Two days later, a huge robbing pool with a radius of tens of miles on the vast plateau had been formed, and some monks were pouring water from the nearby lakes into it.

The Huake pool goes deep into the interior of the plateau, forming a shape similar to "concave". The height of the drop from the highest part of the plateau is almost 45 feet, and the distance from the lowest part is also two or three meters. This arrangement is to prevent the overflow of the Huake pool.

The whole Huake pool is built with mountain stones and bottom stones. The proportion of the two kinds of stones is carefully calculated by Ye Tian, which can maximize the effect of Huake.

Although the amount of water injected is extremely huge, it can't stand the joint efforts of more than 3000 monks. The clear water of the lake continuously poured out from the Xumi commandment. The water level in the Huajie pool gradually increased, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds, but it also became a beautiful scenery on the plateau.

The water level is getting higher and higher, gradually approaching the six foot three inch water level given by Ye Tian.

Just at this time, the Lanling Marquis next to Ye Tian was suddenly shocked and took out a message. A burning voice came out of the message: "Lanling Marquis, come to support quickly. There is a high-level secret cultivation, and no one can resist it. The fellow is badly injured."

After the sound came out, the messenger turned into a flame and burned to ashes.

The Marquis of Lanling took a look at the gradually completed Huajie pool, then looked at Ye Tian, and said, "Ye Xiaoyou, I'll go to support you. After the completion of Huajie pool, you leave by yourself. You must pay attention to your own safety."

Then he looked at the three thousand monks who were pouring water. His voice was quiet and he ordered, "everyone, it's time to fight."

With that, the figure has disappeared from the original place.

Ye Tian let go of his mind, but he could not feel the situation on the battlefield within the scope of his mind. In two days, the Terran friars forced the demons back at least two or three hundred miles by virtue of the magic stone.

This distance is beyond the scope of Ye tianshennian's investigation.

Yan lie's Herald makes Ye Tian feel tight. If it's not the time to be in a hurry, Yan lie will never take away the Lanling Marquis who is responsible for building and robbing the pool.

It can be imagined that Yan lie must have been entangled by the same realm of meditation, and the number of demons equivalent to the great friars of the human jade Pu realm is so large that the great friars of the human race are not enough.

After pondering for a moment, ye Tian said to the monks who were pouring water: "you Taoist friends, just pour water strictly according to the water level line, and stop at the line. Ye went to the battlefield to have a look... "

"Ye Daoyou, wait a minute..." just as ye Tian's words came out, Xiao Yunqian, the female nun, suddenly stood in front of Ye Tian's body in a flash, and said fiercely: "just when the Marquis left, he told ye Daoyou to leave by himself after he finished the chemical robbery pool. You should pay attention to your own safety. This is not only for you, but also for us. We should protect ye Daoyou's safety. It's extremely dangerous on the battlefield. Even the predecessors of huashenjing and yuanyingjing may fall at any time. Ye Daoyou is just a monk in Longmen realm. Even if he goes, how much can he do? Can the war between the Terran and the underworld change the outcome because of your participation? "

Xiao Yunqian's every word is aimed at stimulating Ye Tian. How can ye Tian not understand the meaning of her words? In fact, the words that Marquis Lanling said when he left didn't mean to let everyone protect himself, just simply told himself.

These friars are going to the battlefield immediately. It is impossible for them to take out their hands to protect themselves.

Every sentence Xiao Yunqian said is her own meaning. Although it's hard to hear, the meaning of maintenance is extremely obvious.

Moreover, ye Tian also heard that these words were really in her mind.

Yes! I'm just a monk in Longmen realm. In a war in which the monks in Huashen realm and Yuanying realm may fall at any time, what kind of waves can I turn up as a monk in Longmen realm.

What can even the strongest monk in Longmen realm do? Even if it can be selected as the first dragon's gate saint, what can it be?

Can you compare with monk Yuan Ying? Godlike friar?

Ye Tian believes that not only Xiao Yunqian thinks so, but also the other monks on the scene, because they don't think they want to go to the battlefield.

Because there are more than 100 monks in yuanyingjing who came to build Huajie pool. The other friars' Cultivation of the realm is the golden elixir realm.

Lanlinghou did not take anyone with him when he left.

This means that even the Marquis of Lanling believed that even the monks with more than 3000 elixirs could not have any influence on the war situation in this massive battle between the Terran and the underworld.

However, ye Tian doesn't think so, because he has the advantage that other friars don't have, and the fierce flying sword in Xumi commandment is still buzzing and shaking.

In the face of Xiao Yunqian's question, ye Tian just smiles back, but doesn't say a word more. His figure has turned into a light of escape and shot to the eastern battlefield.Seeing this, Xiao Yunqian is in a big hurry and goes after ye Tian with his sword. He just moves. He suddenly remembers that his sword is flying by leaps and bounds after ye Tian's advice. He can't catch up with Ye Tian with his own speed.

At this time, ye Tian's speed has disappeared from the public's sight.

When ye Tian flies more than 200 Li, his gesture moves, and the fierce sword suddenly appears in his hand. Then he moves again, and the face mask also appears in his hand.

The mask is as thin as a cicada's wing and soft in texture. When ye Tian holds it with his left hand, he is already lying in his hands without any trace.

Then the streamer flashed away to the battlefield.

After the dragon's gate competition ended, ye Tian took pills in the time and Space Tower and practiced hard for several days. Although his realm still stays in the late stage of the dragon's gate realm and is far away from the peak of the dragon's gate realm, his strength has improved again, which is not comparable to that of the Jin Dynasty.

Hundreds of miles away, it doesn't take long for ye Tian to pass by, and the battlefield is far away.

There are countless Terran and underworld armies in the whole battlefield. The battlefield is more than ten miles in length. In this distance, there are two armies fighting hard.

Horizontally, the two sides are also endless, and I don't know where they extend. It's impossible to see how many people participated in the war just by the naked eye.

The battlefield has been far away from the scope of the dark fog. A large number of the dark cultivation use the body and bones to fight, and there are not a few who directly use the skeleton and bones to fight.

It's very easy to distinguish the dead breath from those who use the body and bones.

The friars who used to urge the magic stone had to interrupt the urge of the magic Qi and directly participated in the hand-to-hand fight. The massive magic Qi neutralized the fog before, which made the underworld feel a great threat. They had to get rid of the fog, which helped them a lot, and fight with the friars outside the sea of fog.

On the ground and high in the air, there are many figures of the human friars and the dark friars everywhere. Every second, a large number of friars from both sides fall, and then annihilate in the boundless battlefield, leaving only countless bones, which shows the cruelty of the war.

On the high sky, ye Tian can feel the places where his sight can't reach, and there are countless strong breath, which makes a rumbling sound from time to time.

It should be the battlefield of the great friar. Yanlie and Lanling Marquis must be high above the sky.

Ye Tian was flying, and he had already seen the situation in the battlefield.

Body shape like a pop star, straight to the battlefield.

"Ye tianxiaoyou, back quickly, this is not what you can participate in!" Seeing the edge of the battlefield, ye Tian suddenly heard a loud drink.

Eyes turn, ye Tian follow the voice to see, but see the person who shouts is actually the Yan City Lord who proposes to himself.

This man is fighting against two powerful meditation practitioners with one man's strength. The fight is very fierce.

Ye Tian does not retreat, but advances. As soon as he turns, he goes to the direction of the Lord of Yan city. At the same time, the power of thunder and lightning on Ye Tian's body keeps flashing, just like the incarnation of the God of thunder and lightning.

"Lei Shu..."

Almost at the same time, ye Tian yelled, and the powerful thunder and lightning fell on the bones along the way. In the terrible thunder, no one noticed that the invisible electric light in the grimace mask tightly held by Ye Tian's left hand suddenly scattered several small thunders to the nearby bones.



”Boom... "

Almost at the same time, several powerful explosions were heard, and the bodies and bones that were attacked by the electric arc exploded, and the broken limbs and meat splashed everywhere with the strong explosion.

But the leaf day is to ignore this, still full of electric arc ground to fly to the location of Yan City Lord.

Along the way, the electric arc flickered and the sound of bombardment kept ringing, which was quite different from the previous battlefield.

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