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Qin Yichen staring cold, come again!

As soon as my mind moved, the split-day bone wheel circled in the air and became larger again, but this time, Qin Yichen did not plan to cut it back, but after covering the centipede, the contraction was smaller than the centipede’s body by one circle, the bone wheel Spin wildly, hang the Monster Insect that forms the shell first!

However, what made Qin Yichen didn’t expect is that the split-day bone wheel can change its size at will. Naturally, the body made up of countless Monster Insects is also possible, but it has actually escaped the strangulation of the split-day bone wheel.

Qin Yichen’s eyes were cold, and he once again urged the Ribbones. He didn’t believe that the speed of the Monster Insect’s peristaltic change must be better than the Ribbones!

However, seeing the strangulation of the divine object, countless Monster Insects were scattered in a crowd, and densely packed on the sky. After the Rifting Bone Wheel emptied, the body reunited again!


Qin Yichen saw in his eyes that he couldn’t help shaking his eyes. This body composed of countless Monster Insects can change freely. Although the cracking bone wheel can run into the sky, it can also kill many Monster Insects. But this divine object is really powerful. However, it is greatly reduced by restraint!

Qin Yichen is in a difficult situation. The Qingpao man is also not much better. In a short time, he has broken 6 sires!

Although the two swords in the hands of the man in Qingpao are also divine objects, sharp and incomparable, they can be killed at this point, but the former has a ugly face, because he found that the Monster Insect did not look exhausted at all, and the poisonous scorpion monster spirit The body can also absorb the demon mist in the ruins to recover!

Until this moment, while the men in Qingpao were anxious, their hearts also raised their retreats. Obviously, they are not weak, but the other party has the best advantage, and there are countless Monster Insects. They are difficult to start from!

“Boss, no, let’s get out first, then what are we going to do?”

A 9 Heavenly Layer Peak powerhouse gritted his teeth, and he could not kill him. He watched as his companions were forcibly swallowed in his stomach, and the bones controlled by Monster Insect were thrown out. They also asked their companions to skeletonly don’t Exist, the psychological shadow caused by this scene, even the Golden Immortal powerhouse can’t help but be shaken and terrified.

However, the Qingpao man was angrily said: “Back off!”

They came here to seize the opportunity of Chongmen, but now, except for countless Monster Insects, where is the shadow of treasure? With so many people still dead, if he didn’t settle down here and the matter would spread, he wouldn’t be joked by Yin Xiao’s Stinking Insect pointing at his nose?

“You must flatten this place today!”

Seeing the boss burning in anger, many powerhouses couldn’t help but look ugly. At this moment, they saw a person’s eyes light up and shouted at a place: “Look! There seems to be a deep hole, and there is no insect!”

As soon as this remark came out, the man in Qingpao’s eyes brightened and looked in the direction he pointed to. Sure enough, through the demon fog, there really was a deep hole, and there was no shadow of the creeping sea of ​​insects.

“Looking at the past!”

Although the situation is unknown, if you can get rid of these damn Monster Insects, it is worth checking out!

However, in order to get rid of the poisonous scorpion spirit hunt, there is a person 9 Heavenly Layer powerhouse, which was directly pierced by the scorpion tail and divided by 10000 insects!

“Boss, over there …”

Although the formidable power of the split-day bone wheel is greatly reduced, at least it can make centipede temporarily tired to avoid, and it can no longer threaten the two of Qin Yichen. Ziyun also noticed the movement of the Qingpao men and looked at the direction in which the latter flew. , Longyan flashed, hurried to remind.

Qin Yichen spurred the Sky-Bone Wheel at the same time, and turned his head to look at it. He couldn’t help but pick out: “Where is there no Monster Insect …”

is it possible that, the chance of Chongmen lies in this pit?

Although there is no answer, and even the danger in the pit is unknown, how can Qin Yichen make the early bird catches the worm, not to mention that it can at least escape the centipede and the sea of ​​insects!


Shouted in a low voice, Qin Yichen simply trapped 3 of them with the skeletal bone wheel. Although the bone spurs were included, he could kill a road just by the rampage of the bone wheel.

For a moment, Qin Yichen and the Qingpao men arrived at the edge of the deep pit almost at the same time, but the face of the latter was very ugly. After all, there were a few companions around him, and although the Qin Yichen 3 had not been able to kill the spirit But there was no loss.

The advantages of having more people and more people are natural, but there are also fewer people.

Standing on the edge of the deep pit, Qin Yichen ignored the man in the green robe, but looked back first. To his surprise, the 2 demon spirits didn’t dare to continue hunting after seeing them here. Just keeping the distance, roaring at them with fear and awe.

Demon spirits dare not approach, and countless Monster Insects have no movement.

Seeing this, the man in Qingpao couldn’t help sneering: “These Stinking Insects look respectful and awesome here, maybe this is the opportunity for Chongmen!”

Ziyun curl one’s lip: “Then you go down.”

The man in the Qingpao corner of mouth twitching, although annoyed, would not be reckless until the situation was unknown, and then went into a deep pit.

After coldly snorted, the Qingpao man looked up all around, and so did Qin Yichen.

“This deep pit is not small …”

Qin Yichen first looked far away, but he couldn’t see the other side of the pit!

This made Qin Yichen’s heart startled. Even though the demon fog is thick here, he also has immortal strength.

Looking down again, I can finally see the bottom of the deep pit, but it is still a few hundred zhang deep. In contrast, the width of the deep pit is more than 1000 feet!

Not only that, standing on the edge, Qin Yichen can clearly feel that the mist of the evil spirits is gushing out of the pit, like a demon cave abyss, which makes everyone feel cold.

However, while the man in Qingpao waved his sleeves to dispel the demon fog in front of his eyes, his face was still filled with excitement. The denser the demon fog, the more speculative it is, the more likely it is to hide the opportunity of Tsungmun!

The man in Qingpao was eager to try, but noticed that Qin Yichen beside him was not proud, but expressed grave and looked down the deep pit, which made him slightly disdain: “Boy, if you are afraid, just go away. Wait for this dear. Get the chance of Chongmen to settle here again! “

It seemed to be too excited. The Qingpao man didn’t mean to cover up in front of Qin Yichen. Besides, the two sides seemed to be enemies and non-friends. Even if he hadn’t seen the opportunity before, the Qingpao man was afraid that he had already shot it out. The treasure on my body is another word!

However, Qin Yichen saw this and raised the corners of his mouth to disdain: “idiot.”

“what did you say!?”

The Qingpao man was just about to get angry, but was dragged by his companion, and motioned to take a closer look.

The man in Qingpao resisted his anger and lowered his head again. However, it did n’t matter. He was just excited. At this moment, when he saw the deep tip of the iceberg, he had 9 Heavenly Layer Peak. He couldn’t help shaking. Cold sweat soared!

“this is……”

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