance Gods Vestige, once famous in the world, is enough to attract the attention of powerhouses!

Although the 1000 Royal League was re-established, compared to the Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance, the deterrence and background are not a grade, so this piece of cake should be shared by the powerhouse of all parties.

The silhouette of the Qin Yichen 3 people also follows the big army, and is not conspicuous, and there is no need to deliberately distinguish the direction. In the middle, they all naturally go to the Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance Gods Vestige.

For a time, the situation was surging in the tombs of the gods.

In Lin Shangge, a number of silhouettes are standing on the top of the building. Each of these silhouettes is incomparable and powerful. The lean old man who previously received Qin Yichen can only stand on the back, just like his majesty. .

Even the deep blue robed man at 9 Heavenly Layer Peak is also standing next to 2, not in the middle, with a clear status.

“It’s really lively.”

Suddenly, the red lips under the black gauze of the headed person evoked other fun. The sound is enough to be called Wanyin, but it is not a young girl, but rather rather mature and sexy. With a few touches of laziness in the game world.

It was just a whisper, but Lin Shangge’s many powerhouses were all refreshed, and their red lips turned on again. This silhouette was wrapped in black clothed, but it was difficult to hide the rich and graceful charm of the figure, and almost no flaws were found. Like a ripe peach, it makes Bloodline spurt.

“Let’s go for fun, too.”

The situation was surging and the heroes gathered.

When Qin Yichen and other forces rushed to the Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance Gods Vestige, they saw the Core Zone, which was shattered under a gap in the mountains.

After so many days of waiting, the Celestial Demon rushing out of the gap really dissipated a lot more than before.

But don’t forget, the previous January statement was Yin Xiao’s judgment! Even though Yin Xiao has been frustrated a lot now, she is also the 9 Heavenly Layer Peak powerhouse of Geneva!

Even in the past month, the Celestial Demon Mang still seemed extremely infiltrating. Fortunately, it was flowing upwards. If it swept all around, it would be enough to make the place you pass into a barren area, leaving only the dark and enchanting.

But this rush to the Celestial Demon, but it can’t stop the powerhouse from pursuing the Gods Vestige treasure.

Just at this moment, when I saw the mountain, a curtain of fire was set off. The fire was soaring into the sky. The air was burned into nothingness. Even the peak of the fire curtain was melted and turned into lava.


I saw a howling, hoarse like a crow, and the fire curtain that set off a lava fire sea gradually turned into a Golden Crow!

The crow is a wretched bird that is not to be seen, but this lingers in the sky, and a point of ignition light, but the earth melts out a path of cave Golden Crow, but it looks so proud and proud, each Golden Feather rises Flames.

This Golden Crow’s brows have a path of burning, like a fire eye that never extinguishes. After a moment of skies in the sky, it is actually a dive, with the light of the sky, heading straight towards the bottom of the demon!

The demon’s prickly and gloomy, but Golden Crow fluttered, and when it touched, the demon’s devil dissipated, and even looked closely, the demon’s dew was like being nourished, and was sucked into the wing, making the flame more hot !!


Golden Crow enters the demon cave, except that there is a curtain of fire that is difficult to disperse over the sky and a heat wave that is almost dry and scorching …

In the distance, the lingering mountain stream of demonic energy.

A Demon Race powerhouse magic pupil exudes a weird black purple light mang, and captured the scene of the Golden Crow flapping and diving, and even faced the golden fire of the Golden Crow.

Although they are far apart, the endless fire sea that seems to be hidden in the eyes of fire can set off a catastrophe that burns 1000 miles, but the magic pupil scans the powerhouse of the eight parties, and it is by no means a general generation. Watching that Golden Crow rushed into the depths of the demon, the corner of his mouth could not help but evoke the arc.

“The chief is like a god, but the little sparrow really couldn’t bear it and rushed in.”

The dignified 3 eyes Golden Crow, in the mouth of Demon Race, is nicknamed a sparrow, and a group of Demon Race feels right to this, it seems that they have the qualification to joking all forces.

The demonic energy surged, and I saw the cold and severe face, and the black purple light in the other pupil of the powerhouse dissipated, but the coolness of the eyes did not converge: “Boss, shall we go down?”

With their ability to be called gods by the 10000 clans, they are naturally eligible to enter the Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance Gods Vestige.

However, the face of cold and severe was just faint: “I said, do the business first, finish the business, and then find the opportunity treasure is not too late.”

“What’s more, what’s the Gods Vestige? Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance Gods Vestige, although in front of my ethnic divide might, Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance, 1000 Royal League, it makes no difference, but this is Ten-Thousand Monster after all How many demon gods fall into the Guardian Land, there must be many layers of danger, which alarmed Divine Soul, which is no small trouble for us. “

Many Demon Race powerhouses are silent. Due to the special reasons of the tombs of the gods, the God Realm powerhouse cannot set foot, and they naturally stay in the immortal dao.

If you encounter Divine Soul, it is really a lot of trouble.

But soon, many Demon Race powerhouses didn’t take it seriously. The Demon Race woman who wore magic bells with hands and feet even covered her lips and smiled. “Giggle … now that the leaders have spoken, let’s finish the business as soon as possible. Gods Vestige of the Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance is a homage to us. “

Over time, in the tombs of the gods, it is difficult to see the sun and the moon, but dim and dark alternate, but the formerly deserted and even the rarely-seen Core Zone, as the powerhouse of all parties stepped on, broke the peace.

“That’s right! It’s over there!”

I saw a powerhouse immortal strength on the sky, looking straight through 1000 miles away, and the Celestial Demon, naturally became the most obvious sign of direction.

After a while, the silhouette adjusted the direction slightly, and rushed towards the Celestial Demon. In front of this scurrying stream, the earth seemed to be shaken by Xianwei.

Qin Yichen mingling in the crowd, the golden eyes appeared in the star eyes, looking at the volcanic gap, but the gushing is not rolling lava, but a more horrifying and gloomy lava than lava!

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