


Ye Tian, whose body is twinkling with electric arc, uses the Taoist art of thunder to rush to the fiercest part of the battlefield. Where he passes, the thunder keeps falling, and all the flesh and bones within a few feet around him explode.

This kind of situation makes Ye Tian like killing gods, forming a strong aura, which makes many Ming Xiu who are in the fierce battle avoid pestilence, and avoid them far away, for fear that they will be destroyed.

On the contrary, Lord Yan, who has the ability to transform the divine realm, follows Ye Tian as if he had become a decoration. Except for occasionally killing some of the surrounding spiritual practitioners, ye Tian has never been out of danger.

It's not that ye Tian didn't make a move in time, but that he didn't have a chance. Those practices didn't threaten Ye Tian's safety at all.

At this time, ye Tian's speed is very fast. After killing the four gods with the help of the mask, he suddenly flies to a certain battlefield.

Along the way, naturally, there was a roaring explosion. The invisible arc emitted by the grimace mask formed a situation of second killing the flesh and bones of the underworld. Everywhere they went, the underworld repair suffered a disaster.

"Boom boom..."

In the sound of successive explosions, ye Tian comes to a human friar who is in a precarious situation, and hits a white skeleton not far away with a ray of Taoist art. The lightning suddenly changes its shape like a spirit snake, and penetrates into the crevice of the skeleton, killing the body of the spiritual cultivation in the skeleton.

"Ye Daoyou..."

The opponent was removed by Ye Tian in a flash. The friar swept the broken hair on his forehead and showed a smile: "I didn't expect you to be so powerful. I'm sorry that people were worried about you for nothing."

The nun's voice is sweet and graceful, but she looks like Xiao Yunqian, who built Huajie pool with Ye Tian.

Ye tianlue nodded and didn't say a word more. Then he moved again, and several thunders fell again. At the moment of no time, he killed five flesh and bones in the realm of the demon emperor, and saved two yuan Yingjing monks who were about to suffer from the disaster of life and death.

"Thank you, ye Daoyou..." the two men threw a fist at ye tianlue, and then jumped to one side again, fighting with the other underworld.

These friars are part of the 3000 people who built Huajie pool with Ye Tian. Soon after ye Tian left, Huajie pool had been filled with water. They followed the orders of the Marquis of Lanling and rushed to the battlefield. They joined the army of human friars and fought with the underworld.

Because the number is far more than that of the Terran friars, the army of the underworld is taking an advantage. But because it is fighting outside the fog, the action of the underworld has been greatly suppressed. This advantage is not so obvious. Generally speaking, it can be maintained within a certain balance.

Occasionally, some bones and skeletons come out of the fog to support, but they can't support it for long, so they have to return to the fog. Otherwise, without the protection of the fog, their own strength will be difficult to play, and the self-cultivation will become relatively weak.

Unless some of them can snatch the corpses of the human friars and turn them into their own flesh and bones, the fierce battle in the state of white bones and skeletons will inevitably end in a fall.

The monks who can fight outside the dark fog for a long time are those who have their own flesh and bones, so they will be less affected.

At present, more than 3000 monks who built Huajie pool with Ye Tian are mixed up in many Terran armies to fight against the underworld. Many monks have been in danger.

Ye Tian saw them before, so he rushed here to support them. After all, these friars followed him for two days to build Huajie pool. They were very familiar with each other.



Ye Tian's mind covers the surroundings. His body is like fog and electricity. He comes and goes like flying. There are thunders and lightning everywhere he passes. The sound of explosion is incessant. Many underworld people's bodies and bones burst out one after another. The scene is extremely spectacular.

The city master Yan, who followed Ye Tian, was shocked. The speed of killing the underworld by this method was much faster than that of his own monk.

Is this really a monk in Longmen?

Not only he, but also other friars have the same feeling. Looking at Ye Tian's back, many friars are stunned for a few breath. Then someone says: "our generation of friars in Jindan realm are so weak that they need Longmen friars to come to rescue. It's really a shame for friars in Jindan to kill..."

I don't know which monk is speaking, However, this remark aroused a great resonance. The nearby monks of Jindan Kingdom attacked the underworld like chicken blood.At this moment, the momentum of the Terran immediately soared, and many monks followed Ye Tian's figure, as if forming a torrent. They made a deep breakthrough into the battlefield, and all the way, they were shocked to pieces.

The monks of yuanyingjing were also stimulated. The monks of Longmen took the lead, followed by the monks of Jindan. It seemed that the monks of yuanyingjing, who had a higher level, were in a steady state.

At this time, many monks in yuanyingjing were not willing to fall behind. They broke out the strong atmosphere of their origins and launched a fierce attack on the underworld. They attacked more and defended less. Such a reckless play just restrained the attack of the underworld. In a short time, they beat the underworld in this area to pieces.

"Lord Yan, now you should believe that I have the power to protect myself?" Ye Tian once again killed several Ming Xiu who were attached to the body and bones, and turned to the Lord Yan.

"Ye Xiaoyou, I know, but it's hard to die!" The Lord of Yan said helplessly.

"Then fight side by side!" Ye Tian knows that persuading is also a waste of words, so he says cheerfully.

"Fight side by side!" Yan City Master ha ha a smile, completely put down Ye Tian's safety, and ye Tian forward together. He is very clear in the heart, with Ye Tian's means, if he encounters danger and can't help himself, I'm afraid his hand is useless.

In this way, a stone in his heart fell to the ground. Once the master of Yan city made a move, he no longer had any scruples. They joined hands and were invincible in many practices.

However, after a while, Lord Yan was shocked to find that although he tried his best, the speed of killing Mingxiu was far less than that of Ye Tian. When ye Tian had killed six or seven Mingxiu in the realm of the underworld emperor, he could only kill two or three people himself.

When ye Tian killed three or four of them, he was still fighting with a certain God!

Instead, ye Tian came to help kill his opponent, which made him barely keep up with Ye Tian's pace and start the journey of fighting side by side again.

However, gradually, Lord Yan felt that he was unable to do as he wanted. His speed was not as fast as that of Ye Tian, and there was a lot of resistance.

At a certain moment, after he was entangled by a ghost, ye Tian didn't come to the rescue in time, but chose to rescue several nearby monks facing the crisis of life and death.

Those friars in the golden elixir realm are being repaired by more than ten underworld level flesh and bones. They are in a precarious situation. Ye Tian's figure comes to him in a flash. As the thunder falls, the underworld people explode at almost the same time.

But ye Tian looked at the Lord of Yan, who was more than ten feet away. He was fighting with him. There was no danger at the moment, so he rushed to one side and killed him.

The place is still "boom boom" continuous body bone popping sound.

In this battlefield, ye Tian became an extremely different existence, just like the God of pestilence. Wherever he went, Ming Xiu scrambled to flee. If he didn't rush, he couldn't get rid of his fate.

With the increasing time of Ye Tian's participation in the war, the decline of the Terran monk was saved by his own efforts, and began to fight back in a large area.

Ye Tian can't remember how many underworld people he killed, thousands or even tens of thousands of them. He has never counted them in detail, but all the monks in the underworld and below are... Second killed.

Ye Tian hasn't seen the level of mingzun and Mingdi. He doesn't know the specific situation.

As the war continued, the number of Meixiu killed by Ye Tian increased rapidly, and the morale of the human race rose unprecedentedly. Meixiu gradually could not resist and began to retreat.

The effect of Ye Tian is not only to save some human friars, or to kill a large number of the underworld, but also to bring a sense of deterrence and psychological oppression.

Mingxiu knows that ye Tian's cultivation is not high, but his lethality is so strong that no physical and bony Mingxiu can take the second move under him.

All of them are thunder. After the Taoist art, they explode and die, and even the essence of meditation can't escape.


Can't compete!

Ye Tian gave such a signal to those who had seen him display his divine power.

This kind of spiritual encouragement is even more effective than the reinforcement of ten thousand monks. Ten thousand monks are just a drop in the ocean compared with this battlefield, but the spiritual encouragement is the overall situation. The fighting power that each human friar can break out will be rapidly improved because of this kind of encouragement, and then expressed in the fighting power, As a result, the battlefield situation gradually reversed.

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