However, compared with the attack of the sixteen Lei insects, the attack of the Sheng Yi clan and Kunlun Xiu was much weaker when they were scattered on the four runes. The four red runes only shook a few times under the attack of the Lei attribute Taoist art, but did not break. Naturally, these places are still in the state of fantasy, and they are still a sea of blood with the naked eye.

"Why don't you transfer the runes? Do you think attacking five runes at the same time can't break any one? Or do you think it's too expensive to transfer runes? " Breaking one of the field runes, ye Tian doesn't continue to attack, but raises his voice.

"I didn't expect you to have such spirit insects, but it's not a temporary success to break through the ghost realm with these spirit insects." There was a moment's silence before the sound came back.

"Wait and see!" Ye Tian said, there are three thunder balls in his hand again. He bounced forward. As the thunder ball fell, the dense lightning attack came.

This time, ye Tian has passed on the attack plan to Xuanxie and Kunlun practitioners through sound transmission. The attack is divided into three groups, 16 Lei insects in one group, 128 Kunlun practitioners and Shengyi people in two groups, attacking one field Rune respectively.

This time, the great elder of xuanming sect didn't waste his life's blood essence to move those blood color runes. Instead, he let Ye Tian bombard him at will.


Three successive noises were made at the same time, and the three groups of attacks fell on the three bloody runes with a difference of one or two breath. There was no accident. The three runes broke at the same time, and the space for them to recover their original appearance became much larger, and their sight suddenly became clear.

Looking at such a fierce attack, the monks of the Xuan family and the cloud family were excited. Some of them could not help but suddenly hit out. They used powerful magic power to fight against the sea of blood at will.

It's a pity that their attacks have no effect on the sea of blood and rune, and the dreamland has not changed at all, but they are not willing to attack one after another.

After more than ten breath, these attacks gradually stopped. It can be said that their attacks are already very intensive. Many of such intensive attacks will definitely fall on the rune. Obviously, this kind of pure mana attack is invalid on the rune.

Moreover, some of them didn't believe in this evil. In addition to the mana attack, they also used fire, metal and other attributes of Taoism to attack. But all this was in vain, and had no effect on the glyphs of this ghost realm.

"Keep on attacking!"

Ye Tian didn't pay attention to the friars of the Yun family and the Xuan family. Seeing that the elder of the xuanming sect didn't follow up, ye Tian gave a loud drink and moved his fingers again. This time, four thunder balls were thrown out.

The Kunlun Xiuhe and Shengyi clans are divided into two groups. Each of the 16 leizhuo insects is divided into a group of eight to attack a red field rune.

At the beginning, ye Tian didn't know what the attack power of the thunder bug was. But just now, he saw that 16 thunder bugs were more than enough to attack a field mark, so he gave half of his strength to try.

Under this test, ye Tian was pleasantly surprised. The attack power of the eight Lei insects was extremely strong, which was equivalent to that of eight yuan infant monks attacking at the same time. Moreover, Lei insects were the kind of special Lei insects. The power of thunder and lightning emitted by Lei insects was particularly unique, especially more powerful than the Taoist art of Lei attributes issued by monks.

Eight leizhui insects, under a full blow, the red rune, which was the target of attack, was smashed in an instant, and no longer had the ability to recover. The red color between heaven and earth was reduced a bit, and the blue sky was one of the bright mountains.

And Kunlun Xiu and the friars of the holy wing clan did the same, and once again they made a great contribution.

With the four roaring noises, the Qingming space opened up by Ye Tian increased a little. Unexpectedly, xuanming sect didn't respond.

The great elder of xuanming sect, who always pays attention to this side and quarrels with Ye Tian from time to time, seems to have disappeared and no longer makes any sound.

"The holy wing people will stop attacking temporarily, and the damage to the runes in the field will be done by Lei Chong."

After a little hesitation, ye Tian suddenly said that he didn't know whether xuanming sect had any backhand. Before, Kunlun Xiu and Shengyi people used a lot of mana to continuously issue attribute like Daoism. Ye Tian didn't want them to have no power to protect themselves at the critical moment.

With Ye Tian's words, those holy winged people and Kunlun Xiu stopped.

Ye Tian began to pop up the thunder ball continuously, marking the direction. According to Ye Tian's fingerprints, the dark crack manipulated the thunder bug to send out a thunder force, constantly smashing the field symbols selected by Ye Tian, opening up more clear space.

When the main runes nearby were cleared, ye Tian began to take the people to the depths of the ghost realm, not only to go deep into it, but also to open a channel in the vast sea of blood.

Despite the constant stirring of ghosts around, it did not have much impact on these monks. The attacks that can only be felt in the dreamland can not bring harm to these monks who are outside the dreamland.

It's boring to attack field runes for such a long time. Moreover, due to the long-time mine attribute attack, after breaking thousands of red field runes, the 16 thunder bugs obviously lost their mana.

At this time, he had already gone deep into the realm of the ghost. He didn't know how far away it was. From all sides, there was a vast sea of blood, boundless and endless. There was only a passage imitating Buddhism, carrying out heaven and earth, seeing the green mountains and blue sky, extending straight from the rear.

After the great elder of xuanming sect was silent, he didn't make any sound any more, as if he had disappeared from heaven and earth.

"Have a rest!" Ye Tian looks at the endless red in front of him, and finally gives an order to the dark crack. Not only does the thunder bug need to recover, but also he continuously sends out thousands of thunder balls. Ye Tian also feels that his mana needs to recover.

There is no way, and only the Taoist art of Lei attribute can keep his trace in this ghost field from beginning to end. Once other Taoist Arts enter the field, they will become a part of the environment, and the dark crack can't be seen at all, and they can't accurately organize the Lei insects to attack.

Just like a monk, as long as you enter into it, even if several people enter together, no one can see each other. It's like going deep into the sea of blood alone, and there's no contact at all. Even if it's shouting, it doesn't work at all.

I'm especially afraid that the transmission runes hidden in the ghost domain don't know how to transfer the monks who enter the field to a Jedi, and it's very difficult to escape from it.

Now the leaf day order line forbids, he a word, the Xuan crack immediately receives Lei Zhuo insect.

With a gesture, ye Tian took out a porcelain vase from Xumi ring, poured out four pills of pills from it, and threw them to Xuanxie: "give an average of 16 Lei Lei insects, so that they can quickly recover their mana."

"Eight pills..."

Xuanxie took the pill and glanced at it. Seeing the crystal clear eight patterns on the pill, he couldn't help exclaiming.

His exclamation immediately attracted people's eyes. Both the monks of the Xuan family and the children of the Yun family gathered around to watch, and their eyes were full of amazement.

You know, not to mention the eight elixirs, even the seven elixirs, which are slightly inferior to the eight elixirs, are hard to find in the Lancang spiritual realm. How many friars need to exhaust countless resources to get a seven elixir in order to get one. It is even possible that the appearance of each eight grade pill will cause a bloodbath among monks, causing endless looting.

However, ye Tian took out four pieces of eight grade pills, and these four pieces of eight grade pills were not given to friars, but only to sixteen spirit insects.

There was a sense of outrage among people for a moment.

"Master, are you sure you want to give it to Lei Lei Chong?" Deeply aware of Ye Tiandan's attainments, xuancha could not bear to waste such eight grade pills on a few spirit insects. Holding the four eight grade pills, he could not help asking.

"Of course, it's a pill specially made for spirit insects. It's added with Longyuan grass that only spirit insects can bear. I'm afraid monks will change their temperament if they take it." Ye Tian said with a smile.

This kind of Longyuan grass can increase the fighting desire of the spirit insect or spirit beast, stimulate the potential of the spirit insect or spirit beast, and make them more fearless in the fight of life and death.

But this kind of Longyuan grass has great disadvantages for monks. It can make monks bloodthirsty and violent. It's really harmful and useless.

Xuanxie weighed the four eight grade pills with his hand, and his face was distressed: "master, you have added Longyuan herb to this precious pill? It's... It's... "

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