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Jin Yaohui looked at the golden and black staggered immortal Xianwei, and today for him, it is absolutely unforgettable!

The scene in front of him made Jin Yaohui never think that he would meet the descendants of the overlord one day!

But looking at the apparently more magnificent demon cloud, Jin Yaohui was as dead as a face. He had just seen the descendants of True Dragon. It was a big happy event, but he just met at this moment!

The strength of Qin Yichen’s 3 people, even 1000 Royal League must hide, and whether Bloodline is not enough to awaken, it is difficult to Dragon Transformation, or they are afraid that the movement will be too big, and in the final analysis, Dragon Transformation is impossible!

On the other hand, Demon Race, who sent him to assassinate him, can be described as the elite among the elite, not to mention the most powerhouse under God Realm, and in the tombs of the gods, no one dares to mess with it.

Although Qin Yichen made a violent shot just now, relying on the formidable power of Inverse Dragon Gold to beat Demon Race a completely unprepared, which caused Demon Race to lose a powerhouse, but even so, Demon Race still has 9 powerhouses!

The cold and severe face headed by that channel is even more extreme than the Golden Immortal Peak!

Apart from this, the magic pupil can penetrate 10000 things, and it can be a gloomy powerhouse, which is also the golden Golden Immortal!

There is also a Spirit Race powerhouse such as the Witch, Spirit Power cultivation base, which makes Demon Race dominate all aspects. It was originally to prevent the three Golden Lion Clan from leaking the news, but the battle strength revealed at this moment, But it made Jin Yaohui’s heart tremble.

Not only that, Demon Race is even more unscrupulous when it comes to hands-on, and even wants to attract other forces. As long as other powerhouses are shocked to see this scene, Demon Race must be ordered to attack, when the time comes, he will also be detained. Previous count of colluding with the evil of True Dragon! In this way, Demon Race does not even need to quietly assassinate, it can be just and honorable to kill him!

Although after being the lion king of 3 Golden Lion Clan, Jin Yaohui is also a golden Golden Immortal, but even with Qin Yichen, the gap still looks like a godsend!

If he could, he would rather Qin Yichen they wouldn’t come, so that at least True Dragon descendants would not die here …

However, Jin Yaohui was still hesitant, Qin Yichen was already a Demon Race powerhouse, and all of a sudden, just listening to the ringtone masterpiece was confusing, countless monsters roar.

I saw the witches smile charming, but looked weird: “Pull out your dragon soul and make it into a Capricorn!”

Qin Yichen stared, and suddenly stepped on the ground. Inside the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the Spirit Power of Jin Yao’s body suddenly opened his eyes. Spirit Power was like the golden light raging into the sea!


“hong long long ……”

Daodao golden light, accompanied by billowing Tingwei, slaughtered toward the witch, even in mid-air, condensed into a golden scale Yuting angry dragon!

The sorceress looked like this, the magic pupil was cold, and his hands were shaking more strangely and quickly. I saw that the original crisp ringtone became gloomy, like a magic cloud, and the monster snarled. The invisible ringtone was condensed into a path of hand-held magic. Blade’s 狰狞 monster, killing with the angry dragon dying with Tingwei!


Qin Yichen saw in the eyes, could not help but stared, Honglian didn’t say anything wrong, and this guy who urged the demise of the magic sound, Spirit Power cultivation base is indeed terrifying, and it can resist spirit cultivation, the most awesome thunder!

Qin Yichen was startled, why isn’t it so? Even my heart was full of annoyance. Whether Heaven and Earth changed hands or not, there are very few races that can be cultivated spiritually, and the Spirit Race is one of them.

After being admired by the 10000 clan as the Divine Race, the status of the Witch Spirit Race can not be described as aloof, and can be sent to perform this task. Witches are proud of their Spirit Power achievements. They are definitely well-known figures among their peers!

Like the fox demon of 1000 Royal League, and the piece of wood of 10000 Huagu, in her eyes, it is impossible to withstand a single blow!

But in front of this evil that even Dragon Transformation can’t do, Spirit Power is not weak, and it also has Tingwei!

If the magic bells on her hands, feet, and wrists are extremely out of the ordinary magic soldiers, I am afraid that she would not dare to shake the mighty heads forward!

“Hmph! I’ll dig your Sea of ​​Consciousness in a moment. How can you pull the night fairy tree, how can I pull it out!”

“Want so? Then open Sea of ​​Consciousness and let the thunder of the Young Master go in!”

Qin Yichen sneered, but saw a number of Demon Race powerhouse besieged. The former was moved, and a sharp bone wheel was take out!

Skybreaker Bone Wheel!

Facing the prestige of the Divine Object, Rao is the Demon Race many powerhouses also had to worry about it, but he was not afraid, but instead, he wrestled with the Heavenly Bone Wheel. With their strength and advantages, it won’t be long before they can solve this. Take the initiative to send the death to the death, when the time comes, isn’t this divide object belong to them?

On the other side of Ziyun, the battle was also fierce. I saw its two dragon claws were fierce. They actually fought against the path of the magic blade lingering by demonic energy. Leopard tooth was no longer in hand, but surrounded by it. Turned into a path of sharp sword!

From time to time, there are cheetahs roaring out of the sword. However, it was quickly suppressed and killed by Demon Race, and turned into a glorious state. The purple clouds became more and more humiliated. I ca n’t wait to show the dragon body on the spot. Swallow.

But Ziyun knows better that once the movement is too big and attracts other powerhouses, the situation will only get worse!

2 people against the digital Demon Race powerhouse, it is not dangerous, especially the strength of this Demon Race is not weak, which is equivalent to challenging the tomb of the gods!

Looking at Jin Yaohui who was still in a daze, Ziyun screamed angrily, “What are you still doing ?! If you want to rely on this mess, it’s too late. If you don’t want to, stand up! Follow us and kill!

Jin Yaohui shuddered, and even the two people who were regarded by the Universal 10000 family as taboos were not afraid, and even willing to reveal his identity for him, and Demon Race irreconcilable, what was he afraid of?

The tragic death of a group of believing people, the betrayal of their own younger brother, and the suppression of the Demon Race made Jin Yaohui’s two lion pupils gradually rise to the anger belonging to the King of 100 Beast!

“roar! !!”

Golden Lion howls, 3 Lions kill Demon Race first!

Cold and severe face, the pump light is even more somber: “Jin Yaohui, do you know what the consequences of collusion with True Dragon are !?”

Jin Yaohui didn’t say anything, but the lion roar was even more ferocious.

Now that he has torn his face, he simply took the charge, and join forces with True Dragon today!

Jin Yaohui ’s 3 lions ’lions’ mouths swelled, their golden light erupted, and they nearly penetrated the great hall, heaven falls and earth rends. It seems to understand why the seniors in the clan often said that they would fight with the powerhouses of the True-Dragon Race. , Is the most refreshing thing!

“Okay! The 3 Golden Lion Clan colluded with the rest, I will wait for the suppression and kill me!”

Cold and severe face burst, and demonic energy is even more surging, gradually turning into a zhang high magic shadow, which is half-real and half-real, but terrible, like a dark sky, making great hall Overcast!

“Even 1000 Royal Leagues can step on your heads and dare to impudent in front of the deity !?”

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