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See Monster Sovereign slightly nodded, Bai Cang explained: “Well, I don’t know much about Human Race, but I definitely know everything.”

Bai Cang recounts : “The origin of Human Race can no longer be followed. I am now close to thirty thousand years old, but before I already had Human Race.”

“And listening to my ancestors, the existence of Human Race has been For a long time, probably … it was born tens of thousands of years after that catastrophe! “

Qin Yichen’s eyes blinked, right! His Human Race is a descendant of True Dragon!

And this World’s Human Race has been around for 30,000 years!

That must have evolved! Maybe not worse than Shengtianfu!

Qin Yichen is full of expectation, but Bai Cang’s next words let him fall into the abyss.

“As for the Human Race you said is a descendant of True Dragon, there have been such rumors. Even in some Human Races, there are legends that they are descendants of dragons.

Bai Cang is a little embarrassed: “However, I suspect that these all are rumors created by various races to oppress the plunder of Human Race.”

After all, True Dragon is also taboo in this world, It’s easier to bully Human Race by charging True Descendants.

Qin Yichen expression It is sad that this is clearly a glorious history. Why is it reduced to the reason of oppression of all ethnic groups?

“Human Race, now living in Mando World.”

Bai Cangdao: “However, Human Race is very weak, and Bloodline Strength is very weak. The thing is, their spiritual wisdom still has a place among the nations. “

Qin Yichen’s face was bleak:” So, how many clansmans are there in the Human Race? What is the most powerful house in the clan? ”

Bai Cang bowed his head: “The clansman of Human Race is quite a lot, even the population is very large, but … this is the race for the Human race to cultivate enough blood to allow Human Race to reproduce.”


Qin Yichen’s eyes widened, as if he thought of the tragic situation of Human Race before he did not become the Lord of Holy Heaven!

didn’t expect, where Human Race inheritance is so long, it’s still so humble!

Even the multiplication of races is just to provide blood for the nations!

At this point, Bai Cang and the demon gods are a little embarrassed, and bowed their heads, “Sorry, we …”

They have also eaten Human Race! And now, there are countless Human Race slaves in the Star Domain under the control of Bai Cang, and even here!

“Isn’t Human Race resistant?”

Qin Yichen would not believe it. For so many years, Human Race has not stood up as a hero who can to support both heaven and earth!

Bai Cangdao: “Maybe there is, but … the clan can’t allow it. Human Race is said to have given birth to human gods before, but they have all been killed, and the flesh is used by the gods as tonics.”

“By the way, Human Race has another advantage! There are some Human Races with innate talent of Divine Wu Dual Cultivation!”

At this point, Bai Cang couldn’t help but bow his head: “But this advantage Instead, it makes Human Race even worse. “

” In this piece of the world, Human Race is divided up among the various worlds. The weak, there should be several tribes, the strong, that is, the establishment of the city. “

” But even the most powerful Human Race is said to have only three Human Race gods sitting in it. Although it has won a living territory for Human Race, it is necessary to pay tribute to all races every year, and even all races. When the powerhouse rises, you can eat at its Human Race. “

At this moment, Qin Yichen is already bloodshot!

He can imagine that a tribe of clansman is offered to other races every year, and even other races come to Human Race. The powerhouse of Human Race still needs to endure the anger and let it kill slaughter clansman.

What a shame! ?

Bai Cangdao: “The clansman who has the Dual Cultivation of Shenwu is estimated to be hidden by Human Race, but if found, it will be captured by other races to study the secret of Dual Cultivation of Shenwu.”

“Some lucky ones will be selected by the ethnic forces that can cultivate cultivation pill concocting and take away the teaching, but in the end, they are reduced to pill concocting tools …”

“Human Race The strength is uneven, but even if it is the Human Race that has achieved immortal dao, more than 90% are all ethnic groups in order to enjoy more delicious blood food, first cultivate them, and then … “

白 苍sorry to say more.

But I saw Qin Yichen’s fists clenching tightly, and the palms that had just condensed into blood shed the blood again, flowing across one side of the World, and he could be greeted by either True Dragon’s collapse or Human Race’s humble!

“Which race has killed my Human Race!?”

After this, Bai Cang was shocked: “Boy, calm down!”

“Yeah, I know what you want to do, but in this sentence, you are going to be against the races!”

“Without telling you, we … In short, Human Race is so The situation is not something you can change on your own. “

Monster Sovereign, who has been silent, suddenly opened the mouth and said:” Pak Cang, just this once. “

Surely, Monster Even though Sovereign hadn’t seen it in person, they knew that Bai Cang had eaten Human Race, but Qin Yichen told her that Human Race was a descendant of True Dragon.

This face she wants to give.

“Your Majesty’s Human Race is handed over to Yichen to take care of, and never to be enslaved again.”


Bai Cang led his life and then arched to Qin Yichen: “Sorry, we don’t know …”

Although he apologized to Qin Yichen, it was mostly in the face of Monster Sovereign.

Moreover, even if they no longer oppress the Human Race, can there be countless races in this universe, can they manage it?

Qin Yichen’s eyes are red, but he also knows that Monster Sovereign has given him face.

But this World, countless races, will not give him face!

Compared to the World ’s Human Race, the Holy Land is much better. Although it is only constricted on a small continent, at least it does not multiply, it depends on the people. Appetite.

“I am a descendant of True Dragon, but in the bones also has the blood of Human Race. This feud will eventually be reported!”

Monster Sovereign frowned slightly, thought about it, It ’s still comfortable: “Boy, you ca n’t help but make a mess, not to mention that now that you ’ve released the news that Human Race is a descendant of True Dragon, it will only make Human Race even worse.”

Qin Yichen in this way.

Even he suspected that the existence of some aloof and remote is not to know whether this so-called rumor is true or false!

For a long time, the redness in the star eyes faded away. Lu Xiaolu stepped forward and stroked Qin Yichen’s chest: “Yichen big brother, you …”

Want to persuade Qin Yichen to dissipate, but how can such blood and deep hatred be at ease! ?

“Either way, I and your stupid accompany you, either True Dragon descendants or Human Race, let’s rescue together.”

Qin Yichen breathes deeply, he Try to think in a good direction.

“Senior Bai said just now that there are three gods in Human Race today?”

Bai Cangyi: “Yeah, but it’s just barely becoming a god. No, becoming a god is already the bottom line of tolerance of Myriad Realms. “

Nevertheless, Qin Yichen still comforts himself and can become a god. It is not easy!

Even he can imagine that under the worse conditions than Shengtianfu, he can achieve higher achievements, and the hardships and sufferings he can imagine can be imagined!

“Do they have dragon’s blood? How is Bloodline better than me?”

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