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The light beam burst and burst, and the brilliant brilliance was like a raindrop. 4 splashed and opened, and the whole knot within the realm was like a gorgeous light rain!

In the rain and light, countless lines of sight converged in the middle of the formation without blinking, where a silhouette was slowly coming out of the rain and light.

It is with his own strength that Qin Yichen, Ling Tu Ya’s offensive enough to kill the Imperial Power Peakhouse in one punch!

Previously, there was a mess like an ancient giant creature, and then this incredible power broke out.

For a while, this slender, even slightly slender silhouette, made countless powerhouse somewhat absent-minded.

They can’t imagine how the power of terrifying appeared in this body.

Then, a fervent expression spread in the eyes of Tai Hao Holy Land disciples.

Qin Yichen not at all, as agreed, he was quickly defeated, but resisted, and even, on the surface, he was not inferior to Lingtuya!

Although it is said that Lingtuya’s true ability has not yet been demonstrated, Qin Yichen has given them some hope!

“If you just have this ability, go back wherever you come from!”

Under the gaze of countless lines of sight, Qin Yichen’s faint voice spread.

Under his voice, Ling Tuya’s eyes completely fell cold, and his cold and bone-sounding sound was mixed with a thick killing intent, spreading above the sky.

“Since you are in a hurry to die, I will satisfy you!”

“Hong long! ……”

As Lingtu Cliff’s discourse ended, a look of grave expression finally emerged, and the end of his hands suddenly stamped out, and only a few ten zhang-sized brilliance exploded in the space behind him, instantly magnificent. True Origin whistled out, and for a while, the whole knot within the realm’s raging air seemed to stop flowing.

But it is the work of several breaths. The brilliance around Lingtuya seems to have become materialized, even if it is just watching through the Formation, it makes people feel that it is extremely difficult to breathe!

This coercion, even the supreme powerhouse, can’t bear it, I am afraid that only when the “potential” has reached the powerhouse of the small accomplishment realm can we stand barely in it!

“Potential” Small Accomplishment, even many respectable powerhouses, may not be able to do this step!

Among Tai Hao’s Holy Land, you can achieve this step’s distinguished discipline, and you can definitely count it with one hand!

“Hmph, but a boy of about 20 years old, even if you start practicing in your mother’s womb, it is impossible to cultivate the potential into Small Accomplishment!”

Seeing Ling Tuya finally began to take it seriously, Ling Fei couldn’t help but coldly snorted and said.

I thought it would be resolved quickly, and there was no suspense in fighting, it took so long!

At this time, if he heard the sky above, there was some voice of doubt.

Tai Hao Holy Lord just glanced at him slightly, but didn’t say a word, but the smile in his eyes made Ling Fei feel a little angry.

The messenger of St. Martial City in the center had a slight glance and looked at the knot within the realm with interest, but it was not the glorious cliff of St. Majesty, but the opposite that he endured endlessly. Silhouette of the St. Wei!

If it is an ordinary person, even the powerhouse of the Venerable Realm, as long as the “potential” does not reach the level of Small Accomplishment and above, under this Holy Power, there is absolutely only breathing, and it is a luxury to want to stand.

However, Qin Yichen’s body is like a green pine, standing in it. No matter how mighty the mighty Saint is, he is completely motionless!

“It’s really fun. Spirit Power just covers Shengwei, and the flesh is still so arrogant …”

There was a touch of interest in the mouth of the messenger of St. Martial City, and I was curious about how Qin Yichen did it.

“Today, even if you have more tools, you only deserve to be my stepping stones!”

Lingtuya was extremely angry in his heart. His hands suddenly changed into a path of weird seals. In the next instant, the monstrous sacred power suddenly turbulently formed a mountain above the size of hundred zhang or so above the mountains. , With a path of dazzling brilliance, permeating a strange sense.

As soon as this mountain appeared, the True Origin between Heaven and Earth violently fluctuated.

“Qin Yichen, be careful, this is the sect protecting martial arts of Tianya Pavilion … Tianya Zhenshan decision!”

Beyond the Formation, Elder, a Beihao Hall, saw this, and hurriedly reminded him.

“It is indeed Lingtu Cliff, and it is so unbelievable that Tianya Zhenshan will be cast to such an extent that even I am a little worse!”

On the platform, a few pride of Tianya Pavilion’s high-level eyes appeared.

Coupled with Shengwei, the condensed mountain seal, the power is simply a multiplier!

“I know regrets now, it’s too late!”

There was a smirk in Ling Tuya’s eyes, and there was no chance for Qin Yichen to respond. He turned over the palm, the strange mountain of the size of hunted zhang or so, with the power of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, with A shadow enveloped Qin Yichen.

“hong long! ”

Huge mountains of the size of hundred zhang or so blasted from above the sky, and above the mountains, those bright brilliance burst out a path of dazzling beams of light, these beams were intertwined quickly, short In the time, at the bottom of the mountain, a huge array of bright light formed!


With the emergence of this light array, True Origin is boiling, and if the giant mountain power can rise again, the speed of its fall is soaring, like a meteorite, mixed with extremely amazing fluctuations, fiercely facing Qin Yichen Squashed down.


The huge mountain has not yet landed. Below it, the force has already shattered the ground into a deep zhang-sized pit. The ground is also shaking violently at this time, a path of huge cracks, It is like a spider web spreading on the ground.

Seeing this amazing scene, many Tahoe Holy Land disciple outside the Formation could not help but step back a little distance, a line of sight, all looking into it with fear and grave expression.

“This guy, too afraid right? Is this still the strength of Peak?”

Zhong Zi’an was a little trembling all over, and the power uploaded from that mountain, he knew that if it was replaced by him, I am afraid that this momentum alone makes it difficult for them to survive!

“Did you get the Sage inheritor, but how powerful is this step?”

“I don’t know if Junior Brother Qin will be able to escape the repression of St. Vincent and avoid this blow?”

Some honorable disciples are also extremely dignified. With this hand alone, it is not difficult to see that Lingtu Ya killed several honorable powerhouses, and it is by no means unfounded!

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