"Ye ye, didn't you say you knew the beautiful cleaner? Let's go and help her

At this time, Shixiong also pulled Ye Tianyi, filled with righteous indignation.

"Ye Tian, do you even know a beautiful cleaner?"

"How do you know her? What's your relationship? "

"Beautiful cleaners come to school today, and teacher Yan won't give us lessons. What's the relationship between the two?"

Shi Xiong was born with a loud voice. His words were yelled out, and the students in the class immediately cast their eyes together, and then a series of questions were thrown at Ye Tian like a barrage of bullets.

"What is it and what is it..."

Ye Tian is speechless about these strange questions. He shakes his head and winks at Shi Xiong. Then they walk out of the classroom and rush to the office building.

"Give me back the beauty cleaner!"

"Down with Niu Xu, defend the beauty cleaner!"

Before he got to the office building, ye Tian heard a lot of slogans. When he got close, he found that there were black people everywhere under the office building, and all of them were male animals, releasing a strong hormone breath of nowhere to put.

Mandala just went to work today, so it has such a high popularity. If you work for a few more days, you'll get it. Don't all the boys in the school have to come over!

Not only that, there are many people around the office building live broadcast, about today's popular beauty cleaner is likely to be in the first day of work, it was expelled.

This scene, see ye Tian slightly tongue, the mobilization of beauty, really big ah.

But what a tongue to what a tongue, ye Tian or skill away from the crowd, with Shi Xiong, toward the principal's office.

Mandala's temper is not very good, and since Niu Xu is involved this time, with his understanding of Niu Xu, the fault must be Niu Xu, not Mandala.

If the president of Nanhai University protects Niu Xu and slanders Mandala, it is not impossible for Mandala to explode and hurt people.


But when ye Tian came to the door of the headmaster's office, he saw that although the door was surrounded by people on the inside and outside, he could not see the specific situation in the office, but everyone was still calm, which made him feel a little relieved.

"I'll repeat, I beat you just because you're cheap! I'm a cleaning man. What's the matter? I earn money by working with both hands, clean and innocent. Why do you slander me for making money by accompanying others? "

At this time, along the office, came the mandala cold questioning sound.

"You talk and laugh with others, and you're very happy. Don't you accompany others?"

Hearing this, Niu Xu disdained to smile, then turned to look at the president and said, "president, even if I am wrong, I am also a student of Nanhai University. She is nothing but a cleaner. You should think about which one you want to dismiss and which one you want to keep! "


"Niu Xu, don't be ashamed to say these words!"

"I'll meet you later, I'll be your son!"

When Niu Xu's words fell, the door of the principal's office immediately became boiling. Many students who watched the scene yelled and scolded Niu Xu.

"To talk and laugh with others is to accompany others. Then you talk and laugh with your mother, she is also your money to accompany you? How failed you are in your life, how miserable you are in your life, and how much money you have to spend to find someone to accompany you! "

But at this moment, Mandala smiles indifferently. Her voice rises a few degrees. She looks at Niu Xu and sneers.

"Ha ha ha, good, wonderful and quack! What's the age of this? There's a lot of talk and a lot of laughter. It's about taking money to accompany others. Why don't you go back to living 300 years ago? "

"If you are a poop, you can see that others are also a poop. How can there be rubbish like you in the world?"

"Pitiful, pitiful, the person who says this kind of words is a pitiful person who has no one to accompany in his life..."

When the students heard Mandala's words, they clapped their hands and looked at Niu Xu with a sneer.

"You You You... " Niu Xu listened to these words, and then heard the sound of ridicule around him. His face swelled into a pigliver color, and he trembled with anger. He pointed to the mandala, and with a strong sense of threat in his words, he said to the headmaster, "headmaster Wang, do you want to dismiss her or not, please think about it!"

Niu Xu really didn't expect that Mandala, a beautiful cleaner, attracted so many fans and attracted so much attention without coming to school for two rounds.

But he knew that after this, his reputation in the school would be rotten.

Therefore, the only thing he can do now is to coerce president Wang to expel Mandala, so as to make the students know that they are not easy to be provoked and make them afraid of themselves.

If mandala is not expelled, he will be a street mouse that everyone shouts and despises in school.It's better to be afraid than to be scolded!

At this time, after hearing these words, ye Tian gently pushed his hand. The students, who were crowded, immediately gave him a way.

"Ye Tian!"

As soon as Mandala saw Ye Tian, she immediately breathed out a low voice, and her eyes flashed a touch of joy.

"Niu Xu, are you not clean up again?" Ye Tian nodded to Mandala, then looked at Niu Xu and said, "we have a grudge. We have a grudge. What is your ability to find a woman? Are you going to let me reason with you? "

As soon as he heard the word "reason", Niu Xu immediately shuddered and stepped back. He said in a loud voice: "Ye Tian, I tell you, this is the principal's office. Please don't mess around. Otherwise, be careful that someone will make you unable to eat and walk around!"

"Cow Cough, originally, your name is Ye Tian! "

Niu Xu's words fall down, and a middle-aged man's voice with a little playfulness suddenly rings out in the office.

How can this voice be so familiar?!

Ye Tian hears this voice, the facial expression is one Zheng, turn a head to look, the person is direct some silly eyes.

The guy sitting behind the headmaster's desk is not the guy he met several times ago by the man-made lake who proposed to learn boxing from him. After he punched him into the water, he was not angry, but a "bull brother".

However, ye Tian didn't expect that the person who kicked himself into the water would be the president of Nanhai University.

Immediately after that, his heart sank, his eyes slightly flustered, and he thought it was hard to be good today.

The headmaster, who has been kicked into the water twice by himself, now has a chance to grasp himself. I'm afraid he will never let it go. He must give himself some color to see.

"Headmaster Wang, this guy is called Ye Tian. This student is very bad. He not only often bullies other students, but also takes the lead in skipping classes. It is said that he has something to do with teacher Yan Bing and driving away teacher Xu lie. This kind of black sheep, I think it is more suitable to be expelled than that little cleaner, so as to return a clean atmosphere on campus! "

At this time, Niu Xu has already seen some clues from ye Tian's expression. He faintly feels that there is some discord between President Wang and ye Tian, even when he looks at President Wang deliberately and loudly instigating.

Ye Tian smell speech, toward Mandala throw an apology smile.

He knew that this time, Mandala was involved with himself.

If it wasn't for his sake, Niu Xu might not have provoked Mandala, let alone the next one.

Similarly, if he had not kicked president Wang into the lake twice, how could he use it now? He was worried that the other party would help Niu Xu.

"Fart!" But just then, after looking at Ye Tian, headmaster Wang got up and looked at Niu Xu. He made a rude remark, and then said in a cold voice, "Ye Tian is excellent in both character and learning, and his character is excellent. I can't put down the praise letters written to me by teachers of various majors! Do you think I'm crazy to fire such a good student? "

Is Ye Tian a good student?

A guy who often doesn't attend class, drives away the teacher, and is suspected of colluding with a beautiful teacher, turns out to be a good student?!

Niu Xu gaped, his mouth opened almost fast, and he could put a fist in it!

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