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The Red Baby Clan and the Zheng Race are the Two Great God Kings. Headed by them, plus the following powerhouse, they are heading towards Yin-Yang Ginseng halfway!

Along the way, the young man headed by Zheng Race seemed to suddenly think of something, and laughed: “Yes, Brother Yingluo, this time Dragon Race came 3 God Realm reincarnation, and the noise was not small, you said they would Won’t rob us? “

Yingluo is the young man headed by the Chiying clan. Spirit Power has already reached Heaven Realm Peak, and it is only one step away from the immortal master!

Yingluo heard this, but he didn’t care about laughing. These days outside Secret Realm, the Dongman races have already known about the killing move of 骊 Dragon Race and the impressive record of the 3 God Realm reincarnation!

Although Secret Realm can’t communicate inside and outside, but Secret Realm’s news is also quite well-informed, who has seized any opportunity, which race between the two parties, and which tribe has a bright powerhouse …

After all, these things are going to spread, and Yingluo has already heard that the 3 God Realm reincarnation of Dragon Race have even spread the ancient mountain 4 clan by one of them.

However, Yingluo was not too surprised, because the idea that this incident gave him was that Dragon Race had good luck in these years, and that’s it.

Yingluo laughed: “Maybe not. Since God Realm is reincarnated, it’s better to know the weight of you and our two families joining forces.”

“But anyway, it’s a Senior. If you are interested, you can call them Senior when you meet.”

Refuting the Zheng Race teenager also smiled and nodded: “Yeah, we haven’t tried to grab the Dragon Race time, it’s already enough for face.”

At the same time, the Qin Yichen 3 flew along with the marten, and the latter looked at the slender silhouette, secretly said in one’s heart. I am afraid that the Senior will face another scramble after the meeting.

Diao Shuier thought about it and could not help reminding: “Senior, the competition for this Yin-Yang Two Extremes flower will be quite fierce.”

Qin Yichen raised an eyebrow: “What to say?”

Diao Shuier said: “The first is that this Yin-Yang Two Extremes flower is already extremely precious. If you can control the power of Yin and Yang, it will greatly enhance your strength.”

There are also many types of divine objects, such as Chunyang Baozhao grass, which are healing and healing, Zhaotian divine blood flowers are short-lived, and Yin-Yang Two Extremes flowers can be considered to permanently improve their strength. Think about it Its value.

“The 2 is also the key point. How long has Senior been considered Secret Realm?”

Qin Yichen recalled: “It should be almost a month.”

Diao Shuier said, “Exactly, in other words, many powerhouses have only the last few days left. They belong to the bottom line, and they are not afraid of being snatched. Not to mention the 7 days of the bottom line, if they can be snatched, In a few days. “

Qin Yichen: Sorry, this is indeed the case. For most powerhouses with only one month, anyway, I have only a few days left, and I’m not afraid of grabbing. In the last few days, I might as well let go!

In this way, the mentality of most powerhouses can be imagined. When encountering opportunities, it must be a full-fighting fight, even if it is eliminated, it does not matter. After all, if you can grab it, then this trip to Secret Realm will make a lot of money.

Diao Shuier explained: “Senior has also made a name in Secret Realm, which is enough to discourage some races, but the past few days are different. I am afraid that many powerhouses will forget Senior’s strength. He swarmed, just for the last stroke before leaving Secret Realm. “

Qin Yichen laughed: “What you said makes sense, I’m afraid that’s not the only thing. Those little cubs will be brave because of this, maybe they will also take the idea of ​​their own time. Anyway, for them, losing is nothing but being eliminated. Get a wave of time and continue exploring at Secret Realm. “

“Is such that.”

Diao Shui Er bowed his head: “So Seniors must be careful. One person’s power is ultimately limited, but the immortal strength is consumed by countless powerhouses, and there must be miscalculations.”

Qin Yichen took note, but Ziyun said he was unwilling: “What is the power of one person is limited, aren’t we co-authors?”


Diao Shuier clenched his silver teeth. If it weren’t for seeing you so fierce, I would have hit you already! Do you know what it means to understand? Fine!

However, Ziyun didn’t care. Diao Shuier said that he understood that it was nothing more than wheel warfare. No matter how strong his strength was, his immortal strength was ultimately limited. In the face of the powerhouse that no longer feared being eliminated, he would exhaust himself sooner or later.

But Ziyun wanted to say, wheel war? Human sea tactics?

Then I’m afraid you haven’t seen the number of ancient mountain 4 clan teaming has a great advantage, but what happened?

Just at this moment, when I saw a team of 100 people flying in the distance, the ape went flying ahead, like a leader of a tribe, only to feel that he was quite prestigious.

Precisely speaking, the ape complex is indeed the leader of a clan, and behind him at this moment is the powerhouse of the water Ape Race!

Originally, Zifu was also able to enter the Divine Land. However, after being robbed of time by Qin Yichen, he was so embarrassed. Where can he still face with the former?

Therefore, these times are not in the Divine Land, of course, still in the imperial garden, and clansman who seized the exploration in other opportunities of Secret Realm was also under his convening and finally converged.

The ape was so prestigious at the moment. There were 100 clansmans following the same spirit. When I saw Mink Shuier, I couldn’t help but look up. “Shuier girl, let’s meet again!”

When Diao Shuier saw this, Liu Mei frowned slightly, and the resistance was fleeting. Although she had no love for men and women before, she may not be able to make friends, and due to dignity and courtesy, and the friendship between the two races, so she behaved in the same way. Not cold.

However, since Qin Yichen fought against Divine corpse at the entrance of Shentu, Diao Shuier had aversion to Ape Complex.

After all, Mink Shui Er is not stupid. In retrospect, it is not difficult to understand the purpose of White Ape’s return of divin corpse to Qin Yichen.

Diao Shuier also understands that thanks to the strength of three seniors out of the ordinary, he can retreat from the divine corpse. If seniors are not good enough, wouldn’t he be pitted by the ape?

Therefore, for Qin Yichen’s behavior of directly capturing the ape’s complex time afterwards, Diao Shuier no longer hates it, and even thinks of changing himself, I am afraid that this account must be calculated.

At this moment, Ape came together. Although Mink Shuier did not drive away, she was indifferent. Even the gentleness of the pearl in the palm that she had previously belonged to is no longer: “Sao Fu? Why are you here?”

The coldness and repulsion in Wanyin, how can you not hear it?

This caused the jealousy of the ape complex heart, if it was not for the appearance of Qin Yichen, what would make him seem useless! ?

“Old bastard, isn’t it just to live a lifetime longer than me, what crazy! I also want old cow eating the young grass !?”

Zifu scolded in his heart, but his face was personable: “Yin-Yang Two Extremes flowers are coming out. If you don’t compete, wouldn’t you waste your trip to Secret Realm?”

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