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“Don’t hurry, right, 10000 people in Huagu didn’t follow me?”


Thinking about it, my team chose to explore in this direction just to avoid competition.

After the sound transmission was finished, the Qingpao men fell in front of Qin Yichen and the others. The atmosphere was not so good, even with with swords drawn and bows bent.

Looking at the Qin Yichen 2 people not only did not put away, but also condensed the blade of immortal strength, the man in the Qingpao also knew that it was unrealistic to want to pretend to numb the other party, it was simply not pretending, cold said with a sneer: “Don’t you run after being hit by us? Aren’t you afraid that the 1000 Royal League will chase you?”

However, Qin Yichen was not awakened by all parties, and said indifferently: “Why don’t you give the Stinging Insect a report?”

Tsingpao man complexion sank, if I want to send a message to 1000 Royal League, do I have to talk nonsense with you! ?

When he was about to have an attack, the man in Qingpao noticed the centipede and poisonous scorpion next to 2 and his eyes were flashed.

Although the Qingpao man did not have such a profound Artifact Spirit as Honglian, he also faintly guessed: “Is this the ruin of Chongmen?”

the thoughts got to this point, greed and cold and severe appeared in the eyes of the man in the green robe. Greed, naturally, is a chance opportunity that may exist in the ruins, and cold and severe is because if he guessed right, then Not to mention Yin Xiao that Stinking Insect!

Even these two boys couldn’t stay alive! Otherwise, wouldn’t it be troublesome if the 2 Royal League, who had a bad relationship with them, knew that they might have won the chance of Chongmen?

Although the man in the blue robe quickly hid his mind, he was captured by Ziyun’s pump light, and the sword on the leopard tooth was even more fierce: “Boss, do you want to do it?”

Qin Yichen looked at this industry and came after them, but wanted the silhouette that came later, expression indifferent, but did not turn his face on the spot.

“No hurry, it seems they are also interested in this suspected Chongmen relic, why shouldn’t we?”

Although he was being hunted down, this did not prevent Qin Yichen from capturing the opportunity treasure left by the Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance, not to mention that the thought of this relic might be the ancestor of the enemy, he wanted to find out more!


Ziyun was a little hesitant. Although his strength was out of the ordinary, he had 4 9 Heavenly Layer Peak powerhouses, and a group of people who were enough to make a trip, and dared to chase Yin Xiao. The confidence of the alliance to counterbalance.

Such strength, they seem to have some trouble to deal with, even wisely told Ziyun that he and the boss may not be able to take advantage!

However, Qin Yichen remained calm and did not look inferior at all, sound transmission said, “What are you afraid of, but you still can’t run?”

“If you look at all around, the demon fog is magnificent, which is very conducive to escape. Besides, we are not muddy. If they only send 3 or 2 chase killers, I am afraid they will be killed by us …”

“As for the full staff? Don’t worry, you believing or not wait for us to run away, they will never make our idea again, but will be more anxious to search for this ruin.”

After all, they will not be slaughtered by anyone, but this relic is here, just like the flesh of their lips.

Ziyun heard the words, praised the boss wisely! No wonder he didn’t panic, he had already thought about the countermeasures.

The Qingpao man was opposite to Qin Yichen 4 and saw that the latter had no intention of slipping away, and he couldn’t help showing up.

“Boss, these two boys don’t seem to be afraid of us …”

“I am not blind!”

Qingpao man sound transmission angry, when he can’t see it?

“Stay here, do we have the same thoughts as we do, and have thoughts about this Chongmen relic?”

sound transmission 4 scattered, but many powerhouses complexion behind the man in Tsingpao slightly changed, and they secretly thought that these two boys are too crazy?

You are wanted by the 1000 Royal League, it can be said that all parties except 10000 Flower Valley are hunting down!

I was hit by them, and I did n’t have to hurry to run. I still wanted to reprint the ruins, but also the ruins of the ancestors of the enemy. Do you have any consciousness of being killed?

The man in the green robe said coldly: “hmph, I’m afraid this kid didn’t think he could run away from us. Because of the ruins, we dare not hunt down that’s all!”

A lot of people are silent, secretly thought leader you seem to be pinpointed by others, why are you so righteous?

The man in Qingpao also realized that it was right. The young man was so frightened that he was not afraid of him, which made him complexion sank and sound transmission anger: “Then let them swell first! When you get the right opportunity, you must one strike certain kill Let them know they regret it! “

After all, the man in Qingpao raised his joke: “It seems that the two are also very interested in this ruin?”

Qin Yichen remains the same: “Everyone.”

“Good guts!” The man in Qingpao laughed: “Wanted by the 1000 Royal League, and also in the mood to explore the ruins of the Stinking Insect ancestor, no wonder he can make a fierce name in the graves of the gods …”

But soon you will know that you regret it!

After a smirk in his heart, the man in Qingpao still sneered on the face: “In that case, let’s go in and take a look together, but don’t blame me for not reminding you that this ruin is not quite flat.”

And I’m very interested in your treasure!

Even if the Qingpao man’s mind is unknown, why can’t Qin Yichen guess? He immediately laughed and walked in with Ziyun.

Seeing this, the man in the Qingpao did not to be outdone, and immediately winked at His Majesty, a line of silhouettes strode forward, passing the deadly centipede poisonous scorpion.

Stepping into the ruins, the ruins are broken, the demon fog is magnificent, and if you do n’t even look at immortal strength, you can say that you do n’t see 5 fingers, and there are enemies who may be facing each other at any time. This atmosphere is conceivable and quite depressing.

Qin Yichen just took a few steps, suddenly raised his palm, motioned Ziyun to stop: “Have you heard it?”

Ziyun pricked her ears and her face changed slightly. Thanks to their realm, all aspects of perception are out of the ordinary, but even so, they are covered by a demon mist and the movement from their feet is very subtle.

The subtle voice approached slowly from under his feet, like a worm crawling, and Qin Yichen did not hear it wrong. I saw an insect crawling out of the mist and appearing at their feet. I didn’t know what kind it was.

But it is not an ordinary ant that can survive in the ruins of the demon mist.

However, he failed to escape the fate of being stepped on by Ziyun.


Seeing that the insect was at the feet of Qin Yichen, where could Ziyun calm down, immortal strength condensed, and one foot fell, directly hitting a dimension reduction blow.

The Qingpao man also has an insect approach, and there are more than one.

However, when I saw Ziyun kicking the insect down, where would the Qingpao man fall? A cold grunt, a flick of his fingertips, a ray of immortal strength turned into several lines, nailing those insects to the ground.

“Hmph, like the Stinking Insect, only to be stepped on!”

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