Later, he appointed more than 100 monks and pointed in another direction: "fellow monks, this is still the case. Dig about 1960 meters in this direction. All the stones are of the same height. Move forward quickly and expand the robbery pool!"

After arranging these friars, ye Tian assigned two teams of more than 100 friars to dig in two different directions.

The details are also explained in detail one by one.

After the task of the four friars' teams is arranged, ye Tian looks at the remaining 200 friars.

After a little calculation, a team of 30 people was again sent to collect water.

Then ye Tian and other friars flew to the top of the mountain full of stalactites.

From the beginning to the end, the king of Lanling didn't say a word. He just looked at Ye Tian's orderly scheduling.

At this time, ye Tian's performance gave her a kind of illusion. It seems that ye Tian is not a monk in Longmen realm, but a monk who has experienced a lot of wind and rain and is used to seeing big waves. His eyes are calm and orderly. There is no low level friars in front of the high level friars, and there is no powerful bossing.

It seems to be calm and orderly, and even in a way, ye Tian is more impressive than himself, which makes the Marquis of Lanling wonder.

This kind of thing is not innate to have, but a kind of experience after tempering, will make people have such tolerance.

Although Ye Tian is only 20 years old, he knows that ye Tian must have many stories.

In particular, ye Tiangang's scheduling made her a little more curious. Every time ye Tian assigned monks to dig rocks, they would be accurate to the specific measurement. After thinking for a long time, the Marquis of Lanling could not figure out why it was such a size?

I can't help but feel more mysterious about ye Tian.

Next, she flew to the top of the cave with Ye Tian's figure, and saw that ye Tian continued to assign tasks in an orderly way, asking the friars to take rocks from somewhere, the specific size and the distance.

What a wonderful talent!

The Marquis of Lanling was filled with admiration. Many friars had spent countless years trying to solve the mystery of robbing water, but they had no way. It was not long before ye Tiangang arrived at the spiritual realm of the great wilderness that he found the secret. Every great event he did brought endless benefits to the human race, and he was praised by Taisui as the existence of all friars.

Up to now, the Marquis of Lanling has only seen Ye Tian, such a legendary young monk, although he is still very young and his realm is still very low.

But the future must be full of infinite possibilities!

I just don't know whether he can really create the water robbery and save the lives of countless friars. We can only wait and see.

Time goes by bit.

According to the assignment of Ye Tian, many friars are busy and busy with the excavation task, and the Huajie pool is constantly expanding and the area is getting larger and larger.

However, the original Huake pool still exists in the original trough. Ye Tian did not fully open the pool around it, but left a levee about 10 meters wide to separate the original Huake pool from the newly opened one.

The advantage of this is that once Ye Tianxin's chemical robbing water fails to achieve the desired effect, it can continue to use the original chemical robbing water.

This is also the back road reserved by Ye Tian, who is always cautious!

"Ye Daoyou, the rock of 1560 feet has been mined. Do you want to continue to dig?" Half a day later, a monk of yuanyingjing flashed over and reported his progress to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian waved his hand and said, "there's no need to continue digging. If you go further, there's no such kind of rock to pick. There's no other stone to rob the pool."

"Really? Ye Daoyou was able to discover this situation at a distance of 1560 feet before? " The monk frowned and asked in disbelief.

Other friars also looked at Ye Tian with such questions. After all, this kind of magical power really sounds a little shocking.

Even the Marquis of Lanling is also a beautiful eyes, swept Ye Tian one eye, waiting for his answer.

Who knows, ye Tian nodded his head indifferently: "this is nature. I have a little magic power in my eyes. I can see through some things that others can't see."

"Shenmu? Do you have any magical powers The monk lost his voice.

It's the first time that ye Tian heard such a name from Shenmu, but he felt that it should be similar to yuantianyan, just different.

He nodded and said no more."If we dig another half a foot in a small area, will it affect the Huajie pool?" Asked the friar of yuanyingjing.

"Of course, it won't make any difference. It's just that digging another half a foot is not good for Huajie pool. If Taoists are curious, just dig and have a look." Ye Tian smiles calmly, feeling that the monk's curiosity is really heavy.


The monk of yuanyingjing answered and stabbed his magic weapon flying sword at the stone wall. The hard stone wall was like tofu. He easily pierced it. Then the sword breathed and the magic power penetrated into the stone wall for nearly a Zhang.

The monk of yuanyingjing kept on his hand. The magic weapon flying sword gently moved on the stone wall, making a square sword mark. When the mark of the sword was closed, the friar took out his sword and pressed his palm on the cut stone. As soon as his magic power was shaken, he heard a "click" sound, and the square stone was broken directly from the inside, which seemed to be loose.

The man reached out again and drew the square stone out of the hole. In this way, the square stone was exposed to the public's eyes.


There was silence all around!

All the people on the scene were staring at the square stone with a look of shock in their eyes.

The square stone, which was originally cyan in color, suddenly changed its color to brown about half a meter away. The contrast of color is very obvious.

Not only that, but also the quality of the stone has changed. The bluestone here is fine and smooth, like a beautiful jade, while the brown half is very rough, with clear grain size and a lot of impurities. Even people who don't know stone can see that it is two completely different kinds of stone.

"I'm convinced!"

The monk of yuanyingjing gawked at the stone for a moment and threw a fist at Ye Tian: "ye Daoyou is so divine. If you have anything else to do, please feel free to order."

Ye Tian waved his hand: "I don't need it now!"

At this time, several other groups of friars sent by Ye Tian also came to answer their orders one after another. They all finished the excavation task according to Ye Tian's instructions.

The Marquis of Lanling feels even more magical in his heart. Ye Tian seems to have inadvertently assigned tasks, but the friars of these teams almost agree to complete their respective tasks in time, and there is no delay due to the delay of the progress of any team.

This kind of calculation ability is not due to the high level of cultivation.

How did ye Tian do it?

The Marquis of Lanling was more curious.

"It's time to lay a layer of stone on the ground." At this time, ye Tian released the task again.

The friars who dug the rocks immediately took out the neatly cut rocks, and all the friars immediately started to lay the rocks in the broad stone trough cut out of the original Huajie pool.

More than an hour later, a new Huajie pool has been laid, just encircling the original Huajie pool, like an irregular "Hui".

"Ye Daoyou, I'm waiting for the water to come back!" Just at this time, the group of friars sent to fetch water from the underpass entered the Huajie pool.

"The new pool is full of water! It's five feet eight inches deep Ye Tian closed his eyes for a moment, and when he opened them again, he said decisively.

The 30 monks immediately took out a lot of Xumi commandments and distributed them to other monks. They poured water into the newly excavated pool together. One of them measured the depth of five feet and eight inches, and drew marks with magic weapons as marks.

More than 200 monks participated in the water injection. The water was poured from all directions together, and the water in the originally empty Huajie pool gradually increased.

At a glance, a vast underground lake has been formed, which is nearly 100 times larger than the original Huajie lake.

From the moment of water injection, ye Tian stopped talking. Instead, he stood by the side of the pool and observed silently. Sometimes he closed his eyes and pondered, sometimes he even stared at the stones at the bottom of the pool, as if he wanted to see through the bottom of the pool.

The water injection process lasted for more than an hour until it reached the height of five feet and eight inches according to Ye Tian's instructions. Finally, ye Tian turned around and left the position he was just in.

"Ye Xiaoyou, what's the effect?" The Marquis of Lanling walked over anxiously and asked.

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