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Rather than saying who is right and who is wrong, it is better to see who wins and loses, and who wins is justified!

Diao Shuier was also horrified by the sidelines. She was astonished at the strength of Qin Yichen, and was even surprised by the power of Shen Wu Dual Cultivation.

“Although I have the eyes of the dragon, I can condense such illusions, but I am too weak, and only the aftermath can kill me.”

This is also the shortcoming of spirit cultivation. It is impossible for you to take all the benefits.

Therefore, although the spirit cultivation generation has a high status, it really must be crushed by the Martial Dao powerhouse.

However, Senior Martial Dao is arrogant, and with the help of Spirit Power, how can the battle strength multiply?

“I’m afraid this is the terrible aspect of the Divine Dual Cultivation …”

If it ’s the God of Fighting or something, maybe Qin Yichen is not good at knocking his opponent with his fist, it will be reprimanded by the spirit cultivation powerhouse of all parties.

But the battle of Martial Dao, I have never heard of banning the use of Spirit Power!

“Senior Brother, go!”

Just at this moment, I saw a golden wolf tribe, Golden Immortal, with a huge mouth and a storm surge in his mouth. What made Qin Yichen mistaken was that Xianwei in his mouth was similar to Lu Xiaolu, but also condensed with fire.

“roar! !!”

The wolf roar turned into a violent sound wave, which swept 4 sides in the blink of an eye. This Immortal Technique could have turned a wolf howl into an attack. Each sound wave was like a sharp blade!

At this moment, Sonic was mixed with ice and fire, Qin Yichen Jin Yan condensed, resisting indifferently, but quite curious: “Does the wind wolf have such means?”

There are many Dongban races, and the means of Magical Powers are unknown, but Lu Xiaolu is not suspected, because God Realm reincarnated as a cover, and it is not surprising to have several incredible means.

However, the wind wolf tribe itself is against the wind. At this moment, the ice and fire are condensed. Formidable power is really strong. Qin Yichen fleshy body is strong. But Ziyun has to fight in front of the sword.

When Feng Mingxuan saw this, his eyes were overwhelmed and vicious, but he did not want to give up his last hope: “Girl, Shuier, are you familiar with these 3 Seniors, can you …”


Mink did not answer before being rejected by Qin Yichen.

Fengmingxuan complexion sank turned out to be twisted away!

That’s right, just twist and leave, without any whit!

Straight to the point when coming to snatch, when running, it’s just as crisp!

Mink’s face didn’t work anymore, did he stay to kill the group?

At this moment, Fengmingxuan’s intestines are regretful. Who can think of Mink Shuier’s words just now!

Diao Shuier was hiding, innocent and helpless, she really tried her best to persuade the wind wolf, and even moved the 3 seniors’ records, but who would have thought that Feng Mingxuan could distort herself as lying !!

From the time when the companion broke out, Feng Mingxuan knew that this was not a victory but a fight for him to escape!

“I will definitely be back!”

Feng Mingxuan turned into a wolf, howling grief!

Qin Yichen froze, this guy is a wolf, why is this line inexplicable?

“Then you come back!”

Qin Yichen silhouette blinks, and the treasure in your hand makes you run away?

Unexpectedly, Feng Mingxuan felt the silhouette behind him, and it was a silhouette that was close at hand. It was actually fiercely gritting his teeth, and suddenly the wind became a masterpiece. It turned into a dozen wind wolves and fled in different directions!

“Play this set with the deity?”

Qin Yichen laughed. He can not only create illusions, but also break them!

Spirit Power is surging, but next moment, Qin Yichen is standing still.

“What’s going on, this breath … is it true ?!”

Qin Yichen doesn’t believe it. If it can be transformed into more than ten Golden Immortal, Feng Mingxuan would not be so embarrassed.

However, whether it is Spirit Power or Xianwei perception, the breath of more than ten wind wolves is exactly the same as Feng Mingxuan!

Feng Mingxuan is extremely fast, and in a short time she has escaped several dozen li. Qin Yichen has no choice but to gamble!

“bang bang bang!”

Dao Immortal Technique shot, dragon’s blood war gun, White Tiger’s blade … In just a few breaths, half of the wind wolves issued bursts of wolverines, which turned into fairy blasts!

However, looking at the broken wind wolf, Qin Yichen’s face was gloomy. It seemed that he was out of luck and did not catch Feng Mingxuan’s true body.

Even if there were means, the Taoist incarnation of Feng Mingxuan had run far in different directions and was difficult to stop.

“what a pity……”

Qin Yichen sighed, but turned around, turning Feng Mingxuan’s regret into fun, and fell on those wind wolf powerhouses rubbed by Lu Xiaolu on the ground.

“It’s pretty moral.”

The wolf that spit ice and fire was even if difficult to deal with, but Lu Xiaolu was superior, running ice and fire with both palms, while the two ice and fire storms countered, the latter’s brows blew a ray of gold again.

Gold gasified into a ball of light, countless blades on the surface of the light ball 球 sword shadow Ling!

The wind wolf powerhouse is shocked. He can spit out ice and fire, not by his own strength, but by a divine object.

And how can he not know about the Dragon Race’s ability, this God Realm reincarnation can control Five Elements, is it possible that also has a divide object?

But why is this ice and fire power, and the countless sword energy transformed by the golden light, so much more powerful than him! ?

“Senior, winner is the king, loser is the villain, nothing to say, but you want to force us to surrender treasure ?! Anyway, you can’t kill us!”

The victory and defeat have been divided, but the wind wolf and his last stubbornness refused to bow their heads. If they lost, they lost. At worst, they were beaten, and Secret Realm was another hero!

But Qin Yichen smiled, right?


He punched in a punch, blasting directly into the wolf’s belly, and the internal organs of the latter were almost shattered, making Diao Shuier’s pretty face pale. Senior’s palm head penetrated into the wolf’s belly!

“Ahhh …”

This cruel scene made Diao Shuier really dare not see it. She thought that Martial Dao was rude enough to win and lose. Who thought it, where did it go?

Qin Yichen is calm, and Martial Dao is indeed more ruthless than the struggle between the generations of spirit cultivation.

But he is used to it, because Qin Yichen has seen too many worse outcomes than this, and lost, not to mention being ripped open, chopping skin and cramps, and tearing down all the god bones and bones.

Not to mention, is this Divine Blood Divine Land regarded as a blessed land by Dongman, is it not piled up with the bones of Dongman God Realm?

“My divide object!”

The ragged powerhouse was pale, but Qin Yichen’s blood-stained palm was dragging a 5-color Divine Flower. The reason is that the former can spit ice and fire!

“Awesome strength of Five Elements!”

Qin Yichen was stunned, and the divine object of the Windwolf powerhouse was forcibly taken out, and the pain was conceivable. At this moment, the eyes were red, and he waved his palm to cut it off!

“Want to activate the token !?”


That powerhouse is not unable to stand such a humiliation, but rather would be eliminated, and would not be robbed of its own divide object by Qin Yichen!

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