Different from other shops Ye Tian saw, there are many exquisitely arranged open sale areas in the main hall. Many cultivation resources are placed on shelves of different shapes, and there is no protection or prohibition on them. It seems that no one is worried about the idea of these resources.

This situation made Ye Tian immediately realize that the power behind the supreme Pavilion must be very powerful, and it might even be one of the eight sects. After all, for the Langya animal car shop, which doesn't look very impressive, the owner behind it is also dikun gate, one of the eight sects!

After a brief look at several sales areas, it can be seen that although the resources inside are much higher than those of the previous ones, they are still like chicken ribs in Ye Tian's opinion, which may be very useful to ordinary monks, but ye Tian does not lack the same resources.

As far as magic weapons are concerned, the highest level magic weapons that ye Tian sees are just top-level magic weapons, and even the half immortal soldiers don't see one. Naturally, ye Tian has no attraction for the three immortal weapons he already has.

But ye Tian didn't leave the supreme Pavilion. At least through a simple browsing, he can have a general understanding of the resources of taiman Lingyu, or maybe he can find some treasures that are ignored by others.

With such a mind, ye Tian strolled slowly to the depth of the hall.

All of a sudden, he picked his eyebrows and quickened his pace. There was a quarrel not far ahead.

Out of dozens of meters, ye Tian saw the two sides of the quarrel.

barbarian tribes?

Seeing the appearance of some of them, ye Tian immediately thought of a cultivation clan he knew from soul searching. This was the first time he saw a barbarian with his own eyes.

The barbarians are similar to the human race in appearance, but they also have obvious differences. The most prominent feature is that they are tall and strong, have brown skin, and their hair is scattered. They are tied with ribbons casually, as if they are not fully civilized.

In particular, their clothes were not as elegant as those of the Terran friars. In front of them, a few young barbarians were naked on their upper bodies, revealing their strong bodies. They were wearing short skirts made of animal skins, and necklaces made of bones and teeth of unknown monsters.

There were eight barbarians, including three young women in addition to five men.

Although their dress is different from that of the male barbarians, it is very simple compared with that of the Terran women. They are also naked with their upper arms, and a large vest made of animal skin is very loose on their upper body.

On the other side of the quarrel were five Terran friars, all in the realm of the golden elixir. The two sides were red in the face, and there was the possibility of fighting at any time.

Ye Tian didn't get too close. He just looked at it quietly for a while, and soon he understood the whole story. The reason for the dispute is that the eight barbarians ordered a flying sword, which is the magic weapon of the Banxian soldiers. Now they have just got it. But it happened to be seen by five Terran golden elixir friars. They insisted on buying the banxianbing flying sword at the original price.

Because the magic weapon of this grade is very rare, the barbarian naturally refused, but the five friars did not allow each other to leave, resulting in a dispute.

The right and wrong of this is very obvious. After learning the original story, ye Tian's aversion to the five human friars rose sharply, and he was quite shameless.

The barbarians are more powerful than the Terrans in the realm of taiman spirit, and occupy a very wide area, which is also much larger than the area where the Terran friars live. They usually live in a place called wilderness in the south of the spiritual realm. The barbarians and the Terrans occasionally communicate with each other, but there is not much intersection between wells and rivers.

It's not uncommon for such barbarians to go deep into the human race, but it's absolutely rare.

The friars of the five clans relied on this as the region of the human race. Although the eight barbarians were also equivalent to the realm of the golden elixir of the human race, they did not hold the slightest truth, but they were not willing to give up and unreasonable.

"Are you so unreasonable? Let's go and ignore them Tired of being entangled, one of the eight barbarian youths, who looked a little older, said in a rude voice. He pushed away a friar of the human race who was standing in front of him and took the other seven out.

The barbarians are generally much higher than the Terran friars, and they are extremely strong. The height of the knocked down Terran friars is only up to the other side's shoulder, but they can't stand when they are pushed. They quickly step back and fall on the ground.

The man stood up and yelled, and stopped the barbarians again: "in the Terran territory, you barbarians are allowed to behave wildly. Do you really think we Terrans are easy to bully? You don't want to know the status of Zhengyang palace? "

"What is Zhengyang Palace but not Zhengyang palace? Are the people in Zhengyang palace so unreasonable?" The Zhuang Hansi was not moved by the name of Zhengyang palace, one of the eight sects, but rushed out of the palace.

"You want to leave after you hit someone?" The man monk who was pushed down became angry and yelled again. A flying sword appeared in his hand, and the sword flashed to the barbarian man.

The man frowned and had a stick made of unknown material in his hand. Then he lifted the sword and banged it. The two magic weapons collided and made a huge impact. Even a beautiful wooden pillar in the hall was cut by the flying sword.

The Terran monk didn't resist the opponent's move. Not only the sword was blown away, but also the tiger's mouth was broken and blood flowed out.

"Well, you barbarian, you dare to fight again and again. You are really looking for death!" The bloody friar said in a hate voice, reached for a move and called back the flying sword. The other four friars also put out magic weapons to stop the eight barbarians.

The eight barbarians did not show any weakness. They all took out a magic weapon in the shape of a stick and were ready to start at any time.

"All the Taoist friends of the human race, the barbarians are not human. They are not human. Now they bully the human race. I order all the Taoist friends of the human race in the name of Zhengyang palace to take down these barbarians. The followers are the friends of Zhengyang gate. If you want to stay out of the trouble, they are the enemies and friends of Zhengyang gate. Do you want to do it?" Seeing that the number of barbarians was more than their own side, and it seemed that they were not easy to be provoked, the friar with bleeding hands at the front took the other four people to step back and get out of the way, but he looked fiercely at the friars nearby.

How could they not understand the thoughts of the Zhengyangmen people? As soon as they didn't want to get into the muddy water, they all stepped back. No one stopped the eight barbarian youths according to the man's intention. The eight people took this opportunity to stride forward and obviously didn't want to entangle with the people of zhengyanggong.

"I dare not listen to the orders of Zhengyang palace..."

Seeing this, the five people in Zhengyang palace suddenly lose face. The injured monk looks fiercely at the nearby Terran monks. Some of them are monks in Yuanying realm, most of them are in Jindan realm, and his eyes finally fall on Ye Tian.

Among these people, ye Tian is the only one who practices in Longmen.

"Afraid of the barbarians? Are you not afraid of Zhengyang palace The man saw that ye Tian's realm was low, so he should be the easiest to grasp it. He drank coldly in his mouth and grabbed it like electricity.

Originally, ye Tian just looked on coldly. Although he was not ashamed of what the friars of Zhengyang palace had done, he did not intend to do it. After all, although the barbarian youth were entangled, they did not suffer.

But at this time, the friars of Zhengyang palace put their hands on themselves for no reason, but ye Tian would not be polite any more.

Ye Tian's body is still, as if he is scared to be silly, or as if he wants to be grasped by the other side with the cultivation of Longmen realm.

Just when everyone thought that ye Tian would be hurt in the other's hand, the monk of Zhengyang palace suddenly drew back his hand as if he had been stabbed by a needle, and exclaimed in his mouth.

Until this time, people nearby saw that a dark Golden Mantis about four inches long had appeared in front of Ye Tian, with a touch of red blood on the big knife of the front paw.

However, the monk of Zhengyang palace holding his right hand tightly and squatting down painfully, one hand has become dark black, which is obviously poisoned by the mantis.

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