"Isn't it Lancang Lingyu? Do you think I don't know? The magic weapon cave in Lancang Lingyu is also a rare treasure. Even if you kill me, I don't believe you can take out a few! " The voice is full of disdain, with sarcasm, looking down on Ye Tian's appearance.

Ye Tian didn't give up the manipulation of the golden orb. From time to time, he played a magic power to make the orb shine more, so as to dispel the sea of blood and cloud dreamland oppressed from time to time, and the sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling.

At the same time, he constantly took out the magic weapon cave and let out the Kunlun Xiu and Shengyi people who lived in it. They sneered at the voice.

One magic weapon cave after another is taken out, and then people are called from it. Those holy wing people and Kunlun Xiu are all disciples of Ye Tian, and they call him grandmaster respectfully, which is very clever.

The voice was silent, and there was almost no sound in a short time, but the children of Yun family and Xuan family, except those who followed Ye Tian for a long time, were all stunned.

You know, in the Lancang spiritual realm, how sacred and supreme is the existence of the Shengyi people. No one dares to disrespect the Shengyi people easily, let alone hurt them. Now, however, so many holy winged people behave themselves in front of this young monk in Longmen, shouting one by one, which makes everyone feel incredible.

"Who are you? If you tell me the origin of your teacher, I can let you go! " When ye Tian was taking out the magic weapon cave one by one, the voice suddenly spoke.

"You're not worthy to ask me about my history! Do you want to let us off? I tell you, the demon of xuanmingzong, I will set up the ghost realm for you to die. Ye will definitely cut off your roots and never let you continue to harm the world. " Ye Tian gritted his teeth and said, with infinite cold in his voice.

"Ye, I promise to let you go. It's just an equal exchange. Don't think I'm really afraid of you. Even if you have a lot of holy wing people, what can you do? In the Lancang spiritual realm, the Shengyi people can cover the sky, but this is the luotian spiritual realm. The great friars of the Yupu realm of the Shengyi people can't come from the space channel. Even if you have more monks, can you break through the ghost realm of our sect? Don't think that if there are enough Tianyi clan, what can they do if they can play the powerful thunder attribute Taoism? I can tell you very responsibly that those field runes that I can move are useless even if I can't hit them, no matter how strong the thunder attribute Taoism is. " The voice sneered and came from afar. It was still ethereal and could not be traced.

"The demon of xuanming sect, ye knows this ghost area no less than you. The field Rune can be moved, but to move the field Rune to avoid attack, the cost of blood sacrifice is much higher than the cost of restoring the field rune. You only need blood essence to recover field rune, but you need your own blood essence to move field Rune to avoid attack. I'm afraid you xuanming sect can't afford this price. Even if you consume it, ye will also consume your own blood essence. We have enough time, but do you have enough essential blood? "

Ye Tian said in a cold voice, and then with a flick of his right hand, he popped up a thunder ball and fell to a place in front of him. At the same time, he drank: "thunder attribute Taoist attack!"

At the end of the speech, many Kunlun Xiu and Shengyi people who have come out operate their mana at the same time and send out a thunderbolt. Ye Tian himself is not idle. The same ray of thunder blows at his designated rune.

In addition to the Kunlun Xiu and Shengyi people who have just been released, there are now nearly 100 monks who can attack with the attribute of thunder. Nearly a hundred thunders come down from the sky and boom on the field rune. With a loud bang, the field Rune suddenly explodes. In the boundless sea of blood, there is a good vacuum of two feet.

This vacuum zone, connected with the sky above and the green mountains below, seems to be a light coming down from the sky and running through the heaven and the earth, recovering the purity of the bloody world from the sea of blood.

And this field pattern is also completely smashed and no longer exists.

"Keep on attacking!"

Ye Tian knew that he had only made initial progress and was far from breaking the whole ghost realm, so leiqiu continued to command the Kunlun and Shengyi to attack. Now he only opens a very small part of the ghost realm. He can't receive the influence of the field in the open space. But once he gets out of this space that has been restored to pure brightness, he will continue to be in a dreamland, attacked by the field, or lost in the field forever.



With Ye Tian's continuous command, many Kunlun Xiuhe and Shengyi clans launched thunder attacks at the same time, one by one field runes were blasted open, more and more blood sea dreamland was broken, and gradually restored to the original space, which has reached more than ten meters.

At this time, ye Tian gesture move, put away the golden ball, now do not need the blessing of the metal ball, this piece of space has been opened, has enough people on his side.

Looking at the space played out by Ye Tian, both Xuanjia and Yunjia friars feel very ashamed.

Originally, the monks of Xuan and Yun had the highest accomplishments. They were all in the spirit realm, but they were powerless and powerless. To break down part of the field and create a safe space, it really needs only Ye Tian in Longmen realm and those holy winged people who are the highest in Jindan realm, which makes their arrogance and arrogance from their profound cultivation suffer a blow.

Monks only cultivate their accomplishments, and the dangers they can encounter in the process of cultivation can not be completely solved by virtue of advanced cultivation. For example, if there was no Ye Tian, what kind of situation they would be in now is beyond imagination.

"Hum, you little monk of Longmen realm, I'm really looking at you now. You can break so many field runes, but it's impossible to break them all. Do you know what I'm doing? While you are breaking, I am still arranging and expanding this ghost realm. I am afraid that you are not destroying as fast as I have arranged. Hundreds of millions of creatures in Luotian spirit realm will be killed because you enter this realm. Don't you feel guilty for those who claim to be acting for heaven? " When ye Tian was still commanding Kunlun Xiu and Shengyi people to destroy the field rune, the voice continued to ring.

Ye Tian knows that this man is just bluffing. How complicated is the ghost realm, and it takes a lot of time to refine the field runes. He doesn't know how long it took xuanming sect to prepare before he was able to arrange successfully. If he wants to expand the field quickly, it can't be completed in a short time.

What he said was nothing more than frustration for these Kunlun Xiuhe and Shengyi people, so that they could not see hope.

"Never mind, keep bombarding!"

Ye Tian yelled, another Thunderball hit and landed on another bright red field rune.

Each field Rune has a size of one meter square, and this field rune is no exception. It is a bloody red, in which the rune is twisted and tangled.

However, when the thunder ball from ye Tian falls on the rune, the field rune is missing and disappears in the sea of blood.


The thunder attack of Kunlun Xiuhe and Shengyi clan came down from the sky at this time, carrying extremely terrifying power to hit the place where the field Rune had just disappeared. Unfortunately, the thunder attack was still slow, and finally did not work.

The thunder of heaven and earth lit up a large space around, but when the thunder dissipated, the place just attacked was still a sea of blood, with the wind howling, clouds and fog, and the appearance of ghosts and ghosts.

Obviously, the blow... Failed.

"Well, what's up? From now on, your attacks have been in vain. These moving field glyphs are no longer what you can break. What's more, some low-level friars can send out a lot of thunder attribute Taoist Arts. I'm afraid that they will be exhausted and can't send out any more thunder attribute attacks before long! "

At this time, the voice sounded again.

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