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God Realm powerhouse is not a fool, and Nine Dragons patriarch is not a fool either.

Saying that, but the dragon patriarch did not believe that Your Majesty really didn’t know anything about the slaughter of the city that year!

However, if you don’t make a statement, it is actually a statement!

But now it’s different, things are so big, can Your Majesty pretend not to know?

I don’t know if Chen Chen can think of this layer, but it doesn’t prevent him from seeing hope: “I’ll say it! Why did that guy make things big! It turned out to alarm Your Majesty …

“That guy is also God Realm’s reincarnation. Maybe he still has military exploits. In addition, the red baby family has already made up for it. As long as Your Majesty comes forward, then …”

Wu Chen is glad that Your Majesty will not punish the red infants, but at least it will not make things worse.

But when the dragon patriarch saw this, the smile on his face turned into a grin: “But unfortunately, he has no chance.”

Chen Chen shuddered: “Senior Brother, what do you mean?”

It is you who says that guy has a chance to stand up, and it is you who says that he has no chance!

Chen Long patriarch shook his head: “Do you think that guy can meet Your Majesty alive?”

Chen Chen froze. He did n’t expect that the slaughter of the city could lead to such complicated consequences!


Your Majesty must be fair, but the question is, does that guy still have a chance to see Your Majesty?

After a long silence, I saw the dragon patriarch opened the mouth and said: “So, do you understand what I mean? You have blood in your mouth, but you should not use it on the dead.”

Wu Chen bowed his head, Senior Brother was talking about the past, and even now, the meaning is obvious and realistic, and even thoughtful.

If the 骊 Dragon Race guy is dead, even if he tells the disgrace of the red baby race, what use is it besides causing trouble for 蜃 Dragon Race?

“You … well.”

Having said that, Paolong patriarch turned his head, staying outside for a while, just about to leave, but when he saw behind him, a trembling voice came from Chen Chen.

“For example, what if that guy can live?”

Paolong patriarch shook the head: “Junior Brother, you haven’t really changed at all …”

Still naively thought that there is a miracle in this World, that strand of so-called justice can illuminate everything.

At the same time, the news that the entire Red Army annihilated the army finally reached Divine City.

Pu Hua respected the vortex of the sky, and now only begged the ancestors to be eliminated.

This is not his curse for his ancestors. Instead, he is praying for his ancestors!

Being eliminated, that’s 10000 of misfortunes. If you can’t even eliminate it, that’s a real nightmare!

So much so that Huan Zun, who has been staring at the sky, did not notice that his face was gradually scared among the many powerhouse sound transmissions in Divine City until he was shocked!

“All, all eliminated?”

骊 Dragon Race This is more than just daring! Do you think you have lived too long?

The corpse patriarch’s first came back to his senses, even with a smirk on his face: “Everyone! 骊 Dragon Race savagely kills the same robes, destroys the red baby tribe’s chance, and takes them down!”

Tone barely fell, and saw a lot of powerhouses full of divine power.

Just kidding, this time is not to think about whether Dragon Race can resist, but to be late on your own, instead it will be taken away by others.

Facing that terrible divine power, even though it was the God Realm powerhouse, Ke Huazun and several Elders still felt weak.

Pu Huazun’s face was startled: “What are you doing! Want to kill each other!”

Even if things get serious, but here is away from Divine City, they are both God Realm powerhouse, without blood and deep hatred, can not be killed by each other.


The corpse patriarch smiled old and smiled: “You are so daring and you have eliminated Dragon’s Chosen from the Red Race. What do we say!”

“Eliminate all !?”

Wu Huazun jumped out. At this time, he only felt that the divine power was turbulent and he was about to vomit blood.

He also felt that it was already 10000 fortunate that the ancestors could be eliminated.

Why are the ancestors okay so far, but the red infants are completely wiped out!

is it possible that, the ancestors really …

However, the old patriarch patriarch did not give him the opportunity to think about it. He immediately said to Li patriarch and said: “Master, 骊 Dragon Race maliciously kills the same robe, and destroys the chance of the red baby tribe. If it is not captured, What is the majesty of the East? “

Li Li patriarch always looks gloomy and uncertain, so what does he say? Eliminating half of it is not enough. Do you really want to survive Dragon Race?

Then Elder felt embarrassed. If he was allowed to treat them like he was in the Divine City, wouldn’t he give the red babies face?

The ruthless ruthless still hurting and the others hearing this, even more stunned!

The ancestors are too fierce!

This is simply an old man of Dongman!

They thought that their ancestors hadn’t come out for so long, and they had been dismissed by Zheng Race.

Wu Wenxiang was even more excited: “The ancestors were mighty!”

However, I just shouted, but I saw Fiercely glaring! How dare you say that? I’m afraid the ancestors didn’t die fast enough, right?

In the face of this news, 骊 Hua Zun has already 懵懵, this is not as simple as his 骊 Dragon Race being retaliated.

Fortunately, 骊 化 尊 好歹 is a family of patriarchs. At the critical moment, I suddenly thought that it was impossible for the ancestors to do so, and that things were so troublesome, was it … to shock the God Your Majesty!

With this in mind, looking at the many powerhouses that have gathered Divine Palm and are ready to embark on a dilemma, Xihua Zun immediately shouted: “Wait a while!”

“Secret Realm, powerhouse is respected! Elimination or not, depending on the ability!”

“The monstrous ancestors even fought against True Dragon and fought against Zhong Prefecture, and they worked hard! Even if they were to be judged and punished, Your Majesty would be sentenced!”

He Huazun gritted his teeth. Now, apart from moving out of Your Majesty, he couldn’t think of any possibility of manoeuvre: “I, I, Dragon Race, ask to see Your Majesty!”

As soon as this word came out, the corpse patriarch was a little old, and his face was gloomy, but he had to think about it in the face of the four words, the emperor Your Majesty.

Many powerhouses looked at each other, and even the corpse patriarch was the same as that of 骊 Hua Zun. 骊 The Dragon Race guy wanted to rely on Your Majesty to protect him!

The corpse patriarch is old and unhappy, and the god emperor Your Majesty has moved out, and that guy is still the god of the True Dragon period in the Zhong Prefecture!

But then, the corpse patriarch always smiled: “Your Majesty is wise and martial arts, you will naturally notice the fall! But if you, the ancestor of Dragon Race, can see Your Majesty, it is 2!”

Wu Huazun trembled, naturally knowing what the other person said!

Refute Zheng Race, and there are countless powerhouses who want to sacrifice red babies, how can they let their ancestors pass! ?

But what can he do?

Now I can only look forward to it, the ancestors really have such a chance, hold your breath, and your Majesty is shocked …

At the same time, the Emperor Secret Realm was inside.

Refuting the blood wings, like a fierce god, I don’t know how much pump light around, I want to tear Qin Yichen into pieces!

“You, you dare to eliminate adults!”

“Kill him! Smash him for 10000 segments!”

“Soon, you 骊 Dragon Race will be removed from the Dongman territory!”

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