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As everyone knows, Lei Wanze at the moment is also in a panic.

“It ’s really a little underestimation of the True Dragon criminal, this remnant has only just become a god! The shot just now is just the Immortal Technique that’s all!”

Even so, it can penetrate his body Divine Thunder, you know, his realm is already God Dao Realm Small Accomplishment!

Moreover, he is from Heaven Realm! It is the son of Divine Emperor!

Even if it is just a very mediocre among many emperors, it is not difficult to achieve Divine King in the future, even if it is the peak of Divine King?

As a result, to deal with this True Dragon remnant, you need to use Divine Weapon as soon as you shoot!

“It ’s all the damn turtle shell …”

Lei Wanze ’s pupil light flashes, but it is found that the strength of the Human Race ants is actually a strong terrifying! One after another God Demon God communicates, but he is vividly and thoroughly cast by him, as if blue, above the Fiendgod!

A person without a name is actually capable of adversating Heaven Realm, a digital god!

“The stronger these remnants, the greater my credit! The True Dragon remnants drag out an ignoble existence, and the strength will never be stronger!”

Lei Wanze Pupil light is a ruthless, next moment, surrounded by golden thunder, surrounded by tens of thousands of lightning, like a thunder sea coming!

“I ’m going to see how much you can do!”

At this moment, a lot of Heaven Realm powerhouse sees His Royal Highness in anger, and is very happy.

“This Heaven and Earth is no longer the real world of True Dragon!”

“After the criminals, dare to attack in front of the temple!”

The guns and halberds touched each other for a while, but it was difficult to score. However, during the Vietnam War, Lei Wanze was more confident!

“His Battle Armor is only a high grade divine object! And I am the God Armor from the Father!”

“As long as I can hurt this remnant once, he He will fall into a disadvantage! “

Thinking of this, Lei Wanze was surrounded by a divine light surge, and Divine Thunder was actually condensed into a god. On that day, Divine Palm held the golden thunder and wanted to crush Qin Yichen!

“Golden Thunder Breaks All Ways!”

Thunder God slammed his hands and shook the world!

Facing the countless golden thunders, Wu Yan looked in her eyes and suddenly changed her face suddenly: “Heaven Realm the emperor is terrifying!”

On strength, she dignified God Dao Realm Great Accomplishment’s demon god, I am afraid that they are not Lei Wanze’s opponents, and there are still cases of Xuanwu suppression!

I am afraid that even Qin Yichen does n’t know that their World is called Jinlei World, meaning that the master of this World is Jinlei God Emperor!

Divine Thunder is coming, Heaven and Earth is like lightning around, but at this moment, Qin Yichen star blinks and Moon Wheel turns!

“True Dragon God Eyes!”


Suddenly, the sun and the moon surged, even under the urging of Qin Yichen , Originally the Heaven and Earth where Thor stood, but the dome emerged from the sun and the moon, and the sun and the moon were staggered, crushing Dao Dao Jinlei!

Lei Wanze saw it, but laughed aloud: “True Dragon’s criminal eyes are extraordinary Magical Powers, but unfortunately you are only cultivation to the point of Yin and Yang! Dare to show off in front of me !?”

“bang !!!!”

Golden Lei Peng Pai, Lei Wanze and the Tyrannosaurus Thunder God are united into one body, to be precise, that is his Divine Dao law Change!

At this moment, Lei Wanze stepped on Leihai, and a halberd stabbed out, wanting to shatter the Yaoyue Hua Cave that day!

However, at the moment of contact, Divine Thunder at the tip of the halberd became red instantly, just a few breaths, it melted!

Lei Wanze was shocked, and only felt that the silhouette silhouette looked like a round of blazing sun!

“Bang …”

Lei Wanze went backwards, and the sun was like a red spot on the body. It was on the body of Divine Thunder for a long time. Divine Thunder offset.

“The remnant of the sun is terrible …”

Lei Wanze complexion slightly changed, although True Dragon is now a taboo of all races, but once, they dominated after all Heaven and Earth!

As one of the inherent talents of True-Dragon Race, Dragon Eye naturally has a strong point!

“However, it ’s just that’s all! How much of your Bloodline? I do n’t believe, you can still be a pure blood True Dragon!”

Lei Wanze bursts! Before the endless years, True Dragon became taboo, and even many shallow-rooted races did not know the existence of True Dragon.

Under such circumstances, True Dragon can only drag out an ignoble existence, where can there be dragon’s blood to help him awaken Bloodline?


Lei Wanze was once again incarnation ten thousand zhang Thor, and the battle halberd in his hand also became larger. Under a sudden shot, he penetrated Heaven and Earth. Terrible lightning destroys everything!

Under the halberd tip, Qin Yichen’s silhouette looks very small, but in the dragon eyes that Moon Wheel turns in those two days, there is no fear.

“Not pure blood, but enough to kill you!”

next moment, dragon roar shocks all directions!

“roar !!!!”

At that moment, the Golden Dragon swept ten thousand zhang, the dragon scales glowed one after another divine light, as if reflecting all things, and a dragon claw, more It suddenly became bigger!

That dragon claw instantly transformed into ten thousand li vastness, the gold and copper shining on the dragon claw, the destroying heaven extinguishing earth gleamed, and Lei Wanze felt terrified when he fell!

This is the great annihilation palm exhibited by the body of True Dragon with Qin Yichen combined with the gluttonous geniuses!


Dragon claw fell, battle halberd was actually held directly by Qin Yichen, and countless Divine Thunder choked by dragon claw was even smashed in an instant !

Ten thousand zhang transformed by Lei Wanze dodges, even stomping Divine Thunder to tear the space, but the dragon claw is actually a piercing space.

“hiss ……”

In the next moment, Lei Wanze appeared outside the severe tens of thousands of li, but his left shoulder and even the entire arm were more A terrible paw print, divine blood flowing more than one.

I do n’t know when this starry sky is dead.

Heaven Realm powerhouse has a somber complexion, looking at the ten thousand zhang Golden Dragon, there are even more difficult to hide in his eyes!

“This remnant, actually hurt Your Highness!?”

“How is it possible …”

“All because of this damn turtle shell! Otherwise these Do n’t you dare to run wild!? ”

Lei Wanze ’s face was fierce, Divine Thunder surging on his shoulders, suppressing the injury, but the claw marks seemed to contain the mighty power of teaching the world, making him difficult to recover!

“Okay! Very good! You dare to hurt me!”

“Today, I am going to peel off your dragon scales, tear off your dragon muscles, and drink your dragon’s blood , Eat your dragon meat! “

Lei Wanze growled:” Kill me! “

At the order, several gods rushed to Qin Yichen!

These gods have various breaths, holding Divine Weapon, each showing Magical Powers, Ziyun looked in his eyes, could not help exclaiming: “Boss!”

However, facing this During the battle, Ziyun deeply felt the incompetence of his own strength. If he hadn’t been guarded by his namelessness, he would not even survive!

The key Monster Sovereign Senior is entangled in that half-step Divine King. The other party ’s digital deity is also smart, relying on Divine Weapon to delay Monster Sovereign.

Although under the star blade of Monster Sovereign, even Divine Weapon continues to crack and even break, but the old idea is very simple, as long as the strongest existence is delayed, the rest The remnants are all ants!

While Wu Yan and Lu Xiaolu are desperately resisting, but Heaven Realm has dozens of heavenly deities and many people, even though the nine colors shine brightly, they are gradually torn by various divine light!

At the moment, several gods besieged Qin Yichen. The gods are terrifying. Wu Yan looks look pale in her eyes. Instead of her, let alone resist, this blow is enough to kill her!

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