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“The hunt for the sky!”

With a bang, behind Qin Yichen, a tiger and a panther formed!

That tiger and leopard is able to support both heaven and earth, in front of Flood Dragon light and shadow, it is not weak at all, and Qin Yichen can play leopard teeth more powerful, and it can also be used to make the hunting day stronger!

The hunting for the heavens was originally a cracked sky leopard, but at this moment it is a tiger leopard. The silhouette of the cracked sky leopard is long and thin, fierce and fierce, just like a cheetah, but it lacks the fierceness of the tiger.

At this moment, the tiger and the leopard are not only indecent, but they are also fierce, and their limbs are strong, which makes the great hall tremble and jump suddenly, but it is straight to the Flood Dragon!

Tiger Panther vs. Flood Dragon!

In the air, the 2 light and shadows are almost the most primitive and brutal killings, rude, cruel, and fierce!

The claws tore the tiger and leopard’s flesh, and the tiger’s palm also caused the light and shadow to be full of scabbard scales. Even if there was no blood light splashing, the purple clouds that were seen were thrilling and excited.

In contrast, the slender silhouette standing on the edge seems to be quite small, but looking at the killing tiger and leopard Flood Dragon, Qin Yichen’s hands are around his chest, his expression is indifferent, but it seems to be the master of all this.

“This is the end.”


Behind him, the tiger tiger and leopard condensed and turned into a sharp sword. When the two of them killed, they jumped into the mouth of Flood Dragon!

The next moment, I saw that the fierce Flood Dragon was extremely painful, howling and howling, but its belly was bursting and cut off by the leopard tooth knife!


Tenth Nine Light and Shadow!

“Boss domineering!”

Ziyun was completely obedient. This extremely ridiculous light and shadow that hit him was destroyed by the boss both body and soul!

What is the gap? This is the gap!

Ten straight games in nine games! The key is the status of the boss at this moment, it is almost prestigious, and he is as different as Heaven and Earth!

Seeing this, Hong Lian wanted to praise, but thought of the depression just now, and finally poked out: “It’s not that I treat this stupid cymbal usually as a boss.”

After cheering, I saw Honglian’s dignified expression. Next, it was the strongest light and shadow!

Extremely Golden Immortal!

Ziyun also calmed down and squeezed cold sweat for Qin Yichen.

Qin Yichen was also bland, with cold and severe scattered between the eyes, never converging to hunt for the sky, that tiger and leopard slapped behind him, waiting coldly for the appearance of the last prey.

“Last battle.”

Qin Yichen made a fist: “Golden Immortal, let me teach you!”


At this moment, the great hall trembled, a dazzling light and shadow appeared, the figure was burly, the breath was fierce, it seemed to stand on the immortal dao Peak-the golden Immortal!

Qin Yichen said nothing, an elixir entrance, next moment, fighting intent monstrous!


At this moment, without words, the two figures trembled the great hall, and made Ziyun’s heart set off a huge wave.

“Split Sky Bone Wheel!”

In the last battle, Qin Yichen turned on the fire. I didn’t think there was anything wrong with relying on the Divine Object. Isn’t this DiDi Object also part of his strength?


The cracking sky bone wheel smashed into the air, screaming, and this light and shadow, as domineering as the previous light and shadow, suddenly poked, choking the cracking sky bone wheel!

Qin Yichen looked in his eyes, but he wasn’t surprised. Instead, he said slightly, “Come again? It’s enough to waste your hand!”

The split-day bone wheel spins quickly, but what Qin Yichen did not expect is that the scales on the arm of the light and shadow are actually tumbling, like a reverse scale rage, which turns into a path of subtle Flood Dragon, dying the split-day bone wheel Entangle, bite constantly!


Immediately, the light and shadow suddenly threw their arms, and the split-day bone wheel was thrown out. After a muffled sound, it was deeply sunken in the light platform under the feet!

This scene made Ziyun’s scalp look numb.

“This guy flew the Rifting Bone Wheel !?”

The Rifting Bone Wheel is a divide object!

You know that although the previous light and shadow were also very fierce, the strength of one hand was limited by the cracking bone wheel.

This last light and shadow is too scary, right?

Ziyun’s mouth drew straight, and he felt that even if he was in Peak state, he didn’t know how strong and weak he was.

Qin Yichen is also trembling. Divine object is, after all, a divin object, far from being able to be competed by the Golden Immortal of God Realm, which is normal.

However, Qin Yichen realized that this battle would not be easy!

But even so, Qin Yichen suddenly gritted his teeth, flew in shape, and the tiger and leopard that was able to support both heaven and earth behind him, even hit him!

“Blade Blade Technique!”

The sword is fierce and straight cuts the first level of light and shadow, but what Ziyun didn’t expect is that the light and shadow suddenly snapped his palms, the scales above the claws were dazzling, and fiercely blasted into leopard teeth!


For a while, The earth shook and the mountain quivered, Ziyun took a cool breath: “This guy, the claws can still shake the leopard teeth !?”

Even if the Zhenfei cracks the sky bone wheel, the fleshhy body of this light and shadow can even confront the divine object directly!

Honglian condensed: “The Golden Immortal means the limit of immortal dao. Almost every Golden Immortal can exist as a god, and the limit of immortal dao is not enough to fear the divine object.”

Having said that, Hong Lian thought that she was also an identity, and immediately changed her voice: “Of course, the divide object is also divided into strength and weakness. If this Senior takes the shot, he will hang him in minutes.”

Where can Ziyun listen to Honglian’s boast at this moment, even if the divide object is strong or weak, the weakest divide object is also a divide object!

Extremely Golden Immortal, it really deserves its reputation!


At this moment, on the light platform, the tiger and leopard came to kill, and the light and shadow also changed, turning into a mighty Flood Dragon, roaring to kill.

Qin Yichen saw this, his eyes stared cold, and his immense Golden Immortal strength made him impressed, but he didn’t kill him!

And the killer is the 10000 family admired Divine Race, the golden Immortal!

“1000 Tiger Kills the Fairy!”

In the low drink room, a path of tiger roaring and ferocious, and the Flood Dragon light and shadow is like a scream of the sky, deafening, causing many tigers to collapse instantly!

Even so, there are still tigers roaring, Qin Yichen cold and severe, stepping on a tiger, flying forward, the blade is cut on the 蛟 dragon body!


I can only see the sound of the golden fire screaming, a large scale burst, and even this blade sinks into the flesh!

Although the blood light is not seen, the sword is very cruel!

Light and shadow are painful, and Changxiao is even more violent. Suddenly, the scales explode, and it turns into a thorn in the sky, piercing a path of tiger and panther!

The scales are flying, Qin Yichen is wrong, didn’t expect Golden Immortal’s control of the body has reached such a point!

Except for the out of the ordinary of Golden Immortal, this light and shadow was originally a Flood Dragon. Although Bloodline is impure, only True Dragon descendants such as Qin Yichen are qualified to think so.

In the past, the Flood Dragon also seemed to be a ruthless existence of battle strength!

“Ding ding ding ~ ……”

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