In the crowd, ran zaishan, the master of the general Hall of the field, suddenly brightened his eyes and came to Yanlie.

Yanlie shennian went into the jade slips and gave it to ran zaishan. He solemnly said, "with this kind of field, the rejuvenation of the human race is just around the corner. The master of general hall ran doesn't need to be a private possession. He can cultivate more field masters and spread this kind of layout method to the human race."

Ran zaishan agreed, excitedly took over the jade slips, and couldn't wait to see the contents in front of the burning face.

"Good... Wonderful... It's really a fantastic idea, fantastic..."

A moment later, ran zaishan cheered excitedly and was very happy.

"Everyone, this expansion of the demons has come to an end. This battle, occupying 120000 li of the demons' land and more than 300 cities, is enough for the Terrans. No matter how many Terrans there are, they can't eat it. When the Terrans need to cultivate themselves, they should not fight with the demons. After that, you will perform your duties and make sure that the occupied soil will gradually settle down. Moreover, more than 300 city leaders are needed to guard more than 300 cities. The establishment of the four thrones is not enough. I decided to promote the Marquis of Lanling to the throne today, named Lanling king. Responsible for all matters of Xindi, and put forward more than 300 city masters and corresponding garrison envoys as soon as possible. Within the scope of the human friars, they are free to choose. " After Yan lie and ran zaishan retreated, he spoke again.

"Thank you, Chien Pao!" When the Marquis of Lanling suddenly heard of the appointment, he was stunned and then bowed himself to express his thanks.

She couldn't believe it was true!

He actually became the king directly from a marquis, and he was the king with the greatest power.

You know, there were four lords in Wanyu League, who were responsible for governing more than 600 cities in the Terran area.

On average, each Prince is in charge of about 150 cities.

There are more than 300 cities in charge of this area. Although the demons have just captured all of them, a large number of monks will soon move to guard them.

There are more than 300 city masters in more than 300 cities, and there is a garrison envoy in every 16 cities, and these people can only be appointed after their own proposal.

Power is not so great.

Moreover, there must be a lot of Terran cultivation resources in these three hundred cities, because the demons can't use them, and the wealth accumulated over a long period of time is certainly not a small amount.

In addition to handing over most of the Wanyu League, there must be a lot left, which will bring endless benefits to our own cultivation.

Why does Yan lie choose himself?

The Marquis of Lanling knew that it must be because of Ye Tian.

At that time, in wanlugu, he and Marquis Jing'an presided over the qualification test of the dragon's gate Saint son, and he once said a fair word for ye Tian.

Then build Huajie pool together, this time shovel for ye Tian to get rid of danger, capture Huo Yanguang and report to Yanlie in time.

What he has done makes Yanlie promote himself to be the king of Lanling and take charge of more than 300 cities.

Want to understand this, Lan Ling Hou is also in the heart move, she thought of a deeper problem.

That's why Yanlie made himself king because of what he did, and gave him so much power.

Is it because ye Tian... But only because ye Tian is his brother, because he is the special envoy of the alliance leader and the first dragon's gate Saint son?

Of course not. Alliance leader Yan lie will not privatize the affairs of the alliance.

So there is only one reason, that is, Yan lie really has in mind the leaf day as a successor to cultivate.

He has the best relationship with Ye Tian. If he is the closest, he will be in charge of the most cities and cultivate his own power.

One day, when ye Tian is in charge of Wanyu League, there will be less different voices and less turbulence among the people.

After all, among the great friars of the human race, there are many who want to take over the position of the leader of the alliance after Yanlie's ascent or other reasons.

Now in front of Yan lie, these great friars are well behaved. Who knows if there will be anyone who is not good for ye Tian when Yan lie is no longer there!

Even if Yanlie doesn't give ye Tian the position of alliance leader too soon, once he gives it to others, will his successor do something unfavorable to Ye Tian, or even kill Ye Tian, in order not to give his position to Ye Tian in the future, or when he wants to give it to his relatives, nephews or disciples.

By that time, perhaps the threat of the underworld, orcs and demons will not be as great as they are now. The Terrans will be particularly powerful. Without Ye Tian, the Terrans will be able to stand like mountains in front of the three tribes.

Thinking of this, the Marquis of Lanling is awe inspiring. Maybe Yanlie trusted himself and gave the burden to himself. Maybe he wanted to connect or cultivate his own power as soon as possible and protect Ye Tian at that time.

To understand this, in the voice of Yan lie's thanks, the Marquis of Lanling, no, should be called the king of Lanling. He looked up at Yan lie, but saw that Yan lie was looking at himself and nodded slightly.

As a result, the king of Lanling was more sure of his conjecture, and bowed himself again: "the king of Lanling will not bear the trust of the alliance leader, and will spare no effort to fulfill his duty to the death."

This statement expresses one's determination and has a meaning.

"Well... I believe you!" Yan lie smile, obviously understand Lanling King understand their own meaning, also said he also understand Lanling King's meaning.

When the king of Lanling was newly appointed, the four princes present came to congratulate him one after another. The other six Marquis also came to see the monks of the same level in a complicated mood.

After all, although Lanling king and Lanling Marquis differ in one word, they are quite different in status.

Marquis Lanling has soared to the sky.

Under one, over ten thousand.

The rest of the Presbyterian group and the temple owners also came to thank them.

Neither the Presbyterian group nor the leaders of all the halls were subordinate to any one of the kings, but they were directly under the control of Yanlie, the leader of the alliance. However, the responsibilities of the Presbyterian group and the temple owners cannot be separated from the support of the Lords.

So when the Marquis of Lanling became the king of Lanling, people also came to thank him.

The king of Lanling saluted one by one and spoke politely.

But between her social intercourse with the public, she has been rapidly choosing the people she can make friends with in the future, who can be drawn up for ye Tian's use, and who can only maintain a superficial friendly relationship. Who can't be trusted.

Because when fighting against other alien races, most of the human friars will work together, but when the danger of alien races is relieved, there will certainly be a lot of right and wrong in the face of all kinds of interest disputes within the human race.

The ninth Youming emperor once said that there are various shortcomings of the human race, which clearly pointed out this point.

The reason why the Terrans are united unprecedentedly is that they dare not unite in the face of the choice of life and death.

As a result, the king of Lanling exchanged greetings and generally looked at his words to see how many people didn't sincerely congratulate him on his promotion to the king of Lanling, how many people were perfunctory, and how many people were jealous.

Under her intentional observation, she found many details.

Because of this, Lanling King admired Yanlie's method even more. Call these great friars to frighten people with the death of marquis Jing'an, and then promote yourself to the king of Lanling in public, which also provides you with an opportunity to know people.

On the surface, it all started with a lot of cheers and ended with a lot of laughter. But there are many people, the king of Lanling, who already knows what he has done.

"That's it. Let's do our respective duties. King Lanling, you should also go to the newly acquired 300 cities to learn about the situation. In March, you should hand in the list of appointments." Wait for the person of congratulation to return to a position one after another, the inflammation fierce opens a mouth to say again.

"Yes, leader!"

The king of Lanling solemnly promised, but his heart was relaxed. The leader of Yan alliance was really thinking about himself. He thought it would be at most one month, but now he gave himself three months. It can be seen that Yan lie attaches great importance to this candidate.

If selected by Yanlie, those people will certainly lead the alliance leader's feelings, although they are within the scope of their own control, they may not be united with themselves. Then, if you put forward your own appointment list, everyone will be grateful. Even if there are ungrateful people, there will certainly be only a few.

At this moment, Lanling king has decided that all the city leaders will not be selected from the current city leaders, but will be promoted from below.

All the garrison envoys did not use the existing garrison envoys. They were all selected from the previous city masters.

Having made up his mind, the king of Lanling arched his hand to Yanlie. Then Chong yetian nodded with a smile. His figure flashed and disappeared from the original place.

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