After that time, ye Tian looked for a way to solve this problem. As expected, he found a way that was not a solution.

Now hear Yan lie mention this matter, ye Tian is not in a hurry to say: "this matter is not difficult to solve, as long as the old brother has five level monster, can."

Hear ye Tian say so, Yan lie immediately came to interest, quickly asked: "virtuous younger brother, can tell elder brother, what method is it? I'm very curious! "

Ye Tian said with a smile: "of course, but this method is very insidious. I know a kind of supernatural power, called spiritualism, which can use monks and monsters to hide their own accomplishments. There is no flaw in it. Even heaven and earth can hide it. When you need to restore your accomplishments, you can naturally restore your original accomplishments. "

"It's amazing that there is such a way to hide one's accomplishments in the world. If you can get this way, it will be of great use to the human race!" Yan lie said in shock.

Ye Tian gently shook his head: "although this method is magical, it has a big side effect. That is to say, half of the giver's Shouyuan should be taken as the price. That's why I say this method is too insidious. But if you use this method on monsters, it's another matter. "

"Although the side effects of this method are not small, it is also a rare magic power. Shouyuan is very important to a monk, but when a man is in danger, facing the situation of death, if he can escape by reducing Shouyuan, this kind of magic power is no different from saving people! " Inflame fierce is brow a frown first, then ponder to say, brow also then stretch to open.

Ye Tian nodded and praised: "the old brother's pattern is big. He has a unique vision. He can see the vitality from the dead. It's really admirable. If elder brother is interested in this kind of psychics, I can make a copy for you! "

"Then make a copy!" Yan lie said with a laugh.

At present, ye Tian didn't have any extra action. He took out a jade slip and pasted it on his forehead. After a while, he took down the jade slip and handed it to Yan lie's hand: "elder brother, the spirit subduing skill has been copied. Please have a look."

Yan lie excitedly took over to meet, also don't need to stick to the forehead, just mind a sweep, then already read the content inside.

The power of this kind of idea is beyond Ye Tian's reach.

"It's really amazing that this method can be used in this way. The friars who can create this technique must be amazing." I don't know what path Yan lie saw from inside. After reading it, he was full of praise.

Then he said, "since this method of folding Shouyuan is used to subdue the spirit, can we develop a kind of Dan medicine, and then take back the Shouyuan you subtracted?"

Ye Tian then shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "it's not to say that the use of spiritualism is an ordinary monk. Who doesn't want to increase Shouyuan. There are many ways to increase Shou yuan in a short period of time, but Shou yuan is not only a matter of human body function. My elder brother also knows that all monks will face the five declines of heaven and man. If these five declines do not pass, there will be no substantial increase in Shou yuan. "

"Thirty or fifty years is a hundred year longevity. As long as there are enough spiritual materials, I can refine pills to prolong longevity. But high-level friars often live for hundreds of years, thousands of years, tens of thousands of years. What kind of magical talent can prolong the life of thousands of years? "

But Yan lie said with a smile: "it's true, but not now, it doesn't mean there won't be in the future. Maybe in the future, with my virtuous brother's Dan Dao attainments, we can find a way to greatly prolong Shouyuan? You know, the elder Taisui said that you will surpass all human friars in the future. "

Ye Tian also laughed: "old brother, don't listen to Taisui's nonsense. His words are unbelievable."

Originally, this is a modest word, a joke in the past even.

But who knows, the voice of Taisui suddenly appeared in xumijie: "master, who are you talking about? I think the master is just talking nonsense. I've lived for thousands of years, but I really haven't talked nonsense... "

"Well... Well, I'm talking nonsense. Go on sleeping!" Ye Tian didn't think that Tai Sui was eavesdropping on Xu Mi Jie. He was afraid that the goods would be endless as soon as he opened the conversation. He quickly pacified him.

Taisui was silent and didn't make any sound.

However, what Tai Sui said just now attracted Ye Tian's attention.

Taisui said that he has lived for thousands of years. Yes, there must be a reason why Taisui has lived for thousands of years without dying.

When you have a chance later, you must study Taisui carefully to see what his body structure is like? How can he resist the erosion of time?

What's his way to deal with the five failures of heaven and man?

If you can really find the secret of Taisui's longevity, ye Tian is confident that he can make a pill that can greatly increase his longevity, as Yan lie said.

At this time, Yanlie is laughing again: "how, brother, I said, Taisui will not lie, his words, I believe, once I and Taisui have been in contact for a period of time, to now think, what he said is really no empty words!"

Ye Tian thought about it and said, "well, I'll pay attention to it later. If I can refine a way to increase Shouyuan by a large margin, I'll be the first to give it to my elder brother. As long as Shouyuan is enough, I believe my elder brother will break through the confinement of spiritual realm and reach the legendary realm!"

"It's enough to have you, but I really hope it's you. I hope you don't let me down." Yan lie burst out laughing.

Then he thought of what he had just said, and pondered: "if you want to talk about the five level monsters, there are naturally Wanyu League. If there are more, it's not difficult to take out hundreds of five level monsters. But these monsters are rebellious, and the Terrans are mainly used to temper the fighting spirit of monks. For example, they are similar to the examination of saints. In this selection of saints in Longmen, they mostly use the third and fourth level monsters. "

"The Jin election of Jindan Shengzi mainly used the fourth and fifth level monsters, which were not domesticated. I'm afraid that with the cultivation of my younger brother, I can't mark my mind and complete the recognition of the Lord! "

Ye Tian said with a smile: "it doesn't matter. Even if you can't recognize the Lord now, you will certainly achieve the power of recognizing the Lord in the future. You just need your elder brother to give up and put these monsters into the spirit beast ring."

Say words, leaf day took out just got of that spirit beast ring.

Yanlie stretched out his hand, and the spirit beast ring had already reached his hand. He nodded slightly and said, "since the younger brother says so, it's up to you. There's nothing to give up. There are many monsters in the wilderness. It's not difficult to catch hundreds of monsters with the help of a great monk in Yupu. "

"Ha ha, elder brother, I know that there is a blood contract between the Terran and the ORC. It's impossible to fight on a large scale. This will cause the orc to rebound." Ye Tian knows that Yan lie wants to make himself feel at ease, so he says with a smile.

Who knows Yan lie is to laugh and say: "the blood oath is the blood oath, we secretly grasp, don't let the White Ape demon king know on the spot, afterwards even if know, he also has no way. As long as we don't catch the White Ape, he can't easily stir up trouble. "

Ye Tian nodded and said: "in this case, everything is arranged by elder brother."

Yan lie said: "naturally, do you remember what I said before? This time and cash, later please come with me to collect

With these words, Yanlie glanced at the distant mieba disciples and many Kunlun practitioners.

Ye Tian takes out the original magic weapon cave and lets them enter it.

The contrast between this magic cave and that of marquis Jing'an is very obvious.

The magic weapon cave obtained from the Marquis of Jing'an is very tall at first sight. Some of the materials used are very precious, the refining level is also very high, and the space is spacious and grand.

The cave that ye Tiangang just took out is too general in all aspects. There are no two points to speak of, and the space is not as good as the magic weapon cave of marquis Jing'an.

But seeing that ye Tian still uses this magic weapon cave, Yan lie can't help but ask curiously: "brother, isn't that magic weapon cave good? Why do you still use this? It's not that old brother is nosy, just very curious! "

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