After eating the flat pig, Ling Han continued to use it as a pathfinder to understand the changes in this formation.

He concentrated his mind and forgot the passage of time until the fat pig protested to him, only to find that the sky was dark.

After eating, the color pig refused to accept this inhuman treatment, and squatted and slept.

Ling Han used a day's brain, but also a little tired, he went into the gourd to rest.

Early the next morning, he completed the cultivation first, and then continued to let the color pigs go to the test.

Two days, three days, four days, no one else came in, or someone has come in, but has not yet come to him, Ling Han is so day-to-day thinking about the formation, although still can not crack, he However, there is a feeling that he has scored a few points in his mastery of the formation.

Two days later, Ling Han finally had a clue. He strode forward, stepping on a strange route at his feet, and throwing out the block in his hand.

This method is too powerful, and one can only stop the formation for half a second. Fortunately, he stepped on the gap in the formation, and as long as this half-second time passed through the place without gaps.

After half a minute, he finally came to the door.

He pushed in the door, which was a courtyard with a large shelf, and the shelves were covered with vines, hanging down seven different gourds.

Gourd... is a gourd.

Ling Han licked his teeth, is this going to send him the rhythm of seven raising hoists?

He hopes to get a high-end treasure, which can make a huge leap in his life.

Is it a gourd?

How did he and the gourd bar?

Can this gourd eat?

Ling Han grabbed his head and threw the fat pig out first. Fortunately, there was no law in the yard and it was safe.

He walked over and came under the shelf and looked up at the seven gourds above.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, green, purple, seven colors, it is very eye-catching, and, obviously, there is no wind, but the seven gourds are gently moving, it is not weird.

"How can I always meet strange things?" Ling Han murmured.

The fat pig also looked at the gourd, and his eyes actually showed a touch of surprise.

"Put it down." Ling Han murmured.


"wait some more days."

Several voices suddenly broke into the sea of ​​Ling Han at the same time. It was clear that there were only two sentences, but it seemed that five or six people were opening at the same time.


Ling Han was surprised, this is the voice of the gods, only the ability to reach a considerable height can be used.

Is there a spiritual master here?

Ling Han looked around, but did not see a person.

Strange, although the mind is invisible, you can pass through the wall, but there is a protection of the array, and the mind should not penetrate, so the person who spoke must be in the yard.

The problem is that there is only one pig besides him.

The color pig is talking to him?

Obviously impossible, if you can communicate with the mind, the pig has already done this, it is impossible to drag it to the present, and the color pig will not say such a headless word.

Wait, he just muttered, saying that he would pick up the gourd, and then there was such an answer.

He thought about it and said to himself: "Who is talking to me? Forget it, no matter what, take the gourd first."

"Can't take it, we still have a few days to mature."

"This will hurt us."

Two more words rang in the cold sea, but it was felt that several people were opening at the same time.

Ling Han is amazed, relying on, is the gourd talking to himself?

Hell, or is it fine?

The treasure of heaven and earth, the aura of heaven and earth, can greatly enhance the level of life, but never heard of it, the treasure itself can also give birth to the wisdom and convey the mind.

It’s really amazing.

Ling Han thought about it and decided to wait a few days to see it.

He also did not waste time, taking out red hair fruit for food and refining.

Boom, the potion is running in his body, surging and raising his life.

The monkey brother's method is not the top method, and the efficiency of absorption and refining and chemical power is astonishing. A red-haired fruit has been refining in just over two hours.

Ling Han reveals a smile. If you look at it like this, after refining all the red hairs, he can move into the peak of the four changes.


He took it one by one, and the color pig wanted to make a bite to eat, but he was thrown out of the cold by the cold, and he was so angry that he was so embarrassed.

Stingy, too stingy, don't you have a few low-end treasures?

Oh, this is also called a treasure.

One day passed, Ling Han had refining the red hair fruit, and he was only one line away from the peak of the four changes.

In the early morning, he practiced when the sun was rising. Just ten minutes later, he discovered that he had encountered a bottleneck and could no longer improve his strength.

Four changes have peaked.

He is not in a hurry to attack the five changes. Although he is extremely eager to promote the realm, he must not blindly promote the realm for the realm.

He needs to first lay a solid foundation.

The best way is to actually fight, but there is no opponent here, Ling Han had to self-examine by mind, to see if there is any imperfection in the body.

On the other side, he is still improving his body skills. This is not like the secret power can be upgraded by a few treasures, even if it is purple yellow honey, it just makes him enter the country quickly, but it is impossible to overnight. Repair to the head.

Day after day, and soon three days passed.


Ling Han looked up, he saw that the red gourd was shaking fiercely, as if it would fall off the vine at any time.

The gentleman did not stand on the wall, he decided to move a few steps, lest the gourd fell and fell on his head.

This is not an all-in-one thing. Just after a while, hey, sure enough, the red gourd got out of the vine branches and fell to the ground under the influence of gravity.

Is this familiar?

How do you eat it, braised or steamed?

Oh, just under the gaze of Ling Han, this red big gourd suddenly separated and turned into two halves.

Hey, too familiar, have you opened yourself?

"Auntie!" A crisp and crisp voice came, only to see a small baby in the gourd.

Ling Han stunned, although his children are not too small, but there is absolutely no such a cat, he did not, um, is a girl.

Seeing Ling Han did not answer, Xiaowazi leaned his head and murmured: "Is there a response from Auntie? Is it A-Niang? Strange, is it wrong for me? Forget it, who let us spread it!"

By the way, this little girl is too mature, will she say this when she is born?

"A Niang!" The little girl is crisp and authentic.

Ling Han wiped the cold sweat and said: "I am a man."

"Right!" The little girl took a clap, and she knew what it was like. She ran over the two calves and opened her hands and said, "Auntie, I want to hug."

Hi, what?

Ling Han sighed and hugged the little girl and said, "I am not your aunt."

The little girl showed a shocked expression: "Do you still want to be a mother?"

By the way, how do you get around this thing?

Ling Han sighed and said: "Call your uncle."


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