At the beginning, the seal was high with the ninety-five, and he looked at him like God. He wanted to kill and kill him. He regarded him as an ant.

But now, although the seal has already entered four steps, this entry is really amazing, but in front of Ling Han, how about the four steps, where is the stronger than the ants?

"There are other people, how are you going to be with them?" The second step is still asking.

Ling Han faint smile, casually said: "All killed."

killed? Killed all?

Everyone is a glimpse first, then they don't believe it.

How do you make a joke, how can more than 20 Tianzun die so silently?

That must be a big fight, alarming the entire camp.

Who do you think you are? Seven steps to the supreme?

However, after all, not everyone can't recognize the cold, especially in the current generation of the world, there are only a handful of people who don't recognize the cold.

A peerless enchanting ah.

Suddenly, everyone is whispering, most people are shocked and scalp numb, you know, more than 500 billion years ago, Ling Han has seven steps of combat power, and now how strong will it be?

Because Ling Han is too strong, everyone actually dare not make a loud voice, basically communicated with the gods, so as not to accidentally say the wrong words, angered this guy.

Hearing, Ling Han just admitted that he killed many people in the Wind League.

Yi Long immediately jumped up and said loudly: "You are a madman, see the deity to suppress you!"

Although he is the object of being desecrated, in order to improve his position in the wind league, he naturally does not hesitate to jump out. Besides, Ling Han is the chief culprit in his ignorance. Of course, he also wants to smash the chills and even kill them.

Although most people in the Yuan Dynasty in this generation recognize the cold, there are a few exceptions, and this Yi Long is among the few.

Everyone looked at them and they shook their heads.

Is this looking for death, and dare to take the initiative to challenge the comet.

Ling Han smiled slightly: "Do you want to suppress me?"

"Hey, are you afraid?" Yi Long said coldly. In fact, he knew that he should not be an opponent of Ling Han, because the means of Ling Han Shi on Huang Feng was that he could not copy it.

But is there still a seal behind this?

I am obviously out of control, but I still jumped out. Is this not a faithful performance?

Ling Han nodded: "Well, you can shoot it. But, let me say it first. I have a clear grievance. I don’t want to provoke me. I won’t provoke anyone, but if anyone provokes me, then I will Go back a hundred times and thousands of times. So, you will die."

"Haha, it’s a maddening tone. Do you think you are a seven-step supreme?" Yi Long sneered, and he jumped out and attacked Ling Han.

He really went all out, running a seven-stream symbol, and waving a big flag in his hand. This is a treasure of heaven, releasing terrible power.

Everyone is shaking their heads. This enchanting enchanting is more than seven steps, so he even suppressed a seven-step!

You are taking the eggs and touching the stones, I don't know how embarrassing you will die.

However, the people of the Wind League did not recognize the cold, see Yi Long broke out such a powerful offensive, not all of them are excited, have shouted for Yi Long.

Boom, Yi Long has been killed in front of Ling Han, he did not think about killing Ling Han, let alone he knows that the strength is not enough, even if there is such strength will not do so.

The camp is forbidden to kill, he has scruples.

Therefore, although this attack is fierce, it leaves a lot of room.

Ling Han shot, hey, Yi Long's attack hits but they are bounced off, seemingly fragile.

In the shock of Yi Long, I saw that Ling Han’s big hand was driving straight in, and it was already pinching his neck.

He suddenly felt like a duck, and was lifted by Ling Han. He could only struggle with weakness and weakness.


Seeing this scene, the people of the Fengmeng are all open and open their mouths. This has been screaming for Yilong for a long time, but it is such a result?

It’s too shameful.

Others are not surprised that Ling Han can even get it in seven steps, not to mention a small three-step.

Ling Han looked at Yi Long and said: "Do you regret it?"

Although Yi Long was shocked, he thought that there was still a seal in the back, and his courage was naturally strong. He would definitely save himself with the envelope.

Therefore, he is very proud: "Do not regret! You should not be too mad, you"


His words have not been finished, and the whole person has turned into a **** fog.

Ling Han didn't care to take back his hand, and the blood was splashing, but it didn't stick to him at all.

The vitality of his life poured into his body, but it was very pitiful, and he couldn’t despise the waves.

It seems that if he wants to see obvious progress, he will probably kill seven steps, but he will not die in seven steps, and he will not kill. Therefore, this road must be broken.

Unless you can devour the plane directly like a frenzy!

Yi Long’s remnant soul dances in the sky, and soon the soul will disappear.

He looked at the seal, full of resentment and unbelief. Just now, the meaning of the seal was not even saved.

He died too much.

Speaking of it, he is definitely the first big head in history today.

Before being used as a murderer, he almost killed him alive. Now, the monkey eagerly rushes to the front, even the opponent does not know, how much is this death?

What can be done again, he quickly disappeared completely.

Seeing a three-step turn into a **** rain, everyone is not shocked.

Ling Han actually dared to kill in the camp?

Hey, no matter how powerful the strength of Ling Han, there is a bottom line that cannot be crossed. That is to destroy the most basic unity of the camp.

Killing, never allowed.

Ling Han is completely unconcerned. With his current strength, do you still need to care about any rules?

He has already put his words in front, and he will be able to give him a hundredfold and thousands of times.

Whoever wants to shoot again, at his own risk.

"Frequency, are you self-discipline, or are I sent you on the road?" Ling Han looked at the seal, on his list of murders, this is one of them.

The feelings of grievances only grievances, the kid who was not worth mentioning in front of him, but now he is in control of his life and death.

He doesn't think he can survive under seven steps of combat.

And if he knew that the ninety-five-day lord was also asked by Ling Han at the beginning, he did not know whether he was born with the same illness, or was angry with the smoke.

He didn't make a sound, but looked coldly at Ling Han.

At this moment, he is useless whatever he does, and the initiative is in the hands of Ling Han.

"Oh, Ling Han, you are a big prestige!" In a sneer, a strong breath surging, coming out of a young man in white fluttering.

The wind is uncertain.

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