Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3397: Blood red

In the sky, a giant eagle opened its wings and was dozens of feet long and amazing.

It flapped its wings and stopped at a height of about ten feet above the square.

At this time, everyone can see clearly, I saw that the giant eagle actually stood a dozen people.

However, the shape of the giant eagle is too large, and it is completely trivial to stand a dozen or so people.

All are demon, there are men and women.

The Yaozu is really arrogant. The Xuanbei Kingdom is already on the mobilization of the war. But they are good, and the land of the Emperor is coming. Is this a demonstration?

Ok, let them come back, just to sacrifice the flag.

Everyone has drawn out their weapons, and they are already passionate about their war.

Many of these two ancestors are bullying and fearing hard. They are required to kill the enemy on the battlefield. They are afraid, but now, the opponents are only a dozen people. What are you afraid of?

Just one word, dry.

"Who is responsible here?" Someone in the Yaozu said that this is a slender old man. Apart from the sharpness of his ears, he can hardly see any difference from the Terran.

But he opened his mouth so that at least half of the people sat down and had no war.

It’s terrible. This momentum is like a **** Shura returning from the battlefield of hell, which directly causes people to collapse.

Although the remaining half is still standing, it can only stand still, and even the legs can not go out.

Hey, the four great coaches, Yang Bai, and Hong Taishi jumped over at the same time, and their faces flashed with taboo colors.

This old man is too strong, far more than the inscription.

"This seat is the general of the Red Eagle Army, the blood is red!" The old man opened his mouth, and his voice was like a golden stone, full of destructive power.

Red Eagle Army General!

The four handsome men are all face-changing. They have already known from the Three Emperors that the commander of the Red Eagle Army is a strong seeker. That is to say, this blood red Luo is two higher than them.

Two big realms, not a small realm!

Don't say them, that is, the sky enchanting Hong Tianbu came, facing the blood red Luo also only bowed.

Blood red ring sweeps people, his face shows a scornful color, weak, really weak.

"It turned out that the blood general of one of the three generals of the Yaozu arrived." With a long laugh, the top ranked princes also appeared, even if they faced a savvy person who sought secrets, they were not afraid.

"This is like a word." Blood red Luo swept over the body of several emperors, put away a contemptuous, open-minded cultivation, and finally not so weak, even looking at a look is too lazy.


Seven emperors, including the blood red, turned around and looked back.

"Auntie, it seems that there is a guy who can't help." Liu Wa said in Ling Han's ear, she has been sitting on the shoulders of Ling Han, and other milk dolls are all in the Yuan Hulu.

Ling Han can't see it, but there is a vague feeling, as if there is any horrible existence that is coming close quickly.

It is a pity that the second baby can't be called out now, and her martial arts can definitely see it clearly.

But it was only for a while. I saw a blue brilliance in the sky. Soon, this brilliance appeared on the square, and a middle-aged man came out.

Oh, this is actually a prince. I know his costume.

He is imposing, his skin is actually a kind of blue-green, as if he has got a disease, and it seems to have cultivated something weird.

"Big brother!" the three emperors shouted.

This is Chen Fengyan's first son, Chen Xingyu.

Ling Han could not help but look at Chen Xingyu. Since Liu Wa said that this person is incredible, it must have amazing things.

"Oh, I understand." Liu Wa nodded, although no one could see it.

Ling Han lowered his voice and said: "What do you see?"

"Auntie, this guy is a blue star." Six baby road.

"Congenital body?" Ling Han asked, he has known from the gourd doll that there is a congenital body between the heavens and the earth, born with a enchanting martial arts talent, but also has all kinds of supernatural powers, fighting against the realm is as simple as eating and drinking. natural.

"Well, although it is not terrible in the congenital body, it can be called a congenital body. It is very powerful." Liu Wa nodded and said, although it was white.

Is it a star?

When Ling Han and Liu Wa spoke, Chen Xingzi nodded to his younger brothers and then looked at the blood red Luo. He said: "I didn't expect the demon general to visit in person, and the lonely king has a long way to go. welcome."

The **** red scorpion is tight, saying: "Is this the great prince?"

"Yes, the lonely king is exactly." Chen Xingyu nodded, majestic.

From this point of view, he and Chen Fengyan are very similar, do not know whether it is because of the relationship of the first son, or he is deliberately imitating.

Blood Red Luo completely collected the contempt and said: "It is the blood of the Holy Emperor, it is the repair of the secret!"

What, the Great King has stepped into the search for secrets?

Everyone was shocked, that is, the three emperors did not change their faces.

Although repairing does not mean everything, now Chen Xingyu is the only one in the princes who is the only one to find the secret. This naturally adds a lot to him.

The great emperor smiled faintly and said: "The generals of the blood general are coming, what can you do?"

Blood Red Luo looked at the great emperor and took a deep breath. He said: "This seat represents the majesty of the country, and the special journey is coming -"

He paused for a moment, and it seemed that it was difficult to talk about it. After a good pause, he said: "Hand over the book!"


Everyone was sprayed out and then surprised.

Are you kidding me now?

Falling books?

Ha ha!

The Yaozu sent out twice to make the Xuanbei country return, and then it was even more threatening. If the Xuanbei Kingdom did not hand over Linghan, they would attack the army.

So arrogant, how come you suddenly drop books?

Moreover, although the strength of the Yaozu is not very ambiguous, as long as it is high enough, you can know how horrible the Yaozu is. Not to mention the attack of the whole country, it is enough to send any of the three great armies. Northland.

In the case of full strength, the Yaozu actually sent a general, and said to sacrifice books?

How do you believe?

Daydreaming will not be so unreliable.

"Oh, is this true?" The Grand Emperor was surprised at the moment, but his face immediately recovered.

Blood redness reveals a humiliating color. He represents the coming down to the book, which is not a glorious thing, and there is a mood to make a joke. He sighed: "Is this seat a joke about this kind of thing?"

That is really true.

Think about it too, even if you are joking, there is no such way to open a law. In the face of so many people, you have to offer a book.

The problem is that it has been analyzed before, and the Yaozu has no reason to bow down. This makes the two monks in the second place puzzled.

The great prince had the wind of the father, calmly calmly, and immediately smiled and said: "Oh, since the more you are willing to return, then Yang Daren, you come over to host."

Although he is a great prince, but now the main thing is Yang Bai, can not be replaced.

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