Ling Han killed the past and slammed the hammer.

"Small inscriptions, do you think you can beat me with a device?" The man sneered and shot him like a stick.


The hammer slammed on the gun and it sounded crisp, and both of them stepped back.

Ling Han fangs, the realm of the situation is really too big, even if he hit a hand with a star instrument, but the other side is only weakened a bit of combat power, still enough to fight against him.

But the other side is even more shocked. It is reasonable to say that he is able to kill the inscription, but now it has become a tie.

Desperate enchanting.

"You can't stay!" The man said coldly, stabbing with a gun, and said, "My name is Huang Zhiting, remember this name, that is the one who sent you on the road!"

"Oh, there are a lot of people who want to kill me, but no one can succeed now, and you will not be an exception." Ling Han said faintly, the warhammer re-emerged, and it was an electric light.

However, this time Huang Zhiting was prepared, and his body shape flashed away.

"Haha, I used it once, and I want to succeed again?" Huang Zhiting sneered, he is a master of secrets, and he can reach a secret at this age, how can he be called a talent.

Ling Han smiled and hit the suffocating impact.

Huang Zhiting immediately stumbled and his face showed a faint color.

At this time, Ling Han once again waved the warhammer and fired lightning.

No, this is a natural fight.

Ling Han once again succumbed, and the hammer was smashed.


After all, Huang Zhiting is looking for a secret environment. He is strong. At the most critical time, he has a gun on his head and blocked the sniper of the warhammer. Although his body shape is short, he still stands still. This blow.

Even so, he is still very ugly.

I just said that I used it once and it didn't work for him. As a result, he was recruited again. Isn't this playing his face?

Ling Han show Yan Yixiao: "How?"

Huang Zhiting's face is red, what can he say?

He just had a long shot, and as long as he killed the cold, the scandals of the past would never leak.

Ling Han haha ​​laughed, still the suffocating impact with the warhammer, obviously very simple, but can be combined to play a miraculous effect.

The ability of the radon attack is seven variables, even if it is a secret, it can not be immunized, even if it is once again, it will be recruited again. At most, the time will be shortened.

But Ling Han wants only this moment, and then another battle hammer strikes, Huang Zhiting how to recruit, in vain left the power of parry.

In this way, Huang Zhiting will lose sooner or later.

How could this be?

Huang Zhiting is speechless. This kid has only two moves in the past and over, but he is extremely effective, so he has repeatedly made moves.

Lost to an inscription?

Just kidding, he will not be able to lift his head for a lifetime.

He bit his teeth and finally sacrificed a card. This is a piece.

Hey, can this throwing a horse or a cannon?

When Ling Han was vomiting, Huang Zhiting was already shooting the chess piece on his body. Suddenly, there was a silver flash on his body. Only silver metal appeared, turned into a set of armor, and protected his whole body. .

Oh, this trick is really unintentional.

"Oh, it forced me to use the silver scale armor!" Huang Zhiting was somewhat distressed, this is what he got at a great price, not the real armor, but the consumables.

These silver metals are formed by stimulating high levels of metal energy, so the problem of time limits naturally disappears by time.

However, within the time limit, his defensive power will be the secret.

This is his biggest card, but Ling Han has a million-star stone, which is worthwhile for the sake of building this fairy stone.

"Dead!" Huang Zhiting slammed into the gun, silver glittering like a **** of war, this moment, he is extremely confident.

Ling Han hit the raid attack, although this still has the effect, but the time of action has been shortened a bit, I saw Huang Zhiting almost awake over the moment, but took the initiative to eat the electric awning blasted by the warhammer, safe and sound.

"Ha ha ha, desperate!" Huang Zhiting laughed, swooping, or stabbing or sweeping, urging the offensive to the extreme.

Ling Han calmly calms down and unfolds his body. The speed is not inferior to the search for secrets. There is no need to worry about life safety.

He would like to see how long the other party can last in this state.

However, there are more than two of them on this mountain road, and soon someone will come over.

Ling Han brow wrinkled, no longer fighting, turned and left.

"Running!" Huang Zhiting quickly chased, he used a card, if he could not win the cold, then he waved a big loss.

Unfortunately, his speed is similar to that of Ling Han. He can still maintain the distance at the beginning, but as the mountain road becomes complicated, his control of the figure is completely inferior to the cold, and he can only let go of the speed.

Seeing to be lost, he quickly accelerated, but it ran into the mountain wall, the whole person bounced back, but fortunately there is silver armor protection, otherwise it must be a **** head.

But in this way, he can't catch up with Ling Han.

"Ling, cold!" He yelled at the sky, one vented his sulking in the heart, and the other was to remind others, even if he could not succeed, he could not make Ling Han better.

Hey, this person is so dark.

Ling Han's body shape is rushing, slightly slower than the speed of sound, but still amazingly fast.

Along the way, he had more than a few people, some did not recognize him, and some people recognized it, and naturally pursued him.

Ling Han did not fight, but only took the speed out of the other side. On such a complicated mountain road, there are really few people who can fight with him.

After half a day, the mountain road gradually became flat again.

Ling Han did not dare to take care of it, took out the empty animal skin and put it on.

Now with the addition of Hong Tianbu, this person is extremely embarrassed, and he is very familiar with him. He will definitely have a targeted arrangement for his world, so he can no longer move forward so brazenly.

The front is wide open, allowing you to find the speed of the secret, as long as there are enough people, you can intercept him.

After all, here, Ling Han does not dare to use the world, what should I do if I hit the mountain wall? Or fall directly from the mountain?

He quietly went up the mountain, the speed is very slow, this time is naturally the first safety.

He observed that if he was ambushed, he would choose where to proceed.

"There." He found a hidden place and then quietly covered it.

When he came near, he found the movement.

There are three people ambushing here, all looking for a secret.


Ling Han brows slightly wrinkled, if there is only one, he can solve the problem whether he uses the grain jade or the tombstone fragments, but it is not easy for three people to use it. The tombstone fragments will expose him within a short distance, there is great Danger.

If you use the sky jade...he is afraid of being shackled and can’t get it back.

How to do?

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