Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3563: Observing

Countless years later, this stone suddenly became aware, and after many years of ignorance, it unconsciously swallowed a sigh of heaven and earth in the early morning of the rising sun, opening a long road of cultivation.

At least another hundred million years later, it was finally strong enough to drive the body to roll and fall into a pool of water.

There is a treasure tree on the edge of this pool. After years of falling, I don’t know how many treasures are in the pool, and this pool is turned into a treasure pool.

In the pool, this stone is the most crucial step, marching into the path of the fairy, and has a human form.

He began to fight, from devotion to innocence and good deeds, to decisive decisiveness, his realm is getting higher and higher, his strength is getting stronger and stronger, he is fighting the best in the world, has countless life and death, and finally embarked on the world. Hey.

This is the first half of the life of the ancestors of Panshi. In the latter half of his life, he is invincible, suppressing the Xinghai with his own strength, and let the people of all sides get along with each other and give peace to the martial arts for thousands of years.

The picture has been paused for a while, and then it is a battle of the ancestors of Panshi. From the time when he is very weak, to the top Tianjiao, and then to the world, only the top Tianjiao can compete with him.

This is a king who has been beaten, and has an invincible era.

Pan Shizu Wang did not instill any secret law into Ling Han, nor did he convey his way, just let Ling Han see his own enlightenment process.

For Ling Han, this is extremely precious.

Before the ancestors of Panshi, there was no such thing as the foundation stone. Everyone relied on their own strength to jump over the fairy door and build the foundation stone of the fairy tales. Even so, the existence of the ancestors and saints could appear.

There are advantages and disadvantages to the emergence of the foundation stone.

On the other hand, it is natural that people will become more powerful after they enter the path of Xian. But the downside is to obliterate the innovation. It is as strong as Hong Tianbu. It is also very exciting to get a top-level foundation stone. The key to strong future.

This is the end of the cart.

The foundation stone is only playing a supporting role. How can it be the core of the stone foundation?

The original intention of Panshizu is good, but the result has become so.

Ling Han put down the distracting thoughts, but only to understand the road that Pan Shizu Wang walked. This is too precious. A ancestral king from weak to strong, this journey can be said to be the most precious thing.

He won't go back this road, but he can give him tips, give him a reference, and take less detours.

"Kid, it's time to leave!" The voice of the little stone man sounded, just for a moment, Ling Han was hit by the sea of ​​true blood, appeared on the edge of the island.

This is the outer area of ​​the peak.

Ling Hanyi, rely on, just throw yourself out?

He still has a lot to say.

But even if you go back now, I believe that the little stone man can't see him.

He saw that there are many people on the shore, and they believe that they should all be driven out. This time, the peak of the show has ended. Soon the island will disappear and go to the vast sea of ​​stars. I don't know which star is on it.

"Ling Han!" In a squeaky voice, I saw a sword light sweeping, Jin Yulu stabbed the sword, leaving behind an endless **** color, as if a female fairy, obviously murderous, but beautiful Full.

Ling Han snorted, punched out, high-level energy wrapped in his fist, he believed that his fist can force the spell.


The fist hit the sword front, Ling Han suddenly retreat, Jin Yulu is the existence of the peak of the search for secrets, and it is very likely to be a two-star genius, the combat power is extremely terrifying.

But Jin Yulu is shocked and the eyeballs have to fall out. Her sword is enough to kill the ordinary masters of the early search for secrets. But this sword is only a few steps away, even the blood has not seen. What a horror?

"You can't stay!" Jin Yulu said, she instinctively realized that this is Hong Tianbu's strong opponent, so she has to clear the obstacles for Hong Tianbu.

A genius like Hong Tianbu is likely to surpass the level of the spirit of the real king in the future and become the power of the master.

At the master level, you can lead the great religion, and it is also a well-known presence in Xingyu.

Therefore, Hong Tianbu should be unique and never need others to fight for his edge.

Ling Han haha ​​laughed, took out the warhammer and Jin Yulu on the bang, his left hand is holding the sky jade, intends to pump the cold to the other side, lore the opponent.

"What!" More people rushed over, no shortage of strong people who passed the vegetable field before, and found that when Ling Han was fighting with Jin Yulu, they were all shocked and could not describe.

When did the strength of this kid become so horrible?

The power of Jin Yulu is recognized by all.

She is a disciple of Hualing Zhenjun. She may also be a two-star genius. If she is not on the secret, she will be a fairy. She can even fight.

But now, she can only barely suppress an inscription?

Is this not a fantasy?

However, Ling Han is also very difficult, Jin Yulu is too strong, far more than the general search for secrets, so that he is also stressful.

If you change to the sea before entering the blood, Ling Han will either take out the sky and jade, or turn around and run. It is impossible to fight, but in the **** sea, he "visited" a ancestral king. In his life, the inspiration for him is enormous.

He started the smashing technique and worked with Jin Yulu. Although he was basically in a defensive state, he was able to guarantee that he would still have a trick from time to time, not completely without the power to fight back.

This makes everyone look silly, such a powerful inscription, unprecedented.

Hey, a figure flew in the air. After a while, I heard a voice and said: "Ling Han!"

Hong Tianbu is here!

Ling Han retreats, a Jin Yulu is enough for him to eat a pot, not to mention facing Hong Tianbu at the same time.

Hong Tianbu did not have the first time to shoot, he just stared at Ling Han: "Hand over the things I need, otherwise, die!"

"Hong Tianbu, are you taking the wrong medicine?" Ling Han said faintly, if he would be threatened, would he wait until now?

"It seems that you have to resist the end?" Hong Tianbu said coldly, he slowly raised his hand, there was a fierce flow.

Ling Han smiled: "Hong Tianbu, if you use that one-eyed words, then I will let you taste the power of the sky jade." He raised the sky jade in his left hand.

This is a big killer, the two-star level of the power of the instrument, it is the cast of the strong can kill, not to mention the region to find the secret.

Hong Tianbu is full of confidence in his own combat power, but against the sky jade?

Can he not guarantee that he can hide, and even if he uses that eye, can he still hold this treasure?

Therefore, he does not dare to take risks.

"A fair fight?" He faintly said.

"A secret search with me tells me a fair fight? Do you want to laugh at me?" Ling Han shook his head. "Hong Tianbu, there must be a battle between us, but it is not now, well, not playing with you." ""

He turned around and started to expand, disappearing instantly.

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