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The demon god who led the way even took out the messenger treasure. Monster Sovereign looked in his eyes, and Peach’s eyes flashed a pity, but he was replaced by cold.

“I gave you a chance.”

Ziyun closed her eyes very wisely, in case he was blinded by starlight again, and at the same time it was a pity for those demon gods …

Mantian starlight disperses, and in the sky, there are only ten silhouettes of Qin Yichen.

Monster Sovereign looks at those demon gods who have lost their vitality and falls into silence.

Qin Yichen’s complexion is also a bit complicated. He doesn’t think these demon gods are wrong. He also admits that Monster Sovereign has indeed given a chance.

But do these demon gods know?

I don’t know.

Don’t these demon gods die?

Not necessarily.

Qin Yichen understands that the root of this matter is that the human god is his family. Without him, Monster Sovereign may have more flesh and blood, but it may not kill these Monster Race powerhouses.

Of course, provided that these Monster Races do not kill themselves.

Monster Sovereign wants to dominate the Monster Race. Qin Yichen does not doubt her means and ambitions, but Monster Sovereign is a living being, and is a Monster Sovereign.

There seems to be no right or wrong in this matter. It can only be said that the positions are different and the behaviors are naturally different. Monster Sovereign’s fist is big, so only ten of them are left in this starry sky.

“This may be the last thing …”

Qin Yichen sighed, he cannot stand on the highest point of morality to criticize Monster Sovereign, because the latter does what he does It ’s all about keeping his kin, and thanks to Monster Sovereign.

What’s more, when he didn’t step out of the continent, Human Race encountered treasure, and there were few people fighting for it?

Even when Qin Yichen noticed the fleeting helplessness in Monster Sovereign’s peach eyes, the former couldn’t help but sigh: “My Human Race has the hardship of Human Race, and Monster Sovereign Senior also has his own annoyance …”

The helplessness of Monster Sovereign is very complicated. Qin Yichen dare not say all of it, but also guessed that killing these Monster Races is just one of the helplessness.

What’s more helpless is the situation of Monster Race.

You can be as small as a tribe, as big as a family, or even a piece of Heaven and Earth.

Monster Race’s strength is not as good as Demon Race. At least in this World, it is not as good as Divine Race and Celestial Court of aloof and remote.

While in the Monster Race, there is no shortage of powerhouses that can make the scenes.

But this town scene just guarantees that Monster Race will not be reduced to the status of Human Race.

Since then, there is more than less than more than enough, which will gradually lead to the style of internal fighting …

But Fiendgod, but inside Monster Race, you can always distinguish between high and low? Moreover, for the ordinary demon god, the Heaven and Earth in front of him are limited, and the benefits of grabbing Demon Race will be retaliated by Demon Race and even cause greater trouble.

But when fighting with the same family, most of the time there are not so many things …

Of course, Qin Yichen’s vision is also limited, which is just his own knowledge of Monster Race.

Monster Sovereign also returned to peace, Taomu looked at the man and god: “Don’t run away, come here by yourself.”

The man and god have cut off the magic net, but Monster Sovereign’s displayed power is far more terrifying than that magic net!

The god of God turned his head and looked at the ten silhouettes, but he also calmed down: “You want me to be your servant?”

Monster Sovereign thought: “Yes It ’s not, but it ’s definitely not me, it ’s … ”

Monster Sovereign just wanted to point to Qin Yichen, who knew that man and God sneered:“ No matter who it is! Want me to bow to my knees and wishful thinking! “

” Your strength is really strong, and that extreme Golden Immortal is not easy! “

Human god coldly shouted:” I can’t beat you, but don’t say Let me be your servant, even if I ’m flesh and blood, you do n’t want to get a piece of it! “

” I know that the star domain behind you, there are few hundreds of millions of my family, but I want to understand, Even if I obediently let you share your food today, what can I do? My Human Race is still being oppressed by you! “

The divine power of the human body is twitching:” So, it ’s better than my Self-destruction, or … … Battled! “

Although the Demon and Devil race fought for his flesh and blood, the Monster Race had another internal fight, and he should have been the fisherman profits, but in front of the Banshee god, the strength is unfathomable!

But it ’s dead all the time, it ’s better, a bloody battle!

The gods are angry, the pupils are cold and severe, but the monster gods around Monster Sovereign have changed their faces suddenly. If Your Majesty was not present, they and this person may not win. !!

Monster Sovereign does n’t know what to say, but he can only look to Qin Yichen, who will fly forward and tremble with sound: “Senior, you have misunderstood, I am also Human Race, and it ’s good to eat Senior It ’s just this one … ”

Glancing at Monster Sovereign, Qin Yichen rephrased:“ This Senior ’s speech that’s all, we are not malicious. ”

while speaking, seems to be afraid of the other party’s unbelief, Qin Yichen cut through his fingertips, Human Race swelled, and red blood flowed out.

The eyes of humans and gods trembled, is it really human blood? !!

But next moment, the man and god sneered.

“A good look! It would be better if there were a few more tears!”

“How many Human Races does your Majesty have? It’s not easy to get some human blood?”

“Do you think I can’t guess such a way to hide the blood of other ethnic groups?”

Humans sneer and glanced at Monster Sovereign: “Why do you act again?” Do you want to fool me first, afraid that I will die? Or do you want to catch me back and eat slowly, or study what makes me different from other Human Races? ”

Ziyun said silently: “I said I would kill you, do I have to wait till now? You also felt Bloodline, my boss, and you are too inky!”

Ziyun wondered, This person God can even make up for his self-destruction. They ca n’t divide the flesh and blood, and even grab him to study … Is this a delusion of victimization? ?

However, Qin Yichen held up his palm and stopped Ziyun’s complaint: “If you are him, you will do the same.”

Although he has never met, Qin Yichen also Can imagine what this person has gone through.

Key This Senior is by no means the kind of being tortured by fate and being enslaved by other races, provoking Demon Race, and escaping into chaos. Who has witnessed the ups and downs of the journey?

This experience, coupled with the survival environment of Human Race, is not surprising.

“How can this be good …”

Took out Human Race Bloodline Neither believes, Qin Yichen can’t help but smile.

He worked hard all the way, cut down Monsters, eliminate Demons, and even he solved a Demon God himself.

It’s so easy to meet people nowadays. Whoever thinks the biggest problem is how to build trust!

“If you return to the Baihao Star Domain, as long as you see the people of Rentianfu, Senior will understand everything.”

But the question is, will this person God obediently return to the Baihao Star Domain with them? ?

It seems that they want to go back and study the food slowly.

Qin Yichen was silent for a long time, and found that even if he revealed his biggest secret, the descendants of True Dragon, he might not be able to dispel the doubts of his family!

Unfortunately, Qin Yichen took the pump light for help and looked at Monster Sovereign.

Ten thousand li apart from the starry sky, Monster Sovereign is also helpless: “If you do n’t see that you are the family of Yichen, your flesh and blood, I would also like to eat.”

” You do n’t believe what you say now, and you do n’t want to follow me. Since that ’s the case … I just ask you, do you want to die or live? ”

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