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For these beings, the Emperor didn’t say anything. It was all voluntary, and those who withdrew from the position should be filled by Zheng Zheng.

Although retreat is a blow to morale, all in all, Dongman stood up to a thousand young powerhouse who dared to have a chance and sacrificed for Dongman. It was not a problem at all.

“Boss, let’s do it? Why not mess around?”

Zi Yun is not afraid of death, but just feels that there is no need to die for Dongman, but Qin Yichen So sound transmission told him the conversation with Honglian.

Lu Xiaolu’s face is calm: “Honglian elder sister is right, we made a lot of noise in Zhong Prefecture. It is estimated that the death of Demon Race is still being investigated, and Dongman can’t wait any longer. It’s time to find another way out. “

Ziyun was surprised:” There is a wider universe !? And other worlds and our fellows! But why haven’t they moved for so many years … … “

Qin Yichen couldn’t answer this question. At this moment, several lights and shadows flashed, and it was the messenger of God Imperial Palace.

“Three seniors, should you have heard about the Monster Sovereign black hole? Are you going or staying?”

Qin Yichen The three looked at each other, opened the mouth and said: “All three of us go! Go through water and tread on fire for me!”

The envoy of the Emperor of God was overjoyed. Look at the enlightenment of the Dragon Race, which is better than some clans. Where to go!

“I need a good example of Senior!”

“Your Majesty really did not read the wrong person! Senior is really my hero!”

The Emperor of the Emperor for a while respected, Qin Yichen smiled hehe, but he had already made up his mind, go through water and tread on fire for you?

It’s okay to send you Dong through go through water and tread on fire.

“East Man and North Demon are exploring treasures, and we are mainly looking for a way to go to New World, and slipping whenever possible.”

Qin Yichen decided in his heart After the envoy of the Emperor God left, Wu Huazun also stepped forward in awe: “The ancestors were righteous! They all went to risk for me! Dragon Race!”

“Senior Brother is already here On the way, I specially brought my tribe Divine Weapon to the ancestors-Panlong kill! “

Qin Yichen with his hands on his back, found mystery:” Very good! Monster Sovereign black hole, let the deity go to the next Suffered! “

But my thoughts are different.

“Okay! Take a walk before you run 骊 Dragon Race, a Divine Weapon, it is not a loss!”

Due to the sudden emergence of the Monster Sovereign black hole, this time the cluster is quite strong. Urgent, Emperor Dongman gave only three days of response time for each ethnic group.

A few moments later, the envoy of the Emperor visits again, and this time, it is the information about Monster Sovereign black hole after so many explorations.

Although the value is limited, at least Qin Yichen can avoid many dangers, apart from this, and three golden jade talisman!

Qin Yichen felt the terrible courage of reaching out to touch these three golden jade talisman.

“If the energy in this jade talisman explodes, if I am caught off guard, it will cause me serious injuries and even … fall!”

The Emperor God laughed: “Three Seniors, this is Your Majesty himself. The life-saving jade talisman created by the warriors who went to explore the black hole! “

” This jade talisman is similar to the Secret Realm token. If you are in danger of death, crush jade talisman, Senior should be able to feel it. With a divorce power of Your Majesty, it is enough to help Senior to save himself from danger once. “

Qin Yichen’s eyes light up, and think about it, even if this thousand powerhouse is willing to sacrifice for Dongman, the Emperor of God cannot always No indication.

Ziyun is also very interested in jade talisman: “Anyone else? Just one? Give me more!”

The Emperor of the Emperor’s face looked ashamed: ” Well, this jade talisman is not easy to build, and Your Majesty does not only need to prepare for three seniors, so … “

God emperor jade talisman has a total of 1,000. Everyone who enters the Monster Sovereign black hole has a share, it ca n’t be too many.

But then, the envoy of the emperor took out a lot of elixir and various treasures.

“These are the chips that give Senior a little more life in the black hole, as well as the heroic reward for Senior.”

Qin Yichen has a glance, these treasures are not bad, there is no re-reward Where is the brave man?

“Many thanks Your Majesty!”

Qin Yichen, I thought I could, and I made an extra payment before I left.

That night, the current 骊 Dragon Race patriarch-骊 Haokong is here!

Just after meeting, Ji Haokong knelt on both knees, expression excited.

“Three ancestors are righteous! I and my children and grandchildren have nothing to report. I have to ask Divine Weapon to help the ancestors!”

“crash-bang ……”

骊 Dragon Race is another kneeling blockbuster. Rao is Qin Yichen the past few days. I’m used to it, but I still can’t stand it at this moment. After all, he can be regarded as a Divine Weapon.

But for the 骊 Dragon Race, the Qin Yichen three are clearly to rejuvenate the 骊 Dragon Race and go through the water and tread on fire to stand up!

No matter what the reason, it makes the 骊 Dragon Race, which worshipped Qin Yichen extremely extreme, more respectful!

Ziyun gritted her teeth next to her: “Don’t fix these imaginary, what about Divine Weapon?”

After more than a year of getting along, if you still say that you are facing Dragon Race hated gnash the teeth, and Ziyun’s heart was not iron.

But they have pity on Dragon Race, and who has pity on their ancestors who killed Dongjiang?

“Ancestors please move outside the hospital!”

Walking out of the house, Xi Hao swung his sleeves empty, and saw a black and red Flood Dragon rising into the sky!

“蹭蹭 蹭 …”

Flood Dragon crosses, but it makes a divine iron symphony, and I see that the Flood Dragon is like an iron mold, and every scale is exuding a mighty divide might!

骊 浩 空 expression is excited: “This thing is one of the three Divine Weapon of Dragon Race-Panlong Kill!”

“I do n’t know if the ancestors still remember? This Divine Weapon, it was your former patriarch ancestor who fell behind and was cast with a god bone and scale! “

” In these years, after the tempering of my patriarch generations, we have incorporated divine gold divine iron, And many divine objects! It’s sharp! “

When it comes to Divine Weapon, 自 Dragon Race can’t help showing pride.

“Panlong killing can be turned into a dragon whip in hand, it can be turned into a dragon lock and twisted enemies, Daodao scales can be turned into golden soup iron walls, infinite changes!”

Qin Yichen Looking at the panning in the air, although it is not a living creature, the divine might that can be distributed does not lose the panlong kill of the God Realm powerhouse, the star eyes blink, and there is a movement.

“The dragon head can be detached and kill the enemy on its own. The dragon head has hidden god arrays and the Magical Powers left by patriarch in the past. It can be inspired by the ancestor’s thoughts!”

“Good baby!”

Qin Yichen shouted: “It’s worthy of me 骊 Dragon Race Divine Weapon! This thing is in your hands, see how the deity sweeps the Monster Sovereign black hole …” > p>

Hao Haokong could n’t help but be proud of the ancestors ’ancestors:“ Ancestors, I have erased my mark. As long as you drip blood essence, Panlong kill is used by the ancestors! ”

Qin Yichen lifted his palm, and saw that the panlong was empty, with thousands of feet of panlongs killed, turned into a three-foot fierce dragon, entangled in his palm.

Looking at this divine mighty Divine Weapon, Qin Yichen pursed his lips. Although he knew he was an enemy, he still had several points of inexplicable bitterness.

He can kill the Dragon Race’s powerhouse and grab the Eastern Treasure, but he is contributed as a ancestor by Divine Weapon …

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