Ling Han and the three women went back, but soon the four left the residence together.

Tiger girl, queen and soft demon girl have to break through.

In the uninhabited mountains, the three women broke through, and Ling Han took the scroll, continued to extract the virtual energy, and pulled up his physical strength.

One day later, the three women broke through and made their way into Shengyuan, one step closer to Xianwang.

They did not rush back, Ling Han let the three women continue to try to absorb the energy of the mysterious scroll, but they did not really touch the power of the heavens and the earth, even if there is Warri's "work" in hand, still can not find a clue.

Just like a painter who never saw a tiger, no matter how he described the shape of the tiger, he could not paint the tiger like the real thing.

Ling Han only sighs a pity, but it does not matter, as long as the three women can achieve the nine-day Tianxian Wang, then there is still the opportunity to absorb the essential power of the Yuan world, thus entering the ranks of heaven.

Hu Niu and the Queen are absolutely able to achieve the Nine Heavenly Kings, but the soft demon woman is hard to say, but she did not want her to become the main combat power anyway.

Suddenly, it is already 13 years old. Ling Han constantly tempered his body with virtual energy. It has already repaired the body to the extreme of the current realm. According to Warri, his current life index is 4,400. Twenty-four, has already exceeded a large section of Jiulian Sanye.

After waiting for so many years, the storm of the slaves of the Terran has been calmed down. What should the two ancestors do again, not always guarding day and night.

Ling Han has a chance.

When the **** of the Everlasting Heavenly Respect went away again, he let Warri confirm it and then immediately started his action.

This time, his strength was stronger, and the speed of the swearing was naturally faster. In just over an hour, he took all the Terran into the Black Tower, and he did not alarm one person at all.

However, when he was halfway through, he suddenly saw a white shadow in front of him!

This is a person, but I can't see the face or even the body. I obviously stand there and it is very strange.

It should be a strong person.

Was it that he was seen by this person when he was just acting? But why do you want to block him here?

"Young people, big courage!" said the figure.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Ling Han calmed down, as long as the Everlasting Heaven is not there, no one can discover the black tower in his body, and naturally he can't catch his dirty.

Grab the thief to get dirty, he can push it all clean and never recognize it.

The white shadow laughed and laughed for a long time. "Young people, what do you want to do with so many people?"

Ling Han’s heart was tight, but his face was flawless. “I don’t know what you are talking about!”

"My pro ‘eye’ sees you put those people into the space artifact, you can’t say that I am wrong, which makes it impossible!” Bai Ying said.

Ling Han suddenly became a murderer. He was originally a hostile position with the foreign world. Since this person discovered his secret, it was only a way to kill it.

Hey, he figured out and directly sacrificed the magic sword. A sword came out, but it was silent, and there was no light bloom. It could match his amazing physical strength, but it could exert a terrible lethality.

A sword was cut, and Ling Han passed through the white shadow, and the benefit of the fairy sword did not cause any damage.

"Hey, your kid is really blessed, but he still got a fairy!" Bai Ying looked a little surprised.

Ling Han is even more shocked. What does the other party mean by "the fairy" rather than the "ancestor"?

“Growing gold and iron?” Bai Ying laughed. “This kind of fairy gold has strong growth, and Xianjin is not the limit. In the future, it can be forged into a heavenly instrument.”

Amazing eyesight!

Ling Han’s heart was shocked. Isn’t the Tianzun treasure made of gold and iron? Otherwise, Xianjin is the end point. How can I find more powerful materials than Xianjin?

"Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, if I am hostile to you, how can I still talk to you here?" Bai Ying smiled, actually consoling Ling Han. But his next sentence was to let Ling Han burst into a cold sweat: "Are you from Xianyu?"

Ling Hantou's first reaction was to let the black tower rise, then take the three women and leave immediately, but one thought is to tell him, don't be so impulsive.

Although this person is not obvious, he has a fascinating atmosphere. If such a presence wants to deal with him, he will not give him the opportunity to launch a black tower. He has already shot.

"What is the predecessor?" Ling Han did not admit it and did not deny it.

Bai Ying laughed, then sighed and said: "I am like you, also from Xianyu!"

Ling Han’s heart trembled and said: “Is the predecessor the first person to be brought into a foreign country?”

"Okay," said Bai Ying, his voice was a bit desolate.

Ling Han was shocked, and the other party should have had several episodes in the foreign world. It is not easy.

"The kid said, why are you coming here?" Bai Ying said.

Ling Han thoughts flying, he can never be so convinced of others, this person has not even revealed his face, let him believe each other? But an intuition is to tell him that he should tell the truth.

First of all, the other party did see his true identity, so it is no longer meaningful to conceal the fact that he is a Xianke.

After considering it for a moment, he will be under the coercion of Xiantian Tianzun, and he can only say that he has left the foreign domain.

After listening to the white shadow, he fell into a state of silence. For a long time, he said: "The ninety-five and the seal, it is still so cold and ruthless, in order to be able to detach themselves, I have not put everything in my heart."

Ling Han heartbeat, listening to the white shadow to speak this tone, it seems that with the ninety-five days of respect, the love of heaven is a series.

Xian, Xian Tian Tian Zun?

He suddenly saw a glimpse, this guy should not be a godsend?

Although they all said that the original Tianzun was originally an enemy and nine, it blocked the foreign nine celestial gods. In the case of heavy losses, even the body hit the two connecting points, and won the peace of several eras.

However, if the Lord did not hang it, but was brought here by the alien Tianzun?

It’s not right, he wants to be a true goddess, how can he stand here if nothing happens?

"Dare to ask the title of the predecessor?" Ling Han asked carefully, but it was full of expectations.

"Oh, before many epochs, I had a title, it was unhappy." Bai Ying smiled, but Ling Han could hear the bitterness in the smile. After laughing, he paused and said, " No music!"


Ling Han suddenly sprayed out, this white shadow is actually a Tianzun, but also the Tianzun of Xianyu?

It’s totally out of place!

"Come on, I will tell you the source of the matter, this thing also needs your help, otherwise I will not risk you to see you at such a big risk." No music Tianzun said, "If you can not complete this matter If that, then Xiannian will be finished."

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