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“Yes, kill him! A group of defeated dogs, dare to stubborn!”

I saw my companion take out the bone amulet, and the lonely maniac screamed loudly.

But it ’s called 嚷 gui 嚷, the way to run is still to run, after all, whether it is the jade talisman of the East Man, or the bone charm of the North Demon, it is almost a perish together.

The North Demon powerhouse struggled with its last strength and crushed the bone charm!

It’s not just him. Those powerhouses pierced by the centipede’s spikes have no chance to escape. They simply take out the last bone charms and come to perish together!

“bang !!!!”

The bone demon of the North Demon, the jade talisman of the East Man, suddenly broke out the terrible light of the road, Qin Yichen only felt that the divine might be surging behind him. , Raging in all directions!

“So many guys are fighting either the fish dies or the net splits, should those old Monster Sovereign be dead?”

Like Qin Yichen, lonely Looking back, the scene before him, however, made him just a little more proud of his complexion, becoming paler and even hopeless!

“How, how is it possible!?”

“You are only a god, how can you resist the power of the bone rune!”

Qin Yichen look back Going, his face became more and more ugly.

Jade Talisman, who saw Dongman, was indeed overbearing. The demon gods from the chase could only quickly retreat. This retreat almost made it difficult to catch up with them.

But the bone charms of the North Demon are bursting out of the terrible divine might, but those divine might turn into divine light and be inhaled by the demon gods within the body!

divine light comes into the body, the breath of the demon god is even more terrifying! Also because they helped them to resist the burn both jade and stone of other powerhouses!

“Can they absorb the divide might in it!?”

The scream screamed fiercely, but proudly said in a deep voice: “No, not absorb the divide might, it is North The bone amulets of the demon did not save them life, but they originally gave the divine power to these demon gods! “

At this point, many powerhouses, including Qin Yichen, changed their faces suddenly!

In particular, the leader of the North Demon is lonely, with panic in his eyes.

You need to know that the East Man jade talisman and the North Demon Bone Rune both contain a strand of divine power, which is either an attack or a divine power protection. In short, it is to help them get out of danger. .

But the North Demon is slightly different. Some bone charms are made by some Monster Kings, which means that the bone charms of these Monster Sovereign children are from Monster Sovereign.

“Is it possible that …… A traitor has emerged from the North Demon!?”

蚩 Ao dragged the flames: “When is Dute, you still drive! Hurry up! Run! “

Many powerhouses realize that it is wrong, and the speed is even more severe. Even the ambush of the old Monster Sovereign is an ambush. Whoever thinks about the North Demon has a problem!

The lonely face is even paler. Like Dongman, these bone amulets cannot be sent by Monster Sovereign in person, but given to the messenger, just like the case of giving jade talisman to the three Qin Yichen. .

So it is possible that these bone charms are passive!

Either there is a traitor in Monster King, or there is a traitor in Her Majesty the Monster Sovereign Your Majesty!

No matter what the situation is, it is extremely serious for Bei Yao!

“Quickly withdraw!”

The lonely gritted teeth, the speed climbed to the extreme, this matter is too much, you must inform your highness!

He can’t guess who the traitor is now, but this matter can’t be delayed, and he doesn’t even know if the other North Star demon kins have been pitted!

“This time the Monster Sovereign black hole is getting louder! You must leave now!”

Gu Tiankang was thinking in his mind, and there was a North Demon powerhouse that escaped too slowly and was attacked by centipede. The demon bite, and half of her body was torn, screaming: “You scumbags! Who should be Wanhe! Who is it! Who is the traitor!”



Centipede Big Monster General swallows it lively, and after chewing, the demon voice is cruel: “Dead people can only be kept secret.”

Qin Yichen took Lu Xiaolu to flee the most fleeing escape. In front, his face was gloomy, this time it was the North Demon Pit.

But there should be no traitors in Dongman. After all, the traitors hiding in the North Demon are loyal to the old Monster Sovereign.

“whiz whiz whiz …”

Many powerhouses are scattered, but for centipede, this is a massacre!

After a long time, fiercely and the others looked at the monsters rising up behind them, and could not help but scream. This should be the broken bone rune of the monster next to Monster Sovereign.

“Fortunately, the bone charms given by Monster Sovereign have no passive hands and feet …”

If the bone charm divide might broke out, they would not be able to get rid of the centipede monster!

But after a fierce and the others look at each other, but not at all stop: “It should not be here for a long time, there is a traitor in the north demon, it is important, these old Monster Sovereign hawks will not let us go out to tell the truth. “

The crowd flew for a long time, and suddenly, the ground burst, and the centipede demon emerged from it, expression cold and severe.

The demon gods behind him are also chasing: “My lord, those bandits and thieves have escaped!?”

“This little bastard is not very good, and the escape is first-rate!”

“Each of them has a life-saving hole card. The lone thief is really willing to give his blood!”

The Centipede sneer: “Keep chasing, this matter, It’s best to keep it secret. “

” But what about the understood thief who is lonely? They thought that for so many years they were plundering the treasure of my emperor? ”

“I don’t know! My divine might be here now! But many thanks for their tireless gift-giving in!”

On the other side, until you fly out of this star, you can’t feel those demon gods. After the breath, Qin Yichen was relieved. The deer Xiaolu in her arms was Worriedly said, “Big brother, are you okay?”

Qin Yichen just shook his head slightly, just about to speak, but he was lonely. He flew, looking very embarrassed. When he saw the two, he was annoyed, and could n’t help but coldly shouted: “hmph! I ran very fast in the event of an accident! You really gave Dongman a long face!”

Qin Yichen’s eyes were cold, and at the moment, the two of them were rushing, and suddenly shouted when they saw: “Lonely crazy, you’re less here nonsense!”

“If it wasn’t for your northern demon, Traitor, we can do this!?

“You have to deal with your North Demon’s own problems first!”

The lonely face is sullen, but it is difficult to refute. After all, The problem really arises because of his northern demon.

“I will call on your Highness now.”

I just took out the Qin Yichen’s bones, but saw Qin Yichen’s eyebrows picking, and sneered: “Your Highness is good for messaging? He can fight Have you got those demon gods? Or can you shuttle through the Monster Sovereign black hole? “

The lone sky pump light is cold:” I want our Highness to crush the Northern Demon Divine Jade! “

The fierce sound transmission explained: “Senior, there is also a Divine Jade there for ten third highness, in order to prevent difficult variables to counterbalance.”

“As long as you crush, the Divine King outside will I noticed that I immediately urged the altar and led us out … “

Qin Yichen slightly nodded, and the lonely sky was disinclined to pay attention to them, and the North Demon had a traitor, and did n’t know how much The bone charm was tampered with by the traitor.

This is clearly giving divine power to the old Monster Sovereign! Harm them!

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