Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 2319: Same battle

The first master of the Tangtang College, even in the entire eight-level level of the eight-level, the source is the top level of existence, but now it is actually forced by a small two lotus to fly, so that he is angry and Wrong.

He didn't have a weapon, but he didn't even touch the fairy sword. He was cut off by the sword and broke.

Being killed by a demon in the Angel District, he was even more suppressed. If he did not suppress Ling Han, what is the first master of the college?

Therefore, he would rather have a battle with the same level, confident that he can still win the cold with his strength.

Ling Han dismissed him with a disdain, but he collected the fairy sword.

"Don't shrink the turtle?" He smiled, ridiculed.

The breathing of the secluded source suddenly became rushed. No one ever dared to arrogate in front of him. Those who dared to do so were smashed into **** by him. The problem is that he really can't get rid of the cold, which naturally makes him feel very uncomfortable.

"The disaster is from the mouth!" he said.

Ling Hanhe smiled: "Your eyes are also paralyzed, even my woman dare to be jealous, and also squatting me, if you don't make you a pig, I can't get out of this breath!"

Your woman? The source was not violent. When he first saw the Queen, he was deeply fascinated. Such a stunning, such grace, such a noble, such pride.

Such a woman is worthy of him!

If this is not the case, he will not deliberately target the cold, how to match?

"You are looking for death!" he muttered. The lotus on his forehead trembled, and a leaf disappeared. He was forced to suppress it. Otherwise, Ling Han would sacrifice the fairy sword. He could only hide in Tibet.

Of course, even if he suppresses the repair of the cold, he may re-take the fairy sword, which depends on the fact that Ling Han is not keeping his credit.

In the end, he became the Eight Lotus and the Two Leaves, exactly the same as Ling Han in the realm.

He took a deep breath and poked out his right hand. Hey, an inscription on his arm lit up. The aura of the head was as blazing as the sun. The wings vibrated, and his figure was half empty. God of War who descended from heaven.

This scene has seen countless angelic women become flower idiots, and they don’t want to panic, so they can’t wait for this heroic man.

In contrast, the demon family of Ling Han is really ugly, a red skin, and a face.

With the exception of Yunhe Fairy, her mind is filled with the heroic spirit of Ling Han in the secret world. Even if a few key shots are lost in memory, it is still swaying, but here is the angel area, and can’t cheer for Ling Han. It’s gone.

Ling Han snorted and his eyes swept: "Birds, up to a hundred strokes, I will knock you down."

"Let's relax!" Yuyuan screamed, his wings fluttered, hey, he flew out, rushed toward Ling Han, the aura of the head violently burst out of the golden light of the brightness burst, even if the surrounding crowd was a golden mans. I can't see anything at all.

This is an eight-leaf two-leaf emperor star in full force shot, of course, under the eight lotuses, few people can see clearly, only the only three eight lotus emperors can see the secluded source into a light, a punch Bombing cold.

Ling Han show Yan Yixiao, violently punches.

Boom, he punched out, the air was suddenly squeezed, smashed, and formed numerous folds, the picture is really strange, the space can actually form wrinkles?

How strong his physical strength, he has already entered the source of the ascension, but this boxing is followed by the first come, and directly to the front of the source.

Yuyuan was shocked, and he didn't want to think about it. The soul was condensed, and a bright hand was formed in front of his face, welcoming Ling Han's fist.

How could it be so fast?

He groaned in his heart that such a punching speed was unreasonable.


Ling Han’s fist slammed into the bright hand and slammed it. The bright hand immediately collapsed, and the fist slammed straight into the face of the source.


Seeing this scene, the endless, hurricane, and green heart are silently exclaimed. Everyone has the same realm and is also an emperor. The strength should be infinitely close.

No, the cultivation of the secluded source is pressed to the second leaf, but it is definitely the peak of the two leaves, and Ling Han may not reach the peak, maybe only in the late, middle or even the early stage?

In other words, the possibility that the source is still dominant is very high, but the advantage is small.

Can Ling Han almost suppress the secluded source with a punch, how is this possible!

If you change to someone else, you may have to eat this loss, but the source is the emperor star, and actually sent out countless bright swords from the body, sweeping toward Ling Han’s fist.

This is a coup, not only can resolve their own dangers, but also cause heavy damage to Ling Han, who let the other party actually dare to "catch" deep?

Close combat, this is a taboo for the military, unless it has an absolute advantage in strength.

Ling Han haha ​​smiled, his fist wrapped in the Thunder, there was no meaning of receiving a fist, hey, a punch hit the face of the source, and at the same time, hey, countless bright swords also hit his fist, On the arm.

Yuyuan was shaken back by more than ten feet, and the aura of the head was dimmed, and the vision of everyone was restored.


After seeing it clearly, everyone was open-mouthed, only to feel a chill from the soles of the feet, and wrote two words on his face: Do not believe!

The mouth of the source is actually bloody.

Hey, Yuyuan is actually hurt!

This makes people believe that he is the first master of the college. Millions of years ago, he led the college to the first place in the thousand hospitals. Now he is actually stunned by a stroke, and he still hits his face. Who believes when you say it?

However, there are four districts of young Tianjiao on the scene, all of whom have witnessed it.

Is this really not the illusion created by Ling Han?

"You, deserve, die!" Yuyuan screamed at the sky, and although his counterattacks were all on the arm of Ling Han, it did not cause any impact at all, and the other's body was extremely amazing.

When he said these three words, his voice trembled. It was because Ling Han used the Thunder rule on this boxing, and he was charged with numbness, and the voice of the voice naturally shook.

Ling Han just smashed his hand and said: "The face is really hard, it hurts me!"

Everyone is speechless. You use your fist to hit someone's face. Actually, people still say that their faces are hard to hurt. Isn't this burying people?

The glory of the source is awe-inspiring. It is already pressing the anger. He looks at him coldly, his hands are shaking, and there is a bright blade in his hand. This is not a weapon, but he is made by soul and rules. .

"I didn't expect that you actually built the Thunder rule."

The Thunder rule has terrible destructive power. Until now, his body is still boiling, and the blood is full of violent factors, which affects his soul flow.

He completely adjusted his mindset, and in this college, someone can really threaten his dominance.

"However, I can cultivate more than just the rules of light!" He exudes terrible killings, and the whole person seems to be transformed into a butcher's knife, which can destroy the world.

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