Ye Tian, who is invisible, first observes the situation nearby.

After confirming that there was no abnormality, he slowly approached the blood forest stretching for tens of miles.

The trees growing in the blood forest are very strange. They are not drooping willow trees or big trees with luxuriant branches and leaves.

Not only the trunk is as red as blood, but also the leaves are bright red, and they are extremely straight. All the branches grow up obliquely, which makes them clean and tidy.

But it also looks very weird.

Standing outside the forest, ye Tian saw something. There were countless bright red runes floating slowly in the blood forest. It seemed that there were no rules, but the runes were very dense.

Almost an average distance of one or two feet, there will be such a rune pattern, crisscross, full of the whole blood forest, you can't see the edge at a glance.

"This is a natural field!"

After observing for a moment, ye Tian finally made a decision, which is similar to the field of life and death rhyme in the valley of life and death on earth. It is a natural field that is not artificially arranged.

Generally, it can produce natural field, which definitely has a very special place, that is to say, there must be some secret hidden here.

Relative to the secret, ye Tian didn't pay much attention to the three sutras.

After thinking for a moment, ye Tian reaches for a move, moves a stone on the ground into his hand, and then bends his finger to flick it.

The pebble turned into a black light and hit a rune in the blood forest accurately. At the moment when the rune collided with the pebble, the rune within a radius of more than ten meters nearby emitted countless dense red lines at the same time, shooting at the hit rune.

As soon as the dense red lines flash, they meet with each other without any difficulty, and then the red lines flash again and return to their own runes.

But ye Tian throws that pebble, actually under innumerable dense red line penetration, in an instant turns into a piece of stone powder, flutters and falls on the ground.

The blood forest returned to the previous state again, and the runes were still swimming irregularly as if nothing had happened before.

"So it is!"

According to Yuan Tian's eyes, ye Tian can see these situations clearly. It turns out that the culprit is these runes.

Under the attack of the red line, a hard stone turns into stone powder. If it's flesh and blood, it will turn into a blood mist when it enters the forest.

Only from the previous situation, ye Tian can't tell what kind of state the red line can cause damage to the monks. However, with the hardness of the stone itself, if the ordinary monk of Jindan realm doesn't guard against entering the forest, he will surely fall into it.

If you make all kinds of protection, it's hard to say. After all, with a flash of red line, ye Tian can't judge how much power it has.

In order to verify his guess, ye Tian once again brought a stone into the forest.

This time, he avoided all the moving runes and didn't touch any of them.

Until the stone fell to the ground, there was no red line emitted by any rune.

Ye Tian nodded silently, as he guessed, without touching the rune, there would be no danger.

The reason why this place has become a Jedi is that there are too few people who have the supernatural power similar to the source of heaven's eye. It is absolutely impossible to enter the blood forest by mistake and not touch any runes.

Along the edge of the blood forest, ye Tian steals slowly and finds that the swaying runes are kept below a certain height, no more than three meters away, but there is no Rune above three meters.

This makes Ye Tian a little confused.

If the rune can reach the same height as the trees, it is a good place for stealth. No one can think that there will be people hiding here.

In this way, ye Tian slowly flies up and walks over the blood forest. While flying, he observes the runes in the blood forest. At a certain moment, he uses his cloud camera to gently pick up a rune.

Although the movement was very light, it still caused a fierce reaction of the surrounding runes, just like breaking small stones into powder before, endless red lines appeared again, filling the space.

The cloud photographer was shocked to pieces in an instant.

Ye Tian shook his head helplessly, continued to use the source eye, carefully observed the rune patterns, and firmly remembered the shape of the rune patterns in his heart.

The idea that I wanted to get a rune and study it carefully didn't come true.

As like as two peas continue to observe, ye Tian finds that all the runes are exactly the same. So far, there are no second patterns of the patterns he sees.

Before he knew it, ye Tian came to the place where he had left the three Xumi commandments. At that time, he made a special note of the characteristics of the place. He even remembered the trunk of the tree where the Xumi commandment was shot.

In front of one of the big trees, ye Tian looks inside along a bright red hole in the trunk. Sure enough, the Xumi ring is still inside.

At that time, he made great efforts to drive straight into the tree trunk and hide in it.

Ye Tian's palm moves, and he exerts his magic power against the hole. He has already sucked this Xumi ring into his hand.

Ye Tian, who has always been cautious, carefully observed it. There is nothing like it, and no one has ever done anything to leave a trace mark on it. Later, his mind comes into it.

The things in it are also right. There are not many of them. They are all the same.

Up to now, ye Tian is completely relieved.

Next, nearby, ye Tian found another two big trees with Xumi commandment. He took them out in the same way and checked them again. After confirming that they were all right, he put them away.

Now that things have changed here, ye Tian is ready to leave, but then he has a new idea.

This blood forest is very strange. What's the reason for it? If you don't really know the reason, I'm afraid you will always feel a knot in your heart.

During the previous flight, Shi Zhanyuan's eye scanned the ground several times, but nothing important was found.

I think of the field in the valley of life and death because of the existence of Suihuang's immortal body, which was stolen by the devil emperor with the reincarnation array of life and death. I don't know how many years it took to form the field.

What is the reason for the formation of this field?

Strong curiosity drives Ye Tian to show his source sky eye over the blood forest and look carefully to the ground.

And it's no longer within 100 meters of underground depth, has been perspective to more than 1000 meters, looking for any trace.

After a while, ye Tian finally found something. At the depth of 8900 meters underground, he found countless bones under a certain forest.

The white bones are overlapped and mixed together, with a depth of several hundred meters. Moreover, the area of the white bones is very large, and it extends a little bit to the distance. For a moment, I can't see how many remains there are.

Through the shape of the bones, ye Tian can see that these are left by the human friars, not any orcs.

Skeletons, arm bones, leg bones and ribs all look like human beings, but their bones are larger than those of ordinary people.

It's supposed to be a group of tall and strong human friars.

Finally, ye Tian saw a complete skeleton, which confirmed the conjecture that it was human remains.

Moreover, ye Tian can see that these should be a group of powerful monks, who have cultivated a strong body. Although the body has rotted for some reason, the bones are well preserved.

Although some bones clearly show that the original owner was seriously injured, resulting in limb deformity, resulting in incomplete bones.

As for why there are so many friars' skeletons, because this is not the earth, and ye Tian is just a temporary passer-by, but he doesn't think much about pursuing them.

Up to now, he has almost understood the cause of the formation of those red runes.

This should be a kind of blood evil talisman pattern, because there are too many corpses piled up and buried, the evil spirit is too heavy, the resentment of the dead is not scattered, and it is a talisman pattern formed for a long time.

Although there is no danger if you don't touch the rune pattern, if you stay too long in this place with extremely heavy Yin and evil spirits, you will still have some adverse effects on your body.

Just when ye Tian was ready to leave, he was stifled, and his eyes turned back.

Not far ahead, beside the white bones, a stone room suddenly appeared. The stone room was not so spacious, but what shocked Ye Tian was that there was someone inside.

What's more, he knows that man!

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