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However, at this moment, the bronze stone gate has opened a crack. Qin Yichen secretly thought that there were many breaths left by the demon gods. I was afraid that even if the entrance was found under God Realm, it would not be able to forcibly break in.

And this bronze stone gate wants to open, it should need the token of the Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance, and also thought that Senior Brother Wu in Yin Xiaokou had already taken a step forward, and thought that it opened the entrance.

Looking at the tip of the foot, in the entrance, the demon’s majesty is like a demon mist like a demon sea, silent and seemingly terrifying.

Demon Race powerhouse was very nodded to Yin Xiao, Yin Xiao knew it, stepped forward, and saluted the two statues: “Chongmen Discipline Yin Xiao, see Senior …”

Sure enough, these 2 statues are by no means for decoration!

Qin Yichen looked in his eyes and secretly guessed that he was the same as the guardian beast who guarded Shen Wuji’s tomb.

And Qin Yichen’s guess is also true. These two statues were once fighting side by side with the Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance demon gods. They are both mounts and guardian beasts. Their strength is extraordinary. For Yin Xiao as a whole, it is also necessary. Dear Senior.


A tiger and a lion opened their eyes, and the light in the eyes even worse, giving people a different kind of oppression. On strength, we must never lose.

You know, and Mang only had bones and obsessions at the time, but still caused heavy losses to all parties. Under the joint effort, he was still hit hard by his Self-destruction.

What Qin Yichen doesn’t know is that the entrance to the Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance doesn’t know this. Every entrance is guarded by a guardian beast. This tiger and a lion are just two of them.

The tiger and lion opened their eyes and overlooked Yin Xiao, but there was a sense of helplessness and sadness in the tiger’s eyes …

Seeing this, Qin Yichen rubbed his chin. At the same time Wu Heng stepped forward, he also informed the 1000 Royal Guards about the situation of the 2 Royal League.

This is also why the two guardian beasts show helplessness and sorrow.

After all, the 1000 Royal League is far behind the Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance.

Even after looking at the crowd, among the two statues, the illusory shadow of a tiger and a lion flew, like two peerless ominous beasts, who had fought in the tombs of the gods, and naturally had pride.

However, the two illusory shadows finally fell in front of the Demon Race and dropped their heads: “I’ve seen Lord Divine Race …”

Even if it is the Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance, we must worship the Divine Race that dominates the universe. Even more how is the current 1000 Royal League?

The head of the cold and severe face was lightly nodded, only to see Yin Xiao step forward, and it was distressed to see the Senior who had once fought, and there was a kind of unwillingness to fall short of peace: “Junior is not bad, shocked 2 Seniors, and please Seniors for their convenience , Even if Junior goes through water and tread on fire, it wo n’t bury the chances of the ancestors … “

The two guardian beasts did not look at Yin Xiao, but instead looked up at the silhouette in front of the bronze door. The faces of the two beasts were all ugly.

The 2 guardian beasts know that these silhouettes are also part of the Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance Gods Vestige!

Just looking at Yin Xiao 5 people, even if their two guardian beasts do not lose Yin Xiao, how can they stop so many powerhouses?

After a moment of silence, I saw the tiger’s mouth slightly open, the voice was dull, and the majesty was still: “Please come in, but this is the place for your masters. I hope you will know what is right, otherwise, I will alarm the owner. Divine might be angry, take responsibility for the consequences. “

Many powerhouses didn’t say a word, and some even secretly teased us. We came to grab the Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance opportunity, and all of them were reduced to 1000 Royal Leagues. What are we still installing?

Of course, the face should be given, at least no one is provocative at the moment.

“go in.”

He Linger murmured, but saw Yin Xiao look up, the sadness between expressions dispersed, but replaced by a cold glow: “No rush.”

The words did not fall, but saw the silhouette of Yin Xiao suddenly disappear!

The next moment, it surpassed the transcendent forces such as Demon Race and turned into a touch of silver mane. The speed was extremely fast, passing through the crowd!

Yin Xiao ’s sudden shot surprised all parties. Except for Demon Race and other forces, all immortal strength surged. Secretly thought this Stinking Insect would not think that Gods Vestige of the Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance would be right. Are they shot?

In particular, several powerhouses who once chased Yin Xiao were looking out of the immortal soldiers, with a look of vigilance, and He Linger and the others could not help but be shocked when they saw the situation. What exactly does Insect want?

However, under the sudden shot of Yin Xiao, he flashed the silhouette, rushed straight to the end, 2 silver swords came out of the sheath, the silver light was bright, cold glow 4 surged!

Suddenly, the plain-looking youth flickered with staring eyes, and there was no lax fist.

Yin Xiao’s attack came fiercely, although it was a temptation, but it did not mean to be soft-hearted!

This blow is enough to kill 9 Heavenly Layer powerhouse, even if it is 9 Heavenly Layer Great Accomplishment powerhouse, it is hard to resist.

Yin Xiao had no suspicion, but she thought about it!

If these 3 people can’t stop his sword, then it means that the strength is not good. Since the strength is not good, what can be done to kill?

If it can be blocked, not the two little bastards, the companions behind him can also easily resolve this matter.

And if it was the little bastard that had caused him a shame and shame, he must use all means to resist!

Yin Xiao’s shot can be described as very good, but so far, Yin Mang saw a sharp stabbing sound!

“Stinking Insect, you are courting death!”

The quaint teeth are here, and the identity of Qin Yichen is self-evident!

When the swords clash, Yin Xiao backs out, but the corner of her mouth raises a smirk: “It really is you two little bastard!”

“I have doubted you for a long time, just wait to enter the ancestors Gods Vestige, and then try again. Now I see where you are going!”

Yin Xiao stepped back, but He Linger and the others flew up and stood side by side. No matter what, Qin Yichen 2 people killed him 1000 Royal Leagues, many Golden Immortal. In the face of many forces, how can this hatred sit and watch?

Not only that, Yin Xiao shouted out loudly: “Senior, these two little bastards have killed Yuanmen Disciple, and many alliances, and also asked Senior to shoot, suppress and kill this child, in order to raise my Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance reputation! “

The prestige of the Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance has moved out. How can the two guardian beasts sit and watch, and the lion and tiger illusory shadow reappears, staring coldly at the Qin Yichen 2 people, just looking at the quaint tooth blade in Ziyun’s hands, eyes In the past flashed bogey.

“Divine object …”

But soon, the two guardian beasts reacted. There were only two people on the other side, and they cooperated with Yin Xiao 2 people to be stubborn at a glance!

Yin Xiao made a great contribution, a guardian beast tiger’s eyes opened sharply, and the silent ferocious violent surged at this moment: “Kill my juniors, here today I will suppress and kill, divine objects, etc. 1000 The heritage of the Royal League! “

In the middle of the storm, I saw a lot of silhouettes spread out, leaving room for both sides to show their fists. Each and everyone sneered and made it clear that they wanted to see a good show.

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