In the strange things area, ye Tian also opened his eyes.

Some objects do not know what they are used for, and some are not even magic weapons. But because of their peculiar appearance, they are neither offensive weapons nor defensive magic weapons. In short, they are very strange in shape and can not be used for anything.

There is also a huge, I do not know what kind of monster bones, just a piece of bones will be several meters long.

The scales of some kind of beast, only a piece of spirit, is as big as a house. From this, we can imagine how huge the body of this strange beast will be.

Even inside, ye Tian saw several large amber, one of which was sealed with a monster like a bat. I can't imagine that this kind of thing can also become amber.

Ye Tian gradually went deep into it, and he didn't take anything except his long insight.

He didn't stop until he reached a red crystal the size of a goose egg.

This red crystal is oval in shape, with a very smooth surface and high temperature. It feels hot from a long distance.

"It's supposed to be a kind of demon pill with fire attribute, but there's no way to verify what it is. Because it is extremely special, and no one can see the origin, it is not classified into the material area, but into the foreign matter area. " See ye Tian is very interested in this thing, Yan lie introduces a way.

"I'll take it!" Ye Tian immediately nodded and put the red crystal away.

Just after shining through yuantianyan, he unexpectedly found that there was a small hollow in the red crystal, in which a wisp of flame was flickering and jumping.

Looking at the degree of wear on the outside of the red crystal, it should be a long time ago. If it wasn't for the active eye, ye Tian couldn't find such a strange flame in the unknown red crystal.

I think the fire is always burning and never extinguished, so Yanlie doesn't care about the temperature it emits.

Ye Tian dares to conclude that this red crystal is definitely not a demon pill of some strange beast, and it is likely to be much more precious than the demon pill.

If he had not cultivated the idea of suihuangguan and cultivated the original spirit fire, he would not be so interested in fire.

In any case, the first to use, as for useful or not, it is the matter of the future.

Looking ahead, although the things in the strange things area are very special, ye Tian still doesn't have what he really wants.

A moment later, ye Tian picked up the corner of a broken map on the shelf, and his face showed the color of meditation.

Then he put the picture away.

The lines of the mountain range on the map are very simple, but the most striking thing is that there is a grimace mark on it, which looks very ferocious.

It is as like as two peas on the remnant pictures of Ye Tian, and the texture of this picture is not bad at all.

Ye Tian confirmed that this remnant map must be torn down from the complete map, just like those remnant maps.

The shock of seeing such a remnant picture here can be imagined, from which he also associates with other things.

There are fragments of Ziyun sword on the earth star, and there are also fragments of Ziyun sword in the great wilderness.

There are the entrance of the underworld and the eye of the demon world on the earth star, but there are the underworld and the demon world in the great wilderness.

There is such a remnant on the earth star, and there is also such a remnant in the realm of the wild spirit.

What kind of secret is hidden in it? Or what's the connection?

Ye Tian couldn't find the real reason for that.

But in any case, whether the map is useful or not, ye Tian will put it away.

See ye Tian decisively put away this remnant picture, the expression of a trace of accident appeared on the burning fierce face, but at last did not ask anything.

"I've seen a similar picture on the earth star. It should be related to the secret of the underworld. I think my elder brother knows that the ghost face on it is consistent with the purple and gold Rune pattern hidden in the bones of the body of Mingxiu. If I find the secret, I'll tell my adopted brother." Although Yan lie didn't ask, but ye Tian saw Yan lie's expression and explained it.

Yan lie showed the color of suddenly, then nodded and said: "the younger brother's means to the underworld are really extraordinary, must be a deep understanding of the underworld?"

"Yes, I have some understanding, but I'm still exploring it so far. I think I can find effective means to restrain the underworld in the future. Naturally, I will share it with my brother-in-law. At that time, it will be the time for the Terrans to wipe out the underworld Ye Tian said confidently.

"Well, I'm looking forward to that day. I know that my brother will always bring a big surprise to the human race!" The burning strong Lang voice laughs.

"Well, brother, this trip to the secret library, that's it!" Ye Tianshi said.

Burning strong smell speech a Leng: "still have very big area to have not seen, virtuous younger brother did not see?"? What if there's something you need? "

Ye Tian said with a smile: "the so-called extreme happiness, ambition can not be full, desire can not be longitudinal, everything does not ask for too full, too full is overflow. It doesn't hurt to leave a little regret, just like the way of cultivation, how can it be perfect? "

"Well, well said, my elder brother has been taught the truth." Yan strong mood is very comfortable to say, through this little matter, the evaluation of Ye Tian is deeper.

Ye Tian showed a trace of embarrassment and said: "it's just my little brother's emotion. How dare I preach to my brother-in-law? My brother is really ashamed when he says so!"

However, Yanlie said with indifference: "it's unintentional, but the listener is intentional. For the elder brother, a little insight from the younger brother has been enlightening, which has benefited him a lot. If you don't continue to take any resources in the secret library, you have selected them. But as an old brother, I want to give you some gifts anyway. "

With these words, Yanlie hands the Xumi commandment to the front of the day.

Ye Tian and Yan lie look at each other, but they are not polite, so they take over Su Mi Jie. The above idea has been erased by Yan lie. After ye Tian quickly recognizes the Lord, the idea comes into it.

A look under, the full face was stunned to see to the inflammation fierce.

"I know you can use all these things, but I'm sorry to take too much, so I'll take them as a gift for you." Yan lie said with a smile.

"My brother really has a heart. Thank you very much Ye Tian clasped his fists and saluted. It was true that all the things in it could be used by Ye Tianneng, but he didn't collect them, and the quantity was not small. Moreover, there are more than ten spiritual materials, especially those that assist Ye Tian's cultivation.

"You don't have to be polite. Compared with your contribution to the human race, these little things are nothing. Originally, there were some good things in the old brother, even valuable things, but it was not necessarily that the good brother could use them, and the good brother was not greedy. So I finally chose one and added it. Take it out and have a look. " Yan lie said with a smile.

Ye Tian's mind moves, and takes out a magic weapon similar to a boat from inside. In Xumi commandment, except for this thing, the rest are things that he saw in the secret library but didn't finally collect. This is the only thing he saw for the first time, which should be what Yanlie said.

Yanlie took the boat, a magic hit on it, the boat quickly became bigger, and finally into a half, fell in the secret library.

After zooming in, we can see that it is a small boat, but there is no control mechanism in it.

It's full of complicated and mysterious runes.

Yanlie hit out another mana, but suddenly a transparent shield appeared in the boat, protecting the space inside.

Ye Tian immediately understood that this was the defense shield of the boat.

Yan lie then hit out a way of mana, shield suddenly disappeared, as if never appeared in general.

"This magic weapon was accidentally obtained by my elder brother in the spirit realm of asking heaven. It's a flying magic weapon, named Dun Tiansuo. This kind of flying magic weapon doesn't exist in the wild spirit realm, and I believe it doesn't exist on the earth star. " Yanlie points to the boat and explains.

"The size and flying speed of this shuttle can be adjusted according to the needs. The fastest flying speed can reach the full speed of the half step spirit realm friars. If you activate mana acceleration, you can also increase the speed according to the strength of mana. Because the elder brother can use the big move skill, he can't use the shuttle at all. "

"And the energy to drive this shuttle needs to be provided by the best fairy jade, which can't be used by the low level friars at all. My younger brother has the best fairy jade left after locking the sky array flag to replenish the spirit, which can just be used on this shuttle. It's very difficult and dangerous for him to leave the spiritual realm of the great wilderness. At this critical moment, he may be of some use. It's also a bit of the elder brother's intention. "

"Thank you for your kindness." Listen to Yan lie finish saying, ye Tian heart a joy, to this Dun Tian Suo really some can't put down feeling.

The flying speed of Ye Tian's imperial sword was already very fast, but no matter how fast it was, how could it be faster than the half step monk who transformed the divine realm. Moreover, the flying of the imperial sword required mana, but dun Tiansuo didn't have this worry.

You only need to consume the best fairy jade. Although the best fairy jade is precious, it can save lives at the critical moment. Moreover, there are hundreds of pieces left on your body, which is quite a lot.

Yan lie was very happy to see that ye Tian liked it, so he simply explained how to use Dun Tiansuo to Ye Tian one by one.

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