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If you haven’t thought about it, even Qin Yichen himself wouldn’t have noticed that this area, almost called arid by Holy Land, hides so many secrets.

It is just that he has no ability to investigate the secrets of this area.

Especially Rugao God Abyss.

If it were not for the body protection symbol given by the mysterious old man, he would have been unable to quit.

The mysterious old man, who has not lived for many years, has been standing in the abyss of the gods, the cultivation base is deep and unpredictable. Perhaps, the mysterious old man knows some secrets.

Qin Yichen had the intention to let Feng Wentian inquire into the abyss of the God God, but never heard back.

The mysterious old man left after seeing him last time, and hasn’t come back yet.

Qin Yichen doesn’t know where he went, but only the mysterious old man can solve the mystery in his heart!

After leaving from the Realm of Extreme Flames, the two stayed in the Twilight for a day without alarming anyone. They went all the way and returned to the Heavenly Dragon Dynasty again.

“It’s almost time to return to Holy Land …”

Qin Yichen was reluctant to leave the crowd, but had to start the journey again.

He has to become stronger to deal with everything that might happen!

On the same day, he met several soulmates including Lin Miaohan, Li Lingyan, and Liu Qionger at the Imperial City Pill Refining Master Guild.

“Wow, Sister Miaohan is getting more beautiful now …”

“Tsk tsk, who wants to marry Joan’s wife is a great blessing …”

Looking at Qin Yichen, who was still so smooth, the girls became happy.

They thought that Qin Yichen might have forgotten them after such high achievement, but did not expect that Qin Yichen’s attitude towards them had not changed at all.

While the girls were rejoicing, their hearts were sad.

Because they always wanted to keep up with Qin Yichen’s footsteps, but never thought that the gap was getting wider.

They have the Spirit Power cultivation technique given by Qin Yichen, as well as the advanced pill concocting technique, which are far beyond ordinary people. Even in the 6 dynasties, several women are now well-known. No one in the younger generation can compare with them.

However, the gap with Qin Yichen has not been closed, but is getting farther and farther.

The sadness in their hearts, Qin Yichen saw in his eyes, and promised, “After I stand in Holy Land, I will definitely take you to Holy Land.”

“What are you talking about?”

Lin Miaohan eyes shined.

All of this is simply a miracle for her. This little tag-a-long that followed her rewrites her life.

The status and achievements she has now have always made her feel unreal or even dreamy, which made her very scared. This is a dream. When she wakes up, she recovers as before.

“When did I lie to the elder sister.”

Qin Yichen clutched her weak, boneless hand and said with a smile hehe.

What he said reassured the women.

Indeed, Qin Yichen took them to Royal City after standing in Heavenly Qilin Royal City, and then entered Zhong Prefecture Pill Pagoda, then Twilight, and now Imperial Dragon City.

This shows that Qin Yichen has never forgotten them.

Since then, Qin Yichen has been talking about some interesting things, and the girls who were amused giggled. In particular, when talking about Li Yuanba and Mo Yanzhen, the girls were even more shy and smiling.

It wasn’t until night that Qin Yichen returned to the Feile Chamber of Commerce headquarters.

Feng 1000 was not in the snow, and Shu Xin lived in a room with him. It seemed that he had intentionally left a personal space for Qin Yichen.

Qin Yichen found Shu Ruyan in the study.

She is still very busy, and even at night, the study is still in and out from time to time.

When Qin Yichen entered the room, there were 5 6 people inside, holding some account books, waiting for Shu Ruyan to check and give instructions.

After seeing Qin Yichen coming in, they wanted to be saluted, but they were stopped by Qin Yichen, and then they retired silently.

Shu Ruyan didn’t notice it. She was still carefully examining a thick book in her hand, and she moved it from time to time with notes, notes, and her eyebrows were raised and loosened from time to time.

Today, Feilo Chamber of Commerce is getting bigger and bigger, it can be said that it is the first commercial alliance in the 6 dynasties!

However, these things must be taken care of by Shu Ruyan, and it is her care.

Looking at the rather embarrassing woman, Qin Yichen couldn’t help feeling distressed, and immediately took away her account book.


Shu Ruyan startedled and was about to be angry, but she was lifted by Qin Yichen when she was light. She just felt that the lovable body bumped into a strong and powerful embrace, and then a burst of soar into the clouds and mount the mists. See a stark sky.

Qin Yichen sat on the roof, took her into her arms, buried her head in her hair, and breathed the fragrance that belonged to her.

“Let me go.”

Shu Ruyan said, seemingly afraid of being seen, with some twists and turns, “I still have things to do, I will wait …”

“Hmm …”

Before she finished speaking, her little mouth was blocked, and the whole person felt floating, so she was worried.

It took a long time for Qin Yichen to lifts the head, but the 2 lips have been slightly swollen by him, and then he said seriously, “In the future, leave those things to others to do, don’t be tired Yourself. “


Shu Ruyan frowned slightly.

“No, but if you continue like this, I will dissolve Feilo Chamber of Commerce!”

Qin Yichen did not give her any chance to explain.

Although Shu Ruyan personally manages it, of course, it will be more secure, but for him, Feile Chamber of Commerce is far less important than Shu Ruyan’s body.

What’s more, a powerful commercial empire would be empty talk without absolute force to guard it.

“You … are overbearing.”

Shu Ruyan also understood that he was distressing himself, and his heart was suddenly sweet. A little woman leaned against his arms, his little hand was resting on that solid chest, and an infinite sense of security surged in his heart.

Perhaps, only Qin Yichen can melt this powerful woman recognized in the 6 dynasties.

2 people just sat on the roof until the sunrise.

Qin Yichen spent more time in the Heavenly Dragon Dynasty. During the day, he had fun with Lin Miaohan’s girls. At night, he was so kind with Shu Ruyan, and made him continue to want to leave.

However, there will be a parting day after all.

On the third day, Qin Yichen returned to the wind race with the wind and snow.

Before the Transmission Array.

Looking at the wind 1000 snow holding Qin Yichen’s little hand tightly, the wind asked Tian corner of the mouth could not help twitched fiercely.

It’s going to go, going to Holy Land, but his daughter, but he hasn’t been alone with him, has been sticking to Qin Yichen, which makes him very tasteful.

So much so that he didn’t have a good face in front of Qin Yichen.

Until Transmission Array opened, he explained to Qin Yichen, “Everything will be delivered to you!”

“Rest assured, Yi Chen will not disappoint Uncle Feng.”

Qin Yichen responded cautiously.

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