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Breakthrough is a good thing in the end, but Ziyun is not proud, because there is a fact that they have to face it, and that is the opponent they are facing today, it is indeed too much ahead of them in realm.

Qin Yichen 2 is also happy for Ziyun, but at this moment, they saw Chunyang Bao swaying, and a slight fluorescence lingered from the leaves of God, and there was a tendency to condense.

“This is … Yaoling is about to recover!”

3 people’s eyes brightened, and Ziyun, the host, even cautiously gathered Chunyang Baozhaocao, full of expectations. This Chunyang Baozhaocao has been a long time, but his life is very difficult. Until today, he was only in his Recovery in the hands.

Ziyun prayed, but the content of that prayer made Lu Xiaolu sip her lips: “10000000 don’t be the medicine spirit like Honglian Senior, 10000000 don’t …”

“You have the ability to speak louder!”

Lu Xiaolu was indignant, and Qin Yichen was also praying: “10000000 can’t just make me suffer …”

“you two……”

“Big brother, are you looking forward to the brother’s death ?!”

“Don’t make trouble, big brother wants to have a medicine spirit to spur you!”

In this way, under the two people ’s opposite prayers, and Lu Xiaolu ’s eyes rolled, the fluorescence condensed and a beautiful shadow appeared.

“Yao Ling Lu Ying, pay respects to the master.”

I saw that Qian Ying was wearing a light green skirt, swinging with the wind, her slim fingers interlocked with her flat lower abdomen, and her green silk was held on the fragrant shoulder.

That calmness and tenderness, with a little respectful euphemism, made Ziyun instantly intoxicated. Is this his medicine spirit?

Ziyun felt as if he had ushered in heaven …

The medicinal spirit of Chunyang Bao Zhaocao is full of vitality to Qin Yichen’s feelings. It is like a spring breeze. It seems that just whispering quietly can soothe people’s injuries. The most important thing is that Yi Jing An Ya is not noble. Instead, it is like fresh grass in spring field, which makes people inexpressible.

“This, this is your demon spirit !?”

Qin Yichen stumbled, only feeling a little sour between the lips, that was the smell of lemon.

Qin Yichen looked towards the Blood River, regardless of whether Honglian noticed it, this is the medicine spirit of other people’s home! ?

“Ziyun, what did she call you just now?”


Ziyun had a smirk at the moment, and Lu Ying’s first impression was definitely not the character of Honglian! It’s even the opposite!

The first time Ziyun was so proud in front of the boss, the boss was okay. Although Honglian was a bit more fierce, he had a wife and concubine after all, and for the first time since Dragon Transformation, he was so gentle to him!

“This is my medicine spirit, is there anything wrong with my master? Boss, do you mean it?”

Ziyun smirked, but Qin Yichen twitched at the corner of his mouth. The medicine spirit of other people’s homes is different. A guy has never called him like that!


When Honglian just awakened, she was very serious, but soon she was revealed!

Qin Yichen with a last hope, coughed softly: “That green and bright, I am the big brother of this product, all of you, you don’t need to go outside, just show your original character.”

“Actually, you have a long history and you must be very far-sighted. In the future, add more education to this kid …”

However, Lvying was curious, beautiful eyes blinking with faint eyeshadows: “Master’s big brother? That’s Lvying’s big brother.”

“But … although Luying has gone through several generations of masters, she has never been a traitor, and has always been loyal. As long as the host is willing to treat Luying with all her heart, Luying must assist her master with all his heart. Isn’t this justified?

Qin Yichen was shocked! Then stared at the Blood River!

Learn from others, what is the self-cultivation of Yao Ling!

“Boss, why do you smell lemon? Do you smell it?”


Ziyun was proud of one’s success. After a while, I was thinking of the business: “Lu Ying, you belong to my dantian, I have something to explain to you.”

Although Luying was also in her dantian before, Yaoyao was in a state of silence. In fact, after Shen Guang fell, her consciousness fell asleep, so I don’t know how long it has been in the past.

A ray of fluorescence was attributed to Ziyun Dantian, who hurriedly said: “Lvying, usually you don’t speak up. This is Dongman? You know, Dongman? We are the reincarnation of our ancestors disguised as 骊 Dragon Race …”

Ziyun informed Luying about the situation, and the spirits also needed to run in.

But Lu Ying heard a lot of staggering sounds, and her lips were slightly open. Is Dongman here?

Dongman certainly heard of it, but she was originally born in Zhong Prefecture, and the owner was disguised? The courage is too big … The master’s breath seems to have just been Transcending Tribulation 9 Heavenly Layer!

“My real name is Qin Ziyun, and my big brother is called Qin Yichen. As for this, he is also disguised and named Lu Xiaolu …”

“There is also a person in the blood river, but it is my Big Brother’s Artifact Spirit, which is your Senior. Her name is Honglian, uh … she’s a bit fierce. You will provoke her less, and just don’t learn her … “

After paused, Ziyun looked up and said to Qin Yichen sound transmission: “Boss, our bottom line …”

The joke is a joke, but when it comes to business, Ziyun is not sloppy.

Qin Yichen rubbed his forehead, and it seemed that the smell of lemon on his lips hadn’t faded away: “This is your medicine spirit, and I’m going to follow you in the future, how long can you hide it?”

Ziyun thinks about it too, and one of his Yao Lingtan’s integrity is one of the key points. The key is that Chunyang Baozhaocao is not only with him these days. Sooner or later, he will know that their three people are out of the ordinary.

If nothing else, if Lu Ying hadn’t seen the True Dragon bone, now in Zidan’s dantian, she would realize that it was wrong.

In this case, it would be better to be open and honest.

Thinking of this, Ziyun’s echoing voice in dantian suddenly became serious: “Lu Ying, what I say next is very important to you and to us. I hope that after you listen, you will be the same as now.”

“Actually, we are from Zhong Prefecture, but Zhong Prefecture, once our ancestor …”

As Ziyun’s voice came, Lu Ying, who had just awakened, only felt that the sky was turning. Rao was once a supporter of God Realm powerhouse, and she was overwhelmed at the moment.

The owner and the big brother, as well as the little girl Lu, turned out to be the overlords of Zhong Prefecture!

True Dragon!

In her memory, True Dragon is not already …

In this world, there is even a True Dragon! And his own master is one of them!

After a long time, Ziyun’s voice came to an abrupt halt. Only Lu Ying stood on dantian, and seemed to work hard to digest the shock of the news of a path of news.

“Descendants of True Dragon, descendants of 9-color deer … the Senior Red Lotus, is the legendary Supreme divine object of Phoenix Clan?”


Lu Ying never thought that when she woke up again, she would usher in such a shocking grass!

Even if she had longed for it before, even if she fell into the hands of God Realm powerhouse, she would be able to help, but the identity of the owner is far more shocking than God Realm powerhouse!

After a long time, I saw Lu Ying holding her lips, and seemed to cheer herself up: “Lu Ying understood, but Lu Ying is still the same sentence, as long as the host cares carefully, Lu Ying will not lose the host.”

“And following the master, you may witness countless wonderful and memorable memories in the future, right?”

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