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Divine Heart trembled again, Qin Yichen just felt his hands, feet and veins swell and blood flowed!

The eyes are the officials of the scrutiny, the eyes of the gods, the eyes of the dragon, and the eyes of the dragon.

Only with farsightedness can we see through the enemy and me, to win the enemy, and even to introspection!

“And the heart … the main blood! His ambition is gas!”


Divine Heart trembled for the fifth time, and Qin Yichen’s heart was like a cymbal, beating dull and powerful!

“Only with a strong heart can you circulate blood essence and run Bloodline to the extreme!”

“And Qi has the meaning of strength, but it has more of Qi, which seems to be unpredictable, but in fact it is self-cultivation!”

“Liu Li is a ten Eight God King, raising a Divine King is domineering, and even more fierce, it is the so-called heart out of the ordinary!”

“And I have a strong righteousness! More True Dragon 睥睨 True Qi!”

Suddenly, Qin Yichen just felt that his heart was emitting a dragon roar, a slam, and 6 Divine Hearts trembled again!

“What is the meaning of this last Divine Heart?

Qin Yichen calmed down and felt the beating of the six Divine Hearts, and suddenly found that the beating of the sixth Divine Heart was the power of the mystery of the remaining five Divine Hearts.

“I understand! This last Divine Heart is not just about the brain, but it can be spread all over the body!”

“The true fleshhy body is powerful, it is the strength of the whole body, every organ, every viscera, and even every hair!”

“5 The internal organs are born with bones at the bottom, skin at the outside, muscle strength, spleen luck, and heart coagulation! Such long-term strength is truly powerful!”

“bang! !!”

Suddenly, the power of incomparable erupted throughout Qin Yichen!

At this moment he finally understood why the Lili tribe could become Divine King and why the fleshhy body was above the ancient mountain tribe!

Because they follow the origin, because they cultivate inner and unite everything to create Divine Physique!

Outsiders saw the horrible silhouettes of the Li family, connecting to heaven penetrating the earth, but they did n’t know that what really made the Li family tribe was from the inside out, and each inch of the fleshhy body was refined!

“To be able to achieve Divine King, the Lili has great wisdom in the way of fleshhy body, but now, for me to use!”


Qin Yichen 5 dirty trembles, and the dragon scales flicker, seemingly integrated with those 6 Divine Hearts!

Unconsciously, the last hunted zhang has already crossed, and I saw that dragon shadow entangled in the middle of Divine Heart, and everything was changing!

Qin Yichen felt that the bloodfall of the sky was tumbling, and the torrent of blood surged, but he was thrown up and exhausted the purity of the divine blood!

It flows into the bone marrow from the skin, nourishes in 4 bones of the four limbs, is transmitted through the tendons, blends into the Bloodline, and comes together!


That day, True Dragon was at the top of the waterfall, clear comprehension body refinement Divine Art!

On that day, many powerhouses saw the blood waves sweeping over, condensing on the top of the waterfall, and seemed to be controlled by that dragon shadow!

Inside the Sea of ​​Consciousness, Honglian was startled: “This boy, I realized” Dirty 5 Dirty Divine Physique “so soon !?”

You know, this is the body refinement Divine Art created by Divine King!

Although the Lili tribe is the defeat of True Dragon’s men, it does not prevent it from being in Dongman and in the world, it has a great reputation!

“The so-called Divine Physique is to reach every pinch of itself, and to be able to move all the forces at will, condensing everywhere, this is Divine Physique!”


The blood waterfall trembled, the immortals were terrified!

“He, has he really reached the top of the waterfall ?!”

“How is it possible! A God Realm reincarnation of Dragon Race, where there is such a capability!”

“He’s just 9 Heavenly Layer! God’s heartbeat is moving, shouldn’t he be crushed to death!”

Qin Yichen only felt that with the movement of the heartbeat of God, he moved away from the 5 dirty Divine Physique, and every inch of strength of the fleshhy body was skyrocketing!

And it is so sudden, it is not sudden, and there is no hidden danger, because it is his five internal organs that have become more tenacious, more powerful, and even the roots have become stronger internally, and the transformation has resulted!

Gu Yuan looked at the silhouette of the top of the blood waterfall, and his eyes were full of envy, jealousy and hatred. His ancient mountain tribe could not be crossed for generations, and was even compelled by the old guy of this 骊 Dragon Race! ?

“Afraid of anything! Even if he comprehend body refinement Divine Art, he is not alone. How can we abandon him for a few 100 people!”

Looking around, Wu Shuangshuang was stunned.

“First, the ancestors penetrated the body refinement Divine Art !?”

“God bless my tribe! Do you see the ancestors in the spirit of heaven? Even the powerful races ranked in the ranks of more than 100 are difficult to reach, and today they were obtained by the monstrous ancestors!”

“Heavenly ancestors, revitalize my tribe!”


Suddenly, the bloody waterfall exploded and the bloody waves covered the sky, but after all was gone, there was only a slender silhouette standing on top of the waterfall and overlooking the heroes!

The silhouette star-eyed eyebrows are invincible, as if every move, lift your fingers and hook hands, you can explode the terrible power!

The young man spoke, his voice was rolling, Xianwei was raging, and he was vomiting world’s energy: “Divine Art has been for me to use, so wait … disagree !?”


The next moment, the slender silhouette suddenly disappeared, almost at the same time, when a powerhouse of an ancient mountain tribe turned into a glory, and even when the screams were too late, it disappeared!

a punch!

Just one punch! You can smash all the means of Golden Immortal Peak, and even activate the token, that is, without token protection, then Golden Immortal Peak will die on the spot!

Moreover, Qin Yichen did not rely on the power of the divine object, nor did he rely on the True Dragon Seal, which is his own power!

Gu Yuan was shocked. The power that erupted in that punch just made him feel what is pure power and what is powerful!

“This, this is the body refinement Divine Art …”

“too terrifying!”

“Senior, all misunderstandings just now.”


Qin Yichen raised his eyebrows, looked at the Dragon Race powerhouse with less than half left, and sneered: “After you go out, think of this as a misunderstanding!”

“bang bang bang!”

The boxer’s legs and shadows are staggered, and with every bombardment, there is a flash of light!

Suddenly the corpse looked horrified and suddenly cried out, “What misunderstanding! His face was torn, and he was afraid he wouldn’t do it! A few hundred of us, can’t we kill him!”

“Old bastard, don’t be crazy!”

“You alone, you are also trying to oppose my 4 races!”

“Abandoned him!”

Suddenly, Qin Yichen left only a sneer, and the silhouette turned into an afterimage.

The next moment, Chen Chen only faintly captured a terrible silhouette, and felt the pain of heartbreaking!


Photographed by the palm of his body, the broken arm that had barely healed was smashed and turned into a mass of smelly black blood to explode!

The other hand fell, holding Chen Chen’s other palm, fiercely strangling, the ghost claw that hardly shook the divine object was seriously deformed, and the hand bone was broken!

“Gu Yuan, don’t come to help me !?”

The corpse’s eyes were cracking, and Gu Yuan suddenly returned to his thoughts. He pressed all the terrors and looked at the 100 clansmans and allies around him, giving him infinite strength!

Counting 100 people, one person and one Immortal Technique, can also turn this old bastard explodes into waste!

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