Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 2927: Son of destiny

Destroy the world again?

Everyone is shaking their heads. I am afraid that in addition to the seven steps that will not die, no one can escape their lives in the collapse of the plane.

"Yes, detonating the nucleus of all planes, no one can survive except seven steps." Inflammatory Tianzun nodded. "And, since the extinction has suffered a loss, I am afraid it will not repeat the same mistakes."

After some dialogue, everyone also learned that although these five steps are the strongest in the world, they can be hit hard under the impact of the destruction of the Yuan world. They are forced to fall into a state of slumber. It has only recovered since now and has returned to the world.

The same is the strongest in the world, but it can be mad, but it wakes up earlier than them, but it is equivalent to bearing the bombardment of the entire Yuan world. Such a contrast, the horror of madness is full.

How can you not kill, but also to the extreme, can you not be afraid?

"It seems that we have to work together."

"Yeah." Lin Luo, Bai Rice and other seven-step powerhouses are also nodding. They have the same interests now, and with the addition of five seven-step strongmen, let alone defeat the frenzy, at least let their strength increase greatly. Stick to longer time.

"Please return to your friends," said Xin Fu.

"it is good!"

Everyone returned to the face of the cream, there are seven steps, their speed is naturally amazing, just a few years of effort, they returned to the frost plane.

The five Supreme, such as the Inflammatory, do not sense the power of this plane. They are not the people of this plane, not even the world of the Yuan. Therefore, they need to regain the unique power of this plane.

In the seven steps, there is not much impact on one or more of these forces, but it is always good to have one strength.

"Five friends, will you go to an old friend now?" Lin Luo laughed.

"Before this, I have one more thing to do," said Yan Yantian.

The five big seven-step strongmen shot at the same time, but their palms had a grain of brilliance flashing, moving all over the sky, both beautiful and full of shock.

"Hey, the light of life!" Lin Luo and other seven steps are said.

"Including the brand of life, can give birth to new life."

Inflammatory Tianzun nodded and said: "The destruction of the Yuan world, except for the seven steps of immortality, no life can survive. Only the brand of life can be preserved in the seven-step sea of ​​knowledge, and the future will have a chance to be born again."

In terms of life, the most important thing is memory, which is the brand of life. The body does not matter.

Now, the seven-step powerhouse draws infinite power from the heavens and the earth, branding these lives to build a new body.

Life is the evolution of rules. Tianzun is above the rules. Creating life is of course a trivial matter. However, if there is no life brand, the life created by Tianzun is not sensible. It takes a long time to evolve.

Under the testimony of countless people, the power of heaven and earth gathers on the light spot, and one life is made from nothing, out of thin air.

Humanoid, there are also animal-shaped, flying bird-shaped, when they are formed, it is the level of the fairy king, there is a heavy day, there are also nine heavens.

"Tianzun transcends the rules, but because it is too strong, it can no longer be reorganized by rules. Therefore, the light of life cannot be left behind, and it is reborn." It is a pity that Xuanyan Tianzun said in a faint tone.

The same is true for everyone. If the other gods of the Yuan world can bring it, their strength will undoubtedly rise.

"Although I have seven steps, the light of life that can be preserved is limited." Half Moon Tianzun said, "But these are the most geniuses of the ages, and most of them can be Tianzun long ago, just to preserve some vitality. There is never a breakthrough."

"In such a long period of time, their souls are also practicing and upgrading. As long as they have the true body, they can make a breakthrough in a short time."


Just as annotating his words, a nine-point king of the king of the king has simply stepped into the quasi-tianzun, suddenly targeted by the heavens and the earth, lightning mad, but he was easily resolved.

It’s too horrible, not to mention how long he has saved in Jiuzhongtian, but this can only bring feelings, but there is no understanding of the Yanshuang plane.

Now that he has achieved a breakthrough as soon as he gains a new body, it is too horrible. What a powerful martial arts talent?

Ling Han is looking at the past, I saw that this is a young man like a god, with a long blond hair, exudes a lustrous, handsome and indescribable.

And he himself exudes a kind of potential, the atmosphere, the world's potential, as if it is the son of the destiny, just at that stop, it became the center of heaven and earth, attracting everyone's attention.

"The wind is uncertain, but I am the strongest genius in the world. Moreover, when the Yuan world collapses, there is a heritage brand that flies out and falls into the light of the windless life." A trace of envy.

Seven steps, that has stood on the top of the world, truly invincible in the world, not dead, but he is still envious of the wind, can be seen how amazing this creation.

Think about it too, get the inheritance of the meta-world, what is this concept?

"When you want to completely eliminate the extinction, the current frenzy, the wind is uncertain is the key." Half Moon Tianzun said, "As long as he grows up, the power of the world of the Yuan may be realized."

Everyone looked at the wind and changed their eyes, and their eyes changed.

Envy and hate, all things are there.

"Here, the deity warned first." Beidou Tianzun suddenly said, the voice is cold, "the inheritance of the meta-world is inalienable. If anyone wants to kill the wind and decides to seize his inheritance brand, it is destined to be empty and destroyed. The only chance to eliminate frenzy!"

"And the deity... will also frustrate that person."

Seven steps Tianzun does not need to threaten others, who is not afraid? But Beidou Tianzun must deliberately say this, showing how important the wind is.

Everyone secretly nodded, this brand should not be deprived, or why the seven-step powerhouse does not seize it?

"When you are friends, we will be freakish. I haven't seen you for so many years. I am quite ‘thinking about it.'” said Yue Tianzun, the five of them have completed the creation, and there are more than 10,000 immortals.

"Zhou Heng, you should arrange it properly." Lin Luo said to Zhou Heng, he paused. "Frenzy is what has been sensed. It is launching an attack. I need to return to the position and fight against it."

"Yes, Master." Zhou Heng Gong nodded.

Hey, ten seven-step strongmen left, leaving a group of people who have not yet slowed down.

The amount of information they receive is too large and takes time to digest. Rw

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