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By half the time on the 6th day, it was clear that the cocoon was dim.

“what happened?”

By the lake, everyone certainly found out.

When they determined that the silhouette in the cocoon of light seemed to be affected, it made them even more confused.

Because, it seems that Hundred Refinements golden light is almost exhausted!

“This … is there something wrong?”

Said one of them, Sect Elder.

They even wondered if Hundred Refinements golden light was lost for some reason.

However, the holy lake is not unusual.

This puzzled them a bit. Could it be said, who was absorbed by the Hundred Refinements golden light in the holy lake?

How can this be? !

You know, even the original Yu 1000 feathers had fully absorbed and refined for more than half a month before absorbing all Hundred Refinements golden light in the Sacred Lake.

Moreover, that is the only time Hundred Refinements golden light has been absorbed and exhausted in Holy Land over the past 10000 years.

And now only 6 Heavens, Ah!

However, if it is not absorbed, then they cannot explain the situation at hand.

The eyes of several people suddenly stared at the silhouette inside the cocoon under the lake.

There is only one person under this lake!


Mo Yanzhen looked at the big brother with the same cautious look around him, and his mood was extremely complicated.

In her opinion, Li Yuanba is already a monster.

However, what do you think now, it seems that Qin Yichen, who was originally inconspicuous, seems to have a monster even more than Li Yuanba!

She remembered that Qin Yichen needed Li Yuanba to protect her at the dynasty grand occasion. Why, suddenly, in such a short period of time, Qin Yichen’s strength would be advanced by leaps and bounds for no reason, even surpassing Li Yuanba. ? !!

She didn’t want to understand.

Of course, she wouldn’t be surprised if her memory wasn’t removed by Fu Saint Great Saint.

Qin Yichen got the Great Saint inheritance that was comparable to the Great Emperor!

This is just that his Supreme body entered the Small Accomplishment, and it has such power. Imagine that if the Supreme body was Great Accomplishment, it would really be the same as Fu Saint Great Saint, and it would be Holy Weapon!

“That guy, he hasn’t come out yet. Is he, like Yu Wenyu Senior, planning to absorb Hundred Refinements golden light in the holy lake before coming out?”

Mu Yanzhen couldn’t help but bit her lip lightly, and her small hand couldn’t help but clenched, thinking secretly in her heart: “How could that be, a guy in the imperial realm, how could it be compared with Yu Wenyu Senior ?!”

“If he was holding that plan, he would understand if he came out later …”

At this moment, Mu Yanfeng laughed bitterly and sighed.

After hearing this, the four Elders and Mu Yanzhen were both body trembled, and suddenly remembered, if Qin Yichen really planned that way, it would be that’s all after 4 days. After all, that ’s the most Yu Wenyu’s record is similar.

However, if he came out now, it would only be 6 or 7 days, and Yu Wenyu had spent nearly 20 Heavens, Ah!

This means that he can absorb the gold of Hundred Refinements twice as fast as Yu Wenyu!

Thinking of this, the crowd suddenly felt a sense of shudder, and then there was a ecstasy color, did they be too holy Holy Land, will there be another Yu Wenyu? !!

Deep in the holy lake of Taihao, the golden light cocoon has become extremely dim, and there are fewer and fewer Hundred Refinements golden light coming from 4 places. When submerged into the beast of Qin Yichen’s shoulder, the entire cocoon began to dissipate slowly.


Qin Yichen, who was indulged in cultivation, frowned, his eyes closed suddenly.


In the eyes opened, he found that Hundred Refinements golden light, which had no end, had disappeared, and his eyes suddenly appeared with an incredible color.


And just in his suspicion, the little beast on his shoulder seemed to be suffocating, and Moeng greeted him with a small head, full of satisfaction.

“You eat those things?”

Looking at the little beast that changed a lot, Qin Yichen eyelids twitched, heart fiercely twitched, and asked tentatively.

When he saw the latter with his big innocent eyes and nodded, he suddenly felt like he had 10000 fuck your mother in his mind, rising in the mind.

“Hundred Refinements in a holy lake, you’ve eaten it all ?!”

After a brief shock, Qin Yichen suddenly shouted hysterically. He twisted his tail with one hand, shaking constantly, as if trying to make it spit out a little.

“Eyah! Eyah!”

Being shaken up and down constantly, the beast seems to be humanizingly issuing a path of begging for mercy.

“I also want to break through here to the high level of the imperial realm, let you eat all, let you eat all!”

Qin Yichen scolded in his mouth, but he was thinking, 10000 Once the situation inside was found, how should he explain?

speak frankly?

I forgot a gloomy beast, Qin Yichen just stopped and saw that the latter was slightly larger than the palm of his body. He gave up the idea, such a small guy, ate the entire Hundred in Taihao Shenghu Refinements golden light, no one will believe it if you say it …

“I’ll get back to you later!”

Qin Yichen took a deep breath, suppressing the violent emotions in his heart, shoving the latter into his arms, then stretched his lower body and looked upwards.

Without Hundred Refinements golden light, the liquid in the holy lake became a bit transparent, and even he could acutely perceive that several lines of sight were staring closely at where he was.

“This is just great……”

Qin Yichen corner of mouth twitching. He can detect that those eyes should be from several Elders. At this time, it is obviously impossible for him to leave without alarming anyone.

“oh la la !”

Above the holy lake of Taihao, the water suddenly began to boil, and a path of waves surged up, making a path of huge roar.

Such a change, suddenly attracted the eyes of several people on the shore of the holy lake, the crowd held their breaths, staring at the vortex.

In their eyes, there was uncertainty.

Is Qin Yichen coming out? Has he endured the limit, or has he absorbed all the Hundred Refinements golden light in Taihao Holy Lake?

Under the gaze of the four Elders, Mu Yanzhen and Mu Yanfeng, the sacred lake continued to oscillate. The solidified vortex gradually began to show signs of cracking and became smaller and smaller.

It was just a moment of effort. The huge vortex had only less than about one zhang in size.

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