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Hearing the ridiculous words of Dan Hall Elder, Bei Hao Hall’s Elder’s face gloomed immediately, but even if he had anger in his heart, it was not good to scold the Elder of this Heaven Grade Pill Master.

“Boy, is there such a capability, but it’s not what you say!”

There was a chill in Elder’s eyes in Beihaodian, Shen said.

Hearing this, Dan Dian Elder frowned, feeling a bit of awkwardness.

With the wave of Elder’s sleeves from Bei Hao Dian, only a silhouette of Sona slowly came out behind him.

This silhouette is a cool and elegant woman wearing a blue dress. She has a hot body and an attractive appearance. However, the pretty face is a little cold, which makes people unable to have evil intentions.

At this time, her eyes looked at Qin Yichen with a touch of disdain, as if she realized that the latter’s strength was somewhat unbearable to look at, her eyebrows were raised slightly.

“Qiu old man, do you still have to have no shame? You called Yu Qing out?”

When I saw this young girl, Dan Temple Elder frowned, shouted in a deep voice.

Hearing that he didn’t cover everything, Elder Beihaodian also blushed, but he didn’t explain anything, but said to Qin Yichen: “Boy, sophistry is more useless, since you say you can It ’s easy to defeat, so use your strength to prove to us! ”

“Yu Qing’s strength is almost the same as Yi Buyan. As long as you can prove that you have the strength to beat Yi Buyan, then this is the end of the matter!”

With that said, the words of Elder Bei Hao Dian sank suddenly, and the cold voice resounded: “If not, no matter who protects you today, you have to accept the punishment of the Temple of Penalty!”

“Can that waste that is not useful be compared with your old man’s treasure disciple? Qiu old man, as a temple of Elder, for the so-called face, it is so shameless!”

Dan Dian Elder’s gloomy shouted, obviously, he was very clear about the woman’s strength.

“up to you……”

At this time, Qin Yichen, who never spoke, suddenly made a sound.

“Boy, that little girl entered Holy Land just a year ago, but she was accepted as disciple by Qiu Old Man, and now she is half step respecter!”

Seeing that Qin Yichen actually spoke, he promised that Dandian Elder hurriedly discouraged him.

“Half-step lord?”

Qin Yichen’s eyes froze slightly. From the woman named Yu Qing, he also felt a strong oppression. However, he knew that the only thing that could resolve the contradiction now was to show it. Kill the power of easy words!

“Elder, rest assured, only a half step lord, I can handle it.”

Qin Yichen stared directly at the cold-looking woman, smiled softly, and said to Daner Elder.

After hearing this, there was an absolute silence in the great hall, a newcomer in the outer sect, and a hairy boy in the Royal Territory Early-Stage, dare to be so arrogant!

Couldn’t he see that this was the intentional embarrassment of Elder Beihaodian? Even if he really has the power to defeat Yi Muyan, this is a genius that was carefully cultivated in Inner Sect by Bei Hao Dian Elder for one year.

“boast shamelessly !”

As if feeling the arrogance in Qin Yichen’s words, Yu Qing’s pretty face was covered with frost, and she stared at Qin Yichen. The hot chest was slightly undulating, apparently suppressing anger.

“Well, it is indeed my Dandian!”

Hearing this grandiose words, Dan Temple Elder loudly shouted, as if on the latter, and saw the shadow of grandioseness when he was young.

This sentence also directly identified Qin Yichen’s identity, although the latter has not yet entered the Inner Sect Dan Hall, but in his mind, he has already regarded it as his own Dan Hall person!

Pill Refining Master is a proud profession, but the Inner Sect Dan Temple is extremely united, it can be said that it is a whole move!

Any Pill Refining Master of outer sect, even Deacon Dong Yu, is extremely eager to be able to enter Inner Sect Dan Temple, which is one of the reasons!

“Junior Brother Feng, now that he has agreed, let’s get started!”

Bei Hao Dian Qiu Elder also flashed a cold glow in his eyes, and said to Shen Ding Shen.

The Temple of Evil punished Elder with a bitter smile and shook the head. After taking a look at Dan Temple Elder, he sighed, waved his hands, and covered with a transparent light curtain, enveloping Qin Yichen and Yu Qing.

Seeing this, the people around them also retreated a little distance, giving the parties a space of several hundred zhang.

A line of sight glanced at the two figures. Even Edan, who was full of confidence, saw his blood subsided when he saw the two people whose strength was completely disproportionate, and his brows couldn’t help wrinkling.

Will it be tortured by blood, or will it defend its dignity like its arrogant tone?

“Rookie, you will pay for your arrogance!”

Yu Qing’s face was cold, and even in her voice, there was a trace of cold chill.

Qin Yichen stared squarely, and found that the latter was staring at him with a pretty face, the breath of half powerhouse, and the spread of fatly discernible. At the same time, he also smiled helplessly and said, “Senior Sister, too cold Girl, no one dares to like it. “

“This time, you dare to sharp-tongued!”

The coldness swelled in Yuqing’s beautiful eyes, and her silver teeth were biting, no matter whether in the dynasty area or after entering Holy Land, no one dared to provoke her like this.

“Since Senior Sister doesn’t like sharp-tongued, let’s do it over there!”

Qin Yichen smiled slightly, his eyes froze.

The next moment, just after the sound fell, the silhouette was bursting out. Above the hands, there was a surge of 5th layer power that instantly condensed. There was no have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex. Detonated.

Yu Qing was coldly snorted, and the silhouette was inescapable. When Qin Yichen was about to arrive, her lovable body shook, and a powerful True Origin was like an iceberg. It was just an instant. Qin Yichen was shocked and shot out.

The gap between the half-step Venerable and the imperial realm is too large!

“Just as much as that, how dare you be so arrogant?”

Yu Qing’s face was cold and shouted: “Take out all your abilities, otherwise you won’t even have a chance to shoot!”


With the sound of a roar of beasts, Qin Yichen did not do too much useless action, and directly inspired Martial Spirit.

The imaginary beast that emerged exuded a vague wave, and one of Silver’s eyes flickered as if it was going to devour even the light.

Looking at this scene, almost everyone’s eyes are a little stunned. This Martial Spirit gives a very depressed feeling, but even by their knowledge, they can’t recognize what Martial Spirit is!


The next moment, a blast of black gas burst out, enveloping Qin Yichen’s silhouette, and through that black gas, everyone faintly saw a protective armband covered with mysterious lines, covering it on Qin Yichen’s arm.

Faced with the powerhouse of a half-realm, Qin Yichen knows that an ordinary offensive is obviously not effective. If he wants to prove that he has the power to kill, it is easy to say nothing, then he must do his best!

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