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This True-Dragon Race once Divine Court, I do n’t know how many treasures there are, but there is no life in the starry sky, there is no life and silence, as if everything has been buried.

But even so, Bai Cang was shocked at the bottom of his heart. He had only heard about it a little bit before, but when he saw it with his own eyes, he deeply understood that even if it is 600,000 Spiritual God, among them, it looks like The dust is normal, and it can be a miracle!

“Yichen, where are you going to go?”

Monster Sovereign ’s sound transmission is remembered in my mind, but Qin Yichen is stunned: “I do n’t know.”

Although this is the land of his ancestors, Qin Yichen knows nothing about it and his eyes are blank.

Monster Sovereign asked again: “What do you think is the opportunity and improvement you need first? If you don’t know the opportunity, you will find it.”

Qin Yichen thought about it : “Spirit Power!”

“Red Lotus Senior tells me that being a fairy prince is a great help to me, and it can even make my True Dragon universe decide … that is, Divine Art that masters the power of the universe , The means of deducing the future have greatly increased. “

Monster Sovereign nodded:” You really need to become a fairy master. “

Farewell, Monster Sovereign said with a smile:” Jun My Royal Highness, my there is a person. My friend has a chance to open up the Sea of ​​Consciousness. I want to bring it up a level in spirit cultivation. Could your Highness point us a clear way? “

” Keeping up the Sea of Consciousness?! “

His Royal Highness Junhong started, did not answer immediately, but looked at Qin Yichen with a slight surprise, and behind it, there is a person demon god demon pupil flashing, sound transmission said : “His Royal Highness, this demon will soon become a fairy master.”

His Royal Highness secretly sa id in one’s heart: “I am about to become an immortal master, but I will underestimate him, Shen Chuang Dual Cultivation, in my Monster Race, no! In the world, they are as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns!”

Qin Yichen also felt the demon god’s attention, but the other party was not malicious and he did not pursue it.

His Royal Highness Jun Hong suddenly said with a smile: “This Little Brother is of extraordinary strength to help you escape from the magic palm. That might of a single blade is like a rainbow piercing the sun, and it ’s actually a dual warfare Dual Cultivation.”

“Such a handsome person, would n’t it be the Husband of Yao Tian ’s elder sister ’s previous life?”

Monster Sovereign said with a smile: “His Royal Highness Junhong said with a smile.”

Qin Yichen is also a little embarrassed, but because he is standing behind Monster Sovereign, he does not see the fleeting shyness of the latter ’s peach eyes.

And when this remark came out, there was a person who just left Monster God. Looking back, personable: “That Yao Tian elder sister, what do you think of me?”

That demon god Have a dignified appearance, and there are hundreds of Monster Race around me. I can imagine what the background is. However, after looking at it for a while, Monster Sovereign just smiled: “You are not as good as him.”

This one Out, Qin Yichen is a corner of mouth twitching, because Monster Sovereign Jade Finger is pointing to him!

The smile of the demon god was slightly stiff, but he quickly regained his previous demeanor, but the jealousy flashed in the demon pupil did not escape Qin Yichen ’s awareness, or the other party did not want to hide at all!

Qin Yichen’s face with black lines: “Senior, are you considered kindness with enmity?”

Monster Sovereign looked at the leaving Monster God with a smile on his face: “speak frankly that’s all, rest assured, he can’t beat me. ”

Monster Sovereign looked towards His Highness Jun Hong, but he heard Ziyun ’s shout coming from behind: “The previous life is not, this life can be!”

Qin Yichen complexion sank, silently nodded to Lu Xiaolu, The latter raised a pink fist on the spot: “What are you talking about!”

After the fight, Lu Xiaolu stared at the fist with doubts: “No, this stupid jiao just said something. … It ’s not right, Yao Tian elder sister impossible When I was young, it ’s not right, I said, who was ashamed of being a concubine of the big brother Yichen … ”

Looking at Bai Cang and other demon gods with increasingly dark faces, And Monster Sovereign, whose smile is more playful, Qin Yichen feels that thousands of stars are waving to him.

“Cough cough, His Highness Junhong, ignore them, please also point me to a clear path for me.”

His Royal Highness Junhong laughed lightly: “I ca n’t talk about advice, a little bit If you inquire, you can understood. If you remember correctly, there is a field of spirit cultivation left by the criminals in the nearby Star Domain. “

The word criminals makes the Qin Yichen star tremble slightly, At this moment, I heard the demon god shouted: “His Royal Highness should be the God Ting Ling Island? I know it!”

The demon god looked towards Qin Yichen again: “Just my place is a person brother It is also necessary to temper Sea of ​​Consciousness, is it not like going? “

” We are also going, not like going! “

” Count me one! “

At this moment Although some are not inferior to His Highness Junhong’s existence, although parting ways, there are 100,000 demon gods left in the starry sky.

The proposal about Shenting Lingdao was quickly approved by some Monster Races.

Qin Yichen looked around and saw a demon god flew by, as if he were going to go together.

“There is also Dual Cultivation in Monster Race?”

However, Qin Yichen soon relieved that there is no demon in Lin Zi.

Besides, among the 100,000 Monster Races, only four or five forces have emerged, and each has its own Monster King to follow.

It seems that even if you lead the powerhouse own Dual Cultivation, those Dual Cultivation Monster Races have at least Monster Sovereign level backers!

Monster Sovereign looks at Qin Yichen: “Going alone is not like going, what do you think of Yichen?”

Qin Yichen nodded, the key is that he is different, this group of Monster Race is also impossible Don’t go!

“In this case, His Highness Junhong, I will leave now, if necessary in future, despite the words.”

Those who will go to Monster God arch fist leave Later, he walked away with Qin Yichen and the others.

“I remember, this is the direction!”

A demon god recognized for a moment and then pointed to one place.

Along the way, Monster Sovereign asked: “Where is the God Ting Ling Island?”

As soon as this word came out, many demon gods were suddenly surprised: “You are not this hundred Fang World ’s? Impossible, even if it ’s not this one hundred world … I ’m understood, you ’re the Monster Sovereign of that era, right? ”

If the True Dragon was not destroyed, this is the True Dragon Divine Court. Naturally, it is not their turn to explore. Only after the True Dragon is destroyed is it called a crime area.

Monster Sovereign laughed: “Here is indeed a vast expanse of Heaven and Earth, out of the ordinary, experienced and knowledgeable.”

A random question can infer her Roughly.

The monster gods did n’t care after they were shocked, and said with a smile: “God Spirit Island, as the name suggests, according to legend, it was developed by a True-Dragon Race God Realm Pill Master. A place of blessing. “

” The Sea of ​​Consciousness is like a Martial Dao, and he rules a Heaven and Earth, and can at least sit on a star. “

” That dragon is not simple , It is estimated that leaving the root of the God of Terror, and creating Divine Formation, the power provided to Divine Formation should be Power of Stars. “

” Although the True Dragon is extinct, but the stars are not extinct, that Lingdao has been It has been retained. “

The demon god preached:” In the Spirit Island, Tingwei is everywhere, and the most important thing is that Spirit Power is contained in Tingwei, while tempering the Sea of ​​Consciousness, it is more Absorb Spirit Power to strengthen itself. “

Finally, many demon gods are already full of surprise, even Monster Sovereign is shocked.

Divine Dao becomes a god, how does this exist?

Enough to be treated as a guest by Divine Emperor powerhouse!

However, it seems not surprising that the starry sky was once brilliant.

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