When the tiger corpse appeared, all the people on the scene were looking at it. Even the two old people in Dongyang Pavilion could not help but go there again to observe it.

The old man who came later looked more carefully. As he looked at it, his face was constantly changing. Even ye Tian could feel that their breath was getting shorter.

A moment later, the four elders exchanged colors with each other and came back to Ye Tian.

The old man who talked before was Luo Yixuan of Tianji palace. At this time, he said again: "Ye Xiaoyou, please put away the tiger king's body! It's a great pleasure to see the tiger king of the domineering Terran! I don't know if ye Daoyou can tell me about his family background. We can also set up a memorial tablet for ye Xiaoyou secretly, enjoy the incense day and night, and remember ye Xiaoyou's great merits! "

"Ah, Luo Daoyou, how can you still set up the longevity card secretly? Can't you offer it openly? "

Luo Yixuan's voice has just dropped. Before ye Tian speaks, his face is full of wrinkles. He Yun, a treasure house with a goatee, interjects.

"Why is he so confused? Although the tiger king of the mountain demon clan is dead, the sea demon clan has a two headed Jiao king, who is more powerful than the tiger king. If you worship him openly, and if the Jiao king knows about it, won't you implicate Ye Xiaoyou? " Luo Yixuan shook his head, a helpless appearance.

"That's true! We can't do bad things with good intentions! " He Yun sighed.

Ye Tian sees this and laughs in his heart. These old guys like to talk around. Can't they just say something?

Obviously, I want to find out my origin and family background. By the way, I want to find out if I have any intention of attacking the king Jiao. What kind of memorial tablet do I have to pull?

At this time, seeing the two singing the double reed, he waved his hand and said, "the memorial tablet of longevity is not needed. It's hidden or clear. Ye can't afford it. As for the double headed Jiaowang, if anyone can provide his exact location, Ye does not mind removing it. As for the origin of Ye, it doesn't matter whether you know it or not

"Ye Xiaoyou's chivalrous heart is the blessing of the human race and the world. In this case, we won't bother you any more. We'll arrange someone to inquire about the position of King Jiao!" Luo Yixuan nods slightly, hugs Ye Tian and leaves the room.

The other four also explained the scene and left in a hurry.

When the four old men went far away, the tall and thin old man said, "Ye Xiaoyou, although this treasure shop, Linglong hall, Dayun business shop and Tianji Palace are only shops in Dongyang City, they all have a clan background. I don't know if Taoist friends have heard of it. Recently, an exchange meeting will be held in Yuhuang mountain, where Beichen Taoist gate is located. A total of 18 sects will participate. The exchange meeting is just a cover up. Their real idea is to discuss alliance matters and jointly deal with the demon clan. "

"The human race and the demon race are irreconcilable. If the friars of the human race are always scattered, and they are not divided by the demon race in the end, they will be defeated by each of the demon races, even unable to survive. Therefore, an alliance is imperative. "

"Among the clans that participated in the alliance were the forces behind the shops where the former four Taoist friends lived. After they left here, they would certainly rush to Yuhuang mountain. The death of the tiger king is a great event for the Terran and also a great news for the alliance to be formed. "

"No one had known about the death of the tiger king of the mountain demon clan before, so the arrangement made by the alliance would be biased. Therefore, at the Yuhuang mountain exchange meeting, the news of tiger king's death will be made public, which can also boost the morale of the human race and increase the confidence to compete with the demon race. "

"I know ye Xiaoyou doesn't want to talk more about his origin. I also believe that the four Taoists are protecting and respecting Daoyou and won't let out the news that Daoyou killed tiger king. So you don't have to worry about it. "

Smelling speech, ye Tian nodded slightly and looked at the tall and thin old man: "if ye's guess is right, is the power behind Dongyang Palace also one of the allies?"

The tall and thin old man laughed: "sure enough, nothing can hide from ye Xiaoyou. The owner behind Dongyang Pavilion is Tiangong sect. Naturally, I am also a member of Tiangong sect. If ye Xiaoyou is interested in some of tiangongzong's gadgets, you may as well have a look at them. If you have something that you can see, we will sell it at the cost price, even if ye Xiaoyou is a friend! "

Ye Tian nodded slightly: "the magic weapon cave of Guizong is exquisitely refined. Ye is very fond of it. As for other treasures, they haven't come yet. Since Daoyou is not too troublesome, ye really wants to see it. "

"Well, although it's quite good to sell it to the public, it can't be called a boutique. Good things will not be put out, but in my Xumi precepts, I will take them out for ye Xiaoyou to appreciate. "

As the tall and thin old man spoke and gestured, more than a dozen things appeared on the floor of the room.

The first time ye Tian saw it, he saw a familiar magic weapon. The shape was like a shuttle, but the details were different, only the size of a palm.

He reached for a move, put the object in his hand, played with it, and said: "this object should be a magic weapon for flying. I don't know how fast it is? What is the power? "

The tall and thin old man said with a smile: "Ye Xiao has good eyesight. It's called Qingyun shuttle. It uses 16 pieces of high-quality fairy jade to drive at the same time. It can reach the speed of the later stage of Yuanying realm. It can fly five million miles if it is replaced once."

"Can you enlarge it?" Ye Tian returned the blue cloud shuttle to the tall and thin old man.

"Of course As the tall and thin old man said, a magic power hit the Qingyun shuttle. The shuttle was like Dun Tiansuo. It was quickly enlarged. After it was put to the extreme, it was only one circle smaller than Dun Tiansuo.

At this time, ye Tian had already seen 16 pieces of fairy jade in the blue cloud shuttle, and they were all top-grade fairy jade.

The tall and thin old man made another gesture. He pointed to the blue cloud shuttle, which suddenly flew up, circled in the room and fell back to the original place.

The speed is as fast as that in the early Yuan Dynasty.

Ye Tian knows that in the room, limited by the space, the shuttle can't bring its speed to the extreme. The old man's idea of the speed in the later stage of yuanyingjing shouldn't be wrong.

"What's the price of this shuttle?" Ye Tian asked with great interest. Although he has Dun Tiansuo, and he doesn't use it very often now, this kind of thing is widely used. There are many disciples in the Miluo palace, and many of them can be used.

The tall and thin old man said, "the price of qingyunsuo is 60000 Xianyu. If ye Xiaoyou is interested, 30000 will be sold to Ye Xiaoyou."

"Thirty thousand..."

Ye Tian pondered: "how many green clouds do you have?"

For him, this price is also equivalent to the price of Chinese cabbage. It's really trivial.

"Two hundred and forty! Can ye Xiaoyou have it? " The tall and thin old man was surprised.

"All right, then." Ye Tian said without hesitation that even if he didn't use this kind of green cloud shuttle, it would be easy to sell it in other spiritual regions, such as Lancang spiritual region, taiman spiritual region and five or six hundred thousand Xianyu.

If it wasn't for the scarcity of resources and the extremely low price in this holy spirit realm, it would not have cost 30000 Xianyu to buy it anywhere.

"Well, ye Xiaoyou is rich and generous, and he is also straightforward. It's a deal!" The tall and thin old man said with one stroke, and then the gesture continued to move, and many small blue cloud shuttles appeared on the ground.

Ye Tian waved his hand and said, "don't worry, ye will look at other things!"

"Ha ha, please help yourself, ye Xiaoyou!" With that, the tall and thin old man sat back.

Ye Tian reaches out his hand again, and a piece of armor comes into his hand. It's made of metal, but the tentacles are soft, and it looks very magical.

The tall and thin old man said: "Ye Xiaoyou, this thing is Tenglong armor. It is made of many kinds of natural materials and local treasures. Wearing this armor, you can resist 40% of the attack power of the place. It is a kind of defense magic weapon to protect your life."

To resist 40% of the attack power is equivalent to fighting against the enemy, the enemy can only play 60% of the attack power. Without fighting, the enemy's strength will be greatly reduced, and they will do their best to gain the advantage.

Ye Tian naturally thought of the key, nodded slightly and said, "please give us a detailed introduction."

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